My Near-Death Experiences
It’s become apparent that it is time to share my Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) with you. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea, or water, and settle in for a few minutes. Enjoy the story, for what happened irrevocably changed the trajectory of my life as it does so with almost everyone who experiences it.
An NDE is a mixed blessing of extremes to the body/mind because physical death occurs, only we find ourselves more alive than we’ve ever been, before or since! We do not die! It’s a lie! I wonder why?
If you need the science for proof of NDEs, the research is exploding. For example, Eben Alexander, M.D., renowned neurosurgeon, and Harvard Professor, was disrupted by an NDE when he contracted spinal meningitis. Years later, he wrote his first book about the subject, Proof of Heaven, which was on the New York Times Bestsellers list for two years.
Here’s what happened in my Near-Death Experiences —
My first NDE
I don’t remember much about my first one, except floating in some Void. The only reference my parents ever made to either of my NDEs was that “We almost lost her twice from pneumonia, once at three months and once at five years.”
A different kind of reference was that I was two and a half years old when my brothers, identical mirror twins, were born. My mom would say I went from being the only child and having all the attention to having virtually none overnight, so overwhelmed were she and Dad with the twins.
I never displayed any hostility or jealousy toward my brothers, only love. Mom said it was such a “strange thing” that other family members and even their friends remarked about it.
This referencing seems possibly related to the most common thread of an NDE, other than the physical death itself and a return to life — is the pure unconditional Love we experience and bring back with us.
My second NDE
This NDE happened at the age of five. It was pneumonia that did it. It was just before Christmas 1955, and I still remember it vividly. I was in the car with my parents. We had just come from the hospital.
My mother talked the doctor into my coming home for Christmas. Ok, he said, but warned I had to stay under an oxygen tent and promise not to get out of bed for any reason except to use the bathroom. I promised.
The first night home, I died.
I first became aware of floating. Everything was dark but fully alive. The next thing I realized was that I was not afraid as one might think a child might be in this situation, floating in space, all alone. However, I was completely comfortable, and the more I stayed in this place, the safer and more secure I became, and the more love and trust I felt.
The Unconditional Love that somehow permeated me pervaded everywhere around me to eternity, whatever eternity means. There was no separation between me and All That Is and All That Isn’t — all at once. It was very relaxing, as if I was truly Home. I continued to float, bask and enjoy the moment of my fantastic circumstance without thought, just being.
Suddenly, I did have a curious thought rise, “Is anyone else here?” In that moment, in the part of the Void where I looked off into the distance, there was a Light, and it moved slowly but steadily toward me, and as it got closer, I could see the Light was a being.
Light Beings
The Light Being was Love, too, and seemed to be mine or belong to me in some particular fashion, whatever this meant. Two other Light Beings quickly joined us. We four were in a circle communing with each other. They treated me as if I was one with them rather than a child, and the feeling was one of welcoming, inclusion, and total acceptance.
We soon parted ways with the other two Light Beings as “my” Light Being was to show me around. It is, again, impossible to describe in human language because the experience blows apart any knowledge we have here in the World of Form.
I saw many wondrous sights in our multidimensional dream universe. Some things about this part I remember. Some memories surfaced along the way, and other things are still yet to be revealed. Maybe we’ll take a look at these another time.
We moved toward an endless structure that seemed separated into different rooms, framed with Lights of different hues. I could see through its walls and floors and the activities and conversations unfolding in each room. If I focused on any particular room within the space and became still for just a second, that space would expose its contents.
I saw souls helped and assisted, souls learning, souls at play and work, souls crossing over, and all were connected to a Light Being in a state of Joy and Love. But this is not at all to insinuate a la-la-happiness-and-light-land. There was a great design, purpose, and deep respect in and for all I witnessed.
Being sent home for my purpose.
Finally, a scene zoomed in. I saw an altar, which I now think the top was a type of window into the World of Form. I saw my beloved maternal Grandfather Griff’s body materialize. He looked strange, still. And lifeless. We were looking in on his future, when his body died.
Don’t ask why because I do not know the answer, but I felt fear for the first time in this wondrous place that someone’s life could end like that. The Light Being instantly comforted me said I need not fear, that there isn’t any Real death, only pretend death.
She wanted me to see that I had to go back to my life on Earth because I had some things to do, but one day when I was a grown-up, my granddaddy would return Home like I just had seen.
Further, the Light Being explained about my life purpose and that around the time my Granddad’s body-time ended, I would begin my fulfilling my purpose in earnest. That was the only thing the Being said about my future before I was sent back.
The return to life on Earth
The next thing you know, I was back in bed, waking up at the foot of the bed, nowhere near the oxygen tent. It was morning. I jumped up, ran into my parents’ room, and exclaimed, “I went to heaven last night and saw Angels!” (The interpretation must have come from Sunday School.) I remember my mother looking alarmed. My Dad said, “Honey, you didn’t go to heaven. You had a dream.”
So that was it. Why wouldn’t I believe them? They meant well. I was five. The Truth turned into a belief that I was a GREAT dreamer.
It would be years before I would begin to come to terms with the one event that shaped my life more than any other. Whether I was aware of it or not, it seemed to make no difference to the evolution of after-effects of the experience that still blossom to this day decades later.
You’ve now read about my near-death experiences, and I hope you enjoyed this shortened blog version of them — from my heart to yours. I would love to write about the after-effects and other aspects of NDEs in general if there’s interest.
Have you had an NDE or a Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE)? Your thoughts and comments are always welcome. Thank you.
In the Love, Light, and Life We All Are,