Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me

Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me


In appreciation for all the comments received for last week’s blog, this week’s blog was a no-brainer. It’s to write Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me.

When I died of pneumonia at five years of age, just before Christmas, it was a life-changing event. Allowed to stay home for the holiday instead of staying in the hospital, I stopped breathing in the middle of the night and had the experience that would remain with me for a lifetime.

When I ran into my parent’s room in the morning and told them I had “died and went to heaven,” my Dad told me that was impossible, that I had a dream. I had no reason not to believe him.

My Dad’s misunderstanding about what happened didn’t stop the after-effects of the NDE from unfolding. However, I would be fifty-eight years old when I came out of the denial and discovered the one defining event of my life was not a nighttime dream but a true Near Death Experience.

Since then, I have been in an “integration period,” The pieces, thankfully, have finally dropped into place after decades of confusion and vision questing, seeking the answers that have finally come.

Last night, Larry said. “When we’re born, we’re given a good twist or two like a Rubik’s cube gets to jumble and confuse the hell out of us, and then we spend the rest of our lives trying to line ourselves up again.”

1. We Are Not Broken

If we can embrace the idea that the Universe is not broken, we are open to trusting that we can see the perfection and balance in all things. All we do is look for it. Hard to believe, but change is upon us, and the perspective I am sharing can attract the Light of a solution in any tight squeeze.

Difficult things happen, but they are perfect in their purpose, which we can sometimes see and sometimes not see for a while, and still, other times, not at all. My harshest experiences have all, without exception, blessed me with a greater capacity for Love and compassion – for all. It doesn’t mean I don’t have shadows to deal with or boundaries, but at some level, knowing everything is for Real, all right, intact and whole, not broken, makes life easier.

Even when life doesn’t make sense, everything that unfolds, large and small, is always perfect.

2. Most Things in Life Mean Nothing.

I laid on my bed listening to music when I was a young teen and rising above the music, I could hear my mother’s voice. She was anxious about the details of a party she was giving.

I heard the words from my Inner Voice, which always seemed correct, “Tell her this party means absolutely nothing in the big picture, and she needs to relax.”

Immediately, a contrary thought rose. “No way. There is no way I can say that to my mother. She will not understand, and I will get punished.” So I didn’t, but it was what it was.

Sorry, Mom. I imagine you “get me” now.

Almost everyone who has had an NDE knows that the Love we give is the only thing that matters about being here. Everything else is a necessary distraction and not to be judged.

3. Seeing the Divinity in Other People

From the time I can remember, I was always aware of the Divinity, or Love Core in others. It is automatic for me to tap into their unique Presence and Gifts. Seeing the Divinity within others has been a mixed blessing, and I’ll tell you why.

When you are aware of a person’s Divinity, you connect with their Core Essence. Everyone has or is Love Consciousness, but I discovered that just because I was aware didn’t mean they were.

I imagine you may have run into similar situations. You can see the Love, light, and gifts in people who cannot see their true value.

As a human, boundaries are crucial for a sane and healthy life. Not all personalities vibe together, however Divine they are. We can love people from afar and send them our Light.

In our quest to “master Love,” sometimes doing the loving thing doesn’t feel so good. Sometimes Love is tough Love or simply Loving Detachment

4. We ALL have a deep desire to Return to Divinity.

We all have, at the base of who we are, Love Consciousness. American naturalist Henry David Thoreau once said, “There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” The root is what separates us from our True Self. Most look “out there” at the branches of troubles, while the wise one turns within to resolve imbalances and shadows.

The “branches” matter so much less than fanning our desire to return to Our True Self because this drive is our greatest desire. This desire for the Love we are gives us everything we need to face what is in our path.

It is a great time to be alive because we humans are smack dab in the middle of returning to our Divine Self Realization. We can face everything that is in the way, whether mental, emotional, physical, or even life-threatening, although let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Still, there is no death, no matter what — we all are and will be okay. Really. Integrating this one Truth removes a LOT of fear from living life to the fullest.

5. We Can’t Mess It Up

No matter what we do, we can’t mess it up. What if whatever we do here on Earth is forgiven? Knowing all actions have consequences, you wouldn’t just do anything. Even though we don’t know what the consequences will always be, we use jurisprudence when we can just the same.

And with all that out the way, isn’t it great to feel the freedom that we can’t mess it up no matter what? Truth dissipates fear and anxiety that we are somehow not enough.

I love that at the end of our lives, from my experience and listening to hundreds of other NDErs, we seem to be treated like a human version of a rescue dog going to the best dog-loving home ever. We are not immediately taken to task for our human behaviors, thoughts, feelings, shortcomings, etc. It is understood that we were steering blind when in these body-minds.

6. We Are the Only Ones Who Judge Ourselves.

This topic is so important, and I am glad to remember it for this blog. It may sound “out there,” but bear with me and try it on. We are all One. There is no Other. Everything we see, hear, etc., is a mirror of our own inner nature. If you want to stop judging others, learn what it takes to stop judging yourself; judging others will naturally cease. We need to love ourselves genuinely and daily. When we love ourselves, we cannot help but express Love into the game of life and attract the same in every mirror we see “out there.”

7. There Is No Free Will. There Is No Not Free Will.

As crazy as it sounds, let me explain why this is a good thing to to consider.

I have several friends who have received their palm-leaf readings from India. Ancient astrologers wrote these individuals’ palm leaves three to five thousand years ago.

From their fingerprints alone to go on, the caretakers of this work located my friends’ palm leaf readings and read them via translators online. The palm reading included their birthdate, immediate family members’ names, relationships, significant past and future dates, health, death, and the cause of death. 100% accurate. What!? It’s a good case for no free will when your entire life was  written and detailed on a palm leaf  three to five thousand years ago!

But it seems like there is Free will at other times. We seem able to create many of our circumstances, but never all of them just how we want them. Certainly, we can choose our perspective about what shows up.

No Free Will can help us to relax and go with the flow of our lives. Free Will can help us participate in our direction, at the least, and our responses to things. Pondering both enriches our understanding of the Essence of life.

8. EVERYTHING is Made of Love

Once I discovered that living in harmony with the imprint of my NDE experience was and is an optimum way of being, my role here began to blossom. Before I discovered the truth of my childhood NDE experience, I was not very confident. I didn’t know HOW I understood what I do, and that something was missing.

I have always known that everything is made out of Love, and that Love is the solution that will bring balance to the world of humanity. (More coming in future blogs.)


This concludes eight more realizations my Near-Death Experiences gave me. I hope you found some value for yourself in these and can put one or more to use in your own realized heart. Thanks so much for your comments, and you know where to leave any new ones.

Love, Light, and Humor,

Eight Realizations My Near-Death Experiences Gave Me

Eight Realizations My Near-Death Experiences Gave Me


Before I get to the eight realizations my Near-Death Experiences gave me, let me start here. For most of my life, life and death appeared quite the opposite of what we’re taught. Here’s why I thought so.

When I died for a brief while at five years of age, I felt pure bliss, unconditional love, and acceptance. I’ve never felt so alive.

It was undeniably the most astonishing part of my life, and nothing since has even come close except when I re-access that time. When I found myself back in this body and human life, there was no comparison to where I had just been.

Living in a human role on Earth appears as an enigmatic world game full of complex complementary and contrary dualities where we never know for certain what will happen when we make our next move or choice. Most of us are flying blind and don’t often want to stop to look at that. (We will discuss this in a future blog.)

If we are to have peace of mind, it is critical to learn to relax in the face of such incomprehensibility. Relaxation, when done as a practice whenever possible, attracts all we need. There are additional inquiries that can release what’s in the way of our freedom, but relaxation is a good start.

Here are eight realizations having an NDE gave me. I figure they are also your realizations because we all ultimately come from and return to the same place. Try them on to catch any wisdom pearls that will help you relax into your authenticity even more.

1. Life does not end when our bodies do.

Who we are does not die. Knowing this, we can relax more and enjoy our lives here. It is hard to understand because the body’s death can be so messy. Depending on our identification and attachment to the bodies we wear, not to mention those of our loved ones, help determine our suffering around death. But there is no death.

2. There are many Dimensions in the World of Form.

Ours is only one. Maybe because my NDE opened me to the all-encompassing realm of Love Consciousness, I have felt comfortable with lesser non-physical realms. I have traveled in these multiple times by myself and in groups. Some overlay the physical dimensions of our lives.

I’ve had multiple experiences with Angels, UFOs, Healing Spirit Journeys, Meditation, Dreams, etc. These dimensions and beings play a role just like us. They are part of the Game of Life, making life much more interesting than it would be otherwise. I could tell you stories . . . and given time, I will if there is continuing interest. Can you imagine how adventuresome life could be without fear holding you back?

3. There are Universal Laws in Play!

This understanding came later, but some Laws govern the Universe and All There Is in it. The way to recognize a Universal Law is that it works reliably and flawlessly when understood and practiced.

It made sense to look into these and to learn to navigate by them. There are Universal Laws at work in the macrocosm of astrophysics, down to the microcosm of human behavior and life.

A couple of my favorites came from NDEr, Ray Johnston, who was shot by a drive-by shooter coming out of a play on Broadway. In his NDE he discovered the Universal Laws that “No one dies. No one gets hurt. We get to keep the benefits of our life just lived.” You may not experience the truth of this one just yet.

Another favorite I’ve mentioned before is called Makia by the ancient Hawaiians of the Mo’o Clan. “What you give your attention to comes to life.” Please don’t believe me, but try these Universal laws on for yourself and see how they shift your awareness and line you up with who you are.

4. Keep A Wide-Open Mind

To Love ourselves and others without judgment requires an open mind. Finding loving, balanced solutions to the stress upon us from so many directions also begs an open mind.

In the end of our journey here on Earth, the mind drops, but in the meantime, we can use our mind to dig into itself and resolve whatever is the way. I have a very open mind as do most near-deathers I know. It makes for easy living when not so attached to how things go or are.

5. We hold the capacity within to remember who we are, where we came from, and what we are doing here.

We’re misinformed somehow but make no mistake. There is a Power more significant than the issues that face us today; that is, the Power is Love.

How can Love save us? The answer is for us to discover and uncover in our Awakening. And as it comes, we can share our gleanings with all the other corpuscles in the body of the Divine.

We can trust we’re all supposed to be here now, or we wouldn’t be, and we are all playing a part. What’s your part? Do you know yet? If not, relax to let it come.

6. Suffering is Optional

In this dual world of complementary and contrary dualities, we are going to experience pain, but we don’t have to suffer, and finding the distinctions between the two is a worthwhile effort.

Suffering is sticky much like rubber cement. Suffering clings to us via unprocessed trauma, victim stories, and feeling sorry for ourselves by refusing to face Reality as it is.

The latter is not harsh. Suffering is harsh. Having the courage to relax enough to peer deeply into our suffering releases it and exposes our deepest treasure, power, and freedom, Love Consciousness. Who knew.

Pain hurts but is not sticky. Pain can be tragically deep at times, but the more we love ourselves enough to relax and accept its presence, the more it magically releases its teachings that guide us to our inner promised land.

7. Don’t take human life too seriously. Seriously!

A sense of humor is mandatory for a life with meaning, not to mention a general all-around lightness of being. There is a Buddhist story of three laughing monks who laughed their way from village to village, cheering everyone up with their continuous laughter. It came to pass that one of the monks died.

The villagers knew they would not be laughing now. They attended the burning of the body as was the custom. The vibe was solemn as fitting a funeral. Everyone was watching the two remaining laughing monks, but they weren’t laughing on this day. They were bent over the dead monk’s body, presumingly saying good-bye to their dear friend.

Finally, they stepped back. Suddenly, fireworks exploded out of the dead monk’s torso. Red, green, and blue balls of fire shot up into the sky. The two remaining monks shrieked with peals of laughter at their friend’s final wishes, and soon, all were following suit.

8. Bottom Line: I am a Divine Being, and You are a Divine Being.

We are all Divine Beings. Master Teachers all know this about themselves; if they are Really a Master Teacher, they know it is true of everyone around them. I love Nisargadatta because he only teaches a student for eight days and then kicks you out.

He would say it only takes eight days to “get it.” Now, that’s an empowering teacher in my mind! He wanted us to know how simple it is to be childlike without preconceived notions of ourselves of any kind. A child just IS. Pure. Open. Spontaneous. Present. Loving. Accepting. Real. All of that and none of that.


I hope you enjoyed the eight realizations my near-death experiences gave me. Truthfully, I realized while writing them that there are so many more realizations, insights, and revelations my NDE gave me. Perhaps this blog will become a series. More importantly, it lights me up to know you may have gotten something of value out of these, too. Please leave any comments or questions you have below.

Love, Light, and Life to your Beautiful Divine Self,

Five Wisdom Pearls for Successfully Navigating Relationships

Five Wisdom Pearls for Successfully Navigating Relationships


In this week’s blog, we peer into five wisdom pearls for successfully navigating relationships. I will cover things not usually looked at in articles on relationships. It is because our relationships are, all in all, inside jobs. ALL our encounters with others are reflections of our relationship with our True Self. This topic has held my attention not only as a Libran but also as a Near Death Experiencer (NDEr), and I am not the only one. There are tens of thousands of Near Death Experiencers who, when they briefly died, experienced what is commonly called a life review. Life reviews contain a personal review of one’s human life in the Presence of what appear to be Loving Spiritual Guides.

You may wonder what life reviews, or NDEs, have to do with relationships. After reading and hearing many life reviews from speakers at the Virginia Beach Chapter of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (VBIANDS) meetings, I finally saw the connection. One Saturday morning, it dawned on me as I sat in the audience listening to yet another talk on the subject. No one has ever had a life review concerning work, religion, education, health, habits, or money.

Life Review — Single-Pointed Focus

No. Instead, life review focuses on one thing and one thing only; how we treat others, ALL others, in our lives, from our most intimate of lifelong connections to the seemingly random stranger we pass on the street.  

In his life review, among many memories, one NDEr remembered changing a flat tire on his truck. In the memory, a car stopped and offered assistance. The NDEr looked up, not answering but scowled at the driver. Years later, long after he had forgotten, it came up in his life review.

Only this time, the NDEr felt the man’s feelings, who only wanted to help. He also felt the driver absorb his bad mood and took that mood home to his wife and family. He also felt the wife’s and children’s inner responses to it. All this from a scowl in a stressed-out space? He was mortified (no pun intended!) by his behavior. He forgave himself the Reality of the event, but not before he felt his part in full as things occurred from a more significant picture point of view.

The NDEr was a changed man when he returned to human life, where he made a conscious decision to treat people with the utmost respect. Thus, he touched the hearts of nearly everyone he encountered from that point on. This story was but a tiny piece of his life review.

Navigating relationships successfully is, and will be, hands down, the True Measure of our human lives!  

One more time. Soak it in.

Navigating relationships successfully is, and will be, hands down, the True Measure of our lives! For what we do unto others, we do unto ourselves.  

Never more true is this than in our life and life review. Natural authenticity and balance between ourselves and others are essential to our inner health (and theirs) and well-being now and in our combined future.

Five Wisdom Pearls for Successfully Navigating Relationships 

Our ideas about how we’re conditioned and taught to treat each other in relationships have created a world dream of misinformation and a dysfunctional world community based on lies. And we can see it doesn’t work.

No matter what kind of relationship shows up, there might always be challenges to face and obstacles to overcome. We can trust that we may not get what we want, but we always get what we need. Integrating the following five wisdom pearls helps us to remember who we are — in any relationship.

1. Understand What a Relationship Is and Isn’t

Relationships are, in Truth, figments of our collective imagination. In Truth, we are One. But in the Dream World of Duality, they are all too real. They give us the warm fuzzies, push our buttons, and in all ways, trigger our best and our worst, too.

They are serious in their relentless reflections on ourselves to wake us up to who we really are, while showing us who we are not in the process. When we move through what relationships have to Really offer us, there is no limit to the freedom we can experience within and with the other in whatever capacity we are related.

A relationship is never something that can be controlled. Nor can we change anyone. People come as they are. The connection is simply a space where two people come together and interact. If someone disrespects you, it’s just to let you know to treat or love yourself more.

See it for what it is, and the Truth about the mirrors will shine through the muck and the mire. Each person brings baggage, experiences, and perspectives into any relationship, which either adds or subtracts from the quality of the relationship. But, there is no Other.

2. A Reality-based perspective on relationships

The life review lets us know that all we need in life are mirrors in the form of “other.” We are here to Wake Up to the Love Consciousness we Are, and to the extent that we’re missing the mark, the mirror of another will let us know where and how via triggers of life-taking influences.

Our rough edges get hewed smooth through working through these trauma dramas. What was once a diamond spirit in the wild rough now shines the unfathomable brilliance of the Absolute and Love Consciousness made manifest in us. We’re all One playing the game of “Let’s Wake Up to Love via Relationship Mirrors.”

3. Let the benefits motivate you to stay the course.

As already discussed, the maximum benefit for successfully navigating your relationships keeps you in a state of joy here and in your life review. From a spiritual viewpoint, there’s a synergy when both parties are in harmony and tap into Unconditional Love.

This is true whether it shows up as a kind connection with a stranger, a community service, hammering out a business plan with a partner, a flirty first date full of promise, or the transformation of a long-term relationship to its next chapter.

The human dimension of relationships isn’t forgotten. We help each other with our basic needs and desires, i.e., raising families, creating productive lives, and sharing with like-minds in a worthwhile society. Our core passion for giving and receiving love reaches fulfillment in those present moments/weeks/months and years when we are in harmony with All That Is (and All That Isn’t). There is Everything to gain and nothing but pain and suffering to lose. What could be more beneficial than that when you go deeper into the purpose of relationshipping?

4. Get Real – Expectations

One of the most important things you can do in any friendship, personal relationship, or business partnership is to get real with yourself. Be honest with yourself and others about your thoughts, feelings, boundaries, and expectations. If hounded by past trauma in life, don’t be ashamed. Find the help that works for you until you release it.

Even if due diligence happens, partners tend to have or develop unique expectations of each other. Know what to expect from your significant other by eliciting each other’s values early on.

5. Super Healers That Foster a Cooperative Spirit

Specific tools can help foster a cooperative spirit within any relationship. These include what I call Super Healers: Love, Humility (Flexibility), Forgiveness, Gratitude, Listening, Compassion, Authenticity, Respect, and Boundaries. There are many more. An annual study began on one of these at the beginning of each year is highly recommended. Install them into your lifelong conditioning. I have done this myself off and on. Each practice has been utterly transformative. When these Super Healers are utilized, it’s much easier to work through challenges and disagreements. 


Today, let’s apply these five wisdom pearls for successfully navigating our relationships, i.e., getting real, understanding what a relationship is and isn’t, managing expectations and benefits, and using tools that foster a cooperative spirit. We are likely to find that our relationships improve dramatically; we communicate better, profoundly connect and resolve conflicts more effectively. And, when it’s our time to go, our life review will reflect our efforts.

Comment on a relationship wisdom pearl of your own?

Love and Remembering Who You Are,

My Two Experiences with Jesus

My Two Experiences with Jesus


I saw Beings of Light, maybe Angels, Guides, or some other form of Self-Love all lit up in my Near-Death Experience, but did not recognize Christ as some have reported in their NDEs. No, my two experiences with Jesus’ Illuminated Self would come later.

My first experience with Jesus

It was the Easter after my NDE. and my family, being Episcopalian from my father’s side of the family, celebrated the Christian holiday of the Master’s Ascension. I was at my Grandma Kathleen’s house, and we were getting ready to attend church.

She was a Methodist, and my parents would say right in front of her that Methodists had more rules than we Episcopalians did about God. I didn’t care. My maternal grandma and I were soulmates my entire childhood, and I would have followed her to the Moon, so would certainly go to a church with rules I was too young to understand.

While they continued their conversation about which religion was best, I went outside to the driveway and began to twirl around in an easy circle, arms spread out, in my pale-yellow Easter dress, its skirt lifting with the breeze. It was a bright warm, and sunny day.

I stopped twirling. Fully present and in the moment as most children are, I first felt and then saw Christ. Please don’t ask me how, but I knew who it was instantly, but he didn’t look like a person from pictures I had seen in churches. Instead, he was more of my NDE’s familiar Vibe of Unconditional Love Consciousness in a Being of dynamic radiating Light. I was quite literally awestruck.

Then He spoke to me.

“I am not your Savior. I am your brother.”

The words were crystal clear, and I felt he wanted me to remember what he said. And that was pretty much it. Jesus went poof and off to heaven knows where, leaving me standing in the driveway.

My grandmother came out, and I told her what had happened. She thought it was sweet as she thought of everything involving me, her dearest grandchild, especially on Easter. However, she failed to see the significance of my moment.

When I marched into Sunday School and announced I had seen Jesus that very morning and repeated his words, it did not go over too well. The people in the church said Jesus was my Savior, not my brother, and that I had a strong imagination. But nothing could sway me because what I saw and heard was Real. This was the beginning of my troubles with the church.

Jesus seemed to open a can of worms when he spoke to me in the driveway that Easter morning. More than anything, it made me wonder what else the church taught that wasn’t exactly true. I wasn’t yet six, but I already knew to trust my experiences when they were rooted in Love. We all can.

 My second experience with Jesus

It came when I was thirty-seven. Here’s the setup. It was Thanksgiving Day, and my body was in so much pain that it was off to the emergency room. After being in the hospital for two days for tests and pain management on a holiday schedule, the docs discovered that I had a cyst on my left ovary. Surgery was required and set to occur sometime between Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas.

In the meantime, I was sent home with medicines and an appointment card to visit the doctor for pre-surgery tests, and the surgery date right after Thanksgiving weekend was over.

Two days later, I was at home in bed, preparing to fall asleep. As I lay there, an apparition started forming to the left of my bed. Again, although it did not “look” like one would think of Jesus from pictures or paintings, I knew it to be Him. There was a soft Light around him this time.

He walked toward the bed, extended his hand out to me, and with his index finger, reached over and touched the spot where the cyst was. A warm tingling heat spread from that point out and radiated across my body. He said, “You are healed.” In a flash, he was gone, but the warmth remained, and I fell asleep.

The next day, I told my mom and best friend about what happened. The following week as planned, I went for the pre-surgery check-up. I dared not share with the doctor what happened lest he consider me a nutcase. He examined me, poked around, and then said, “You no longer have a cyst on your ovary. I am going to cancel the surgery.”

I asked what he thought had happened to cause this. He said it probably just dissolved on its own. I didn’t fess up to what I knew, but  I was amazed at what was medical confirmation for me.


I have shared my two experiences with Jesus with you. As brief as they were, they each were life-changing for separate reasons. Because of Jesus’ direction to me as a kid, I ended up dropping religion as a possible human source of Unconditional Love and seeing not just Jesus but all Self-Realized Ones as our more mature siblings in Love Consciousness. They all get my deepest Love and respect. We all have sacred stories in our lives to share. These are a couple of mine connected with the NDE After Effect of having visions and seeing what others may not see.

Thank you for your comments when you can. It helps me feel what I have to share is worthwhile to readers.

Love and Peace to you and yours,

Long-Term Effects of a Near-Death Experience

Long-Term Effects of a Near-Death Experience


It will take more than a few blogs to explain and share the far-ranging and long-term effects of a Near-Death Experience (NDE), especially if I include stories from my life that illustrate some of them. These are commonly known in the NDE community simply as Aftereffects.

What Are NDE Aftereffects?

NDE Aftereffects are the physical, mental, and emotional shifts that occur in an individual as a direct result of the experience. Not every experiencer has them, but most NDErs do, and what’s more, it has become evident that the differences continue to expand over the entire lifetime of the individual. 

I’m going to get personal and pick up from my last blog.

The aftereffects of my childhood NDE compelled a close friend and member of VBIANDS (the Virginia Beach Chapter of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, where Larry and I volunteered) to call me one day and change my life.

NDEs fascinated Keely and me, and we became fast friends around our mutual interests. I was fifty-eight years old when her call came. Keely launched right into it. She said she wouldn’t be staying but was on her way over to drop off a book by a triple NDE experiencer and renowned author on the subject. P.M.H. Atwater. Atwater’s new book, The New Children and Near Death Experiences, was out, and Keely wanted me to read it right away.

Keely, who had an NDE from a motorcycle accident when she was a teenager, said she had just finished the book herself. While reading it, she became 100% convinced that I was an early childhood NDE survivor.

She asked if I remembered that “dream of heaven” I had shared with her, the one that happened when I was five years old. Of course, I remembered every detail. That dream was a guiding light my whole life!

Keely was convinced it wasn’t a dream, but an NDE, because I had nearly all the Aftereffects listed in P.M.H.’s book. What!? At that point, her car pulled up in front of my house. She got out of the car and brought the book up to the porch, handed it to me, said a few more words about it, and then left as quickly as she had arrived.

I had to read the book right away!

I dropped everything that afternoon to read the book, and as I turned the pages, the shocking Truth from my childhood opened up before me. It wasn’t a dream! I had had a full-blown NDE and was as confident of it as I am sitting here. I read about my life through the lens of an early childhood NDEr and saw that the Aftereffects discussed in P.M.H.’s book mirrored my life at almost every turn. With the eye-popping Truth written out page after page before me, the confusion and struggles regarding my strange life began to dissolve, only to be replaced with clarity and understanding I never dreamed possible.

I wish I could say that it is “cool” to have died and come back to human life, but even though I am grateful to have been “imprinted” with that level of unconditional Love, I find that having had an NDE is a very mixed blessing. The experience comes with its own set of complexities and pitfalls that are certainly not all happiness and light.

Earlier in my life, it wasn’t so simple. I was naïve. Yes, I could see the Divine Love within everyone who came my way. After all, I was imprinted with this ultimate wisdom that this Love  Consciousness is Who We All Really Are. There are no exceptions.

However, I mistakenly thought everyone was like me. It took me a long time to see that not everyone sees what is. This one mistaken notion led me down many dark alleys that had me oblivious to the fact that I was living in a world of projected Dualism rather than the One Life, One Love, I knew to be True.

P.M.H. said that it takes eleven to fourteen years to integrate the experience once one realizes what happened. I sighed at how old I might be when I finally merged with what was important and let go of the rest.

Unbelievable as my revelations were, it was still necessary for me to integrate the experience not only to help bring balance to my life, but to assist others who have had an NDE, too. To assist in the integration further, VBIANDS invited me to share my story with its attendees. The acceptance was overwhelmingly supportive, and I have never looked back.

Further food for thought

The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and its Chapter speakers are asked to share their particular stories in three parts.

    1. Life Before the NDE.
    2. The NDE Experience.
    3. Life After the NDE.

The three parts together illustrate dramatic changes in the NDE’r. There is no death, and the sudden realization of this riveting Truth at the level of absolute inner assuredness changes your life in many ways, suddenly at first and then continuing on one day at a time, forever.

Time flies. I am now, at a young seventy-one, about thirteen years out from the revelation delivered to my doorstep at fifty-eight years of age. At this point, I hope to share more of my specific aftereffect discoveries in future blogs if there is an interest. Let me know if you want more along these lines.

Dr. Atwater writes further about the distinctions of early childhood NDEs in the quote below from this linked blog.

“The very youngest experiencers of near-death states are not like older children, teens, or adults, because they don’t have a “before” – at least not in this world.  They emerge as outliers, called upon to create and invent unique ways of living and loving.  These children have more to show us than anyone ever imagined.”


We are all made out of Love.

The absolute conviction that we are made out of Love is the greatest of the long-term effects of an NDE. Additionally, there is a sense that children who have had an NDE may be the hope for humanity’s future. We have seen what lies beyond this life, and we know that there is more to existence than what we can see and touch. We want to help those around us remember our connection to the infinite and live our lives with compassion, empathy, and Love. Love is the solution to all our problems. We’ll tune in to the “how” in each instance together.

Have you had an NDE or other spiritually transformative experience? Let us know in the comments.

Love consciousness to you and yours,

My Near-Death Experiences

My Near-Death Experiences


It’s become apparent that it is time to share my Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) with you. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea, or water, and settle in for a few minutes. Enjoy the story, for what happened irrevocably changed the trajectory of my life as it does so with almost everyone who experiences it.

An NDE is a mixed blessing of extremes to the body/mind because physical death occurs, only we find ourselves more alive than we’ve ever been, before or since! We do not die! It’s a lie! I wonder why?

If you need the science for proof of NDEs, the research is exploding. For example, Eben Alexander, M.D., renowned neurosurgeon, and Harvard Professor, was disrupted by an NDE when he contracted spinal meningitis. Years later, he wrote his first book about the subject, Proof of Heaven, which was on the New York Times Bestsellers list for two years.

Here’s what happened in my Near-Death Experiences —

My first NDE

I don’t remember much about my first one, except floating in some Void. The only reference my parents ever made to either of my NDEs was that “We almost lost her twice from pneumonia, once at three months and once at five years.”

A different kind of reference was that I was two and a half years old when my brothers, identical mirror twins, were born. My mom would say I went from being the only child and having all the attention to having virtually none overnight, so overwhelmed were she and Dad with the twins.

I never displayed any hostility or jealousy toward my brothers, only love. Mom said it was such a “strange thing” that other family members and even their friends remarked about it.

This referencing seems possibly related to the most common thread of an NDE, other than the physical death itself and a return to life — is the pure unconditional Love we experience and bring back with us.

My second NDE

This NDE happened at the age of five. It was pneumonia that did it. It was just before Christmas 1955, and I still remember it vividly. I was in the car with my parents. We had just come from the hospital.

My mother talked the doctor into my coming home for Christmas. Ok, he said, but warned I had to stay under an oxygen tent and promise not to get out of bed for any reason except to use the bathroom. I promised.

The first night home, I died.

I first became aware of floating. Everything was dark but fully alive. The next thing I realized was that I was not afraid as one might think a child might be in this situation, floating in space, all alone. However, I was completely comfortable, and the more I stayed in this place, the safer and more secure I became, and the more love and trust I felt.

The Unconditional Love that somehow permeated me pervaded everywhere around me to eternity, whatever eternity means. There was no separation between me and All That Is and All That Isn’t — all at once. It was very relaxing, as if I was truly Home. I continued to float, bask and enjoy the moment of my fantastic circumstance without thought, just being.

Suddenly, I did have a curious thought rise, “Is anyone else here?” In that moment, in the part of the Void where I looked off into the distance, there was a Light, and it moved slowly but steadily toward me, and as it got closer, I could see the Light was a being.

Light Beings

The Light Being was Love, too, and seemed to be mine or belong to me in some particular fashion, whatever this meant. Two other Light Beings quickly joined us. We four were in a circle communing with each other. They treated me as if I was one with them rather than a child, and the feeling was one of welcoming, inclusion, and total acceptance.

We soon parted ways with the other two Light Beings as “my” Light Being was to show me around. It is, again, impossible to describe in human language because the experience blows apart any knowledge we have here in the World of Form.

I saw many wondrous sights in our multidimensional dream universe. Some things about this part I remember. Some memories surfaced along the way, and other things are still yet to be revealed. Maybe we’ll take a look at these another time.

We moved toward an endless structure that seemed separated into different rooms, framed with Lights of different hues. I could see through its walls and floors and the activities and conversations unfolding in each room. If I focused on any particular room within the space and became still for just a second, that space would expose its contents.

I saw souls helped and assisted, souls learning, souls at play and work, souls crossing over, and all were connected to a Light Being in a state of Joy and Love. But this is not at all to insinuate a la-la-happiness-and-light-land. There was a great design, purpose, and deep respect in and for all I witnessed.

Being sent home for my purpose.

Finally, a scene zoomed in. I saw an altar, which I now think the top was a type of window into the World of Form. I saw my beloved maternal Grandfather Griff’s body materialize. He looked strange, still. And lifeless. We were looking in on his future, when his body died.

Don’t ask why because I do not know the answer, but I felt fear for the first time in this wondrous place that someone’s life could end like that. The Light Being instantly comforted me said I need not fear, that there isn’t any Real death, only pretend death.

She wanted me to see that I had to go back to my life on Earth because I had some things to do, but one day when I was a grown-up, my granddaddy would return Home like I just had seen.

Further, the Light Being explained about my life purpose and that around the time my Granddad’s body-time ended, I would begin my fulfilling my purpose in earnest. That was the only thing the Being said about my future before I was sent back.

The return to life on Earth

The next thing you know, I was back in bed, waking up at the foot of the bed, nowhere near the oxygen tent. It was morning. I jumped up, ran into my parents’ room, and exclaimed, “I went to heaven last night and saw Angels!” (The interpretation must have come from Sunday School.) I remember my mother looking alarmed. My Dad said, “Honey, you didn’t go to heaven. You had a dream.”

So that was it. Why wouldn’t I believe them? They meant well. I was five. The Truth turned into a belief that I was a GREAT dreamer.

It would be years before I would begin to come to terms with the one event that shaped my life more than any other. Whether I was aware of it or not, it seemed to make no difference to the evolution of after-effects of the experience that still blossom to this day decades later.


You’ve now read about my near-death experiences, and I hope you enjoyed this shortened blog version of them — from my heart to yours. I would love to write about the after-effects and other aspects of NDEs in general if there’s interest.

Have you had an NDE or a Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE)? Your thoughts and comments are always welcome. Thank you.

In the Love, Light, and Life We All Are,