Five Powerful Ways Tarot Can Help You in Life

Osho Zen Tarot

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Written by Kaye Sturgis

July 3, 2022


This week’s blog shares five powerful ways Tarot can help you in every aspect of life. Whether on an Awakening Path or seeking guidance on relationships, work, finances, or health, the Tarot offers solutions and clarity that empower you to love yourself and others more.


1. Reading the Tarot is a form of alchemical art that presents a deeper understanding of life.

Each deck guides its readers on an individual Awakening journey that reflects the tradition of the Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot, with the added spice of the deck’s designer. We get to choose a deck that attracts us most. Whatever the choice, once we settle into “play,” the images begin to speak to our curiosity.

The more we connect with the pictures, the deeper the insights. I’ve spent forty-three years adding dimension to my path with heart via the Tarot. After reading more people than I can count, I feel blessed to continue with this sacred tool for human navigation.


2. Tarot strengthens our connection with intuition and inner wisdom.

The more we play with the Tarot and notice how the cards reflect our everyday life and vice-versa, the more we trust our intuitive processes. What once appeared like magic when watching someone else read cards evolves into an acknowledgment that this is not magic but rather a wisdom path that’s easy and fun as it penetrates the soul.

The Divine Fool image at the very root of the Tarot promotes a childlike attitude of love, innocence, curiosity, and freedom that is the thread that holds the path intact until the path is no longer needed.


3. Tarot card images provide guidance and support during difficult times.

Arriving in adulthood from a difficult childhood, emotionally mature coping skills were not in my wheelhouse. When things got tough, I usually took off, but running was not an option when my baby girl was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Out of desperation, I dove into therapy and the MotherPeace Tarot Cards to turn within for answers. I asked the cards questions such as,

“What is the gift within this (devastating) experience?”

“What do I need to focus on the most when we go to the hospital this time?”

“How can I be the best mother to my sick child?”

And so it went. Kelly was twenty-three years old. Her health was going downhill fast. One night, I felt ready to ask the question I had suppressed for almost as long as she had been alive.

“What is Kelly’s future?”

The Zen card image I pulled was Adventure; the image (shown at the top of this blog) strangely comforted me and confirmed what I already knew but too attached to see. Kelly was leaving, and it was going to be okay. There is no death, only further life until we arrive Home and dissolve once again into pure Love Consciousness. The next evening, Kelly’s human life ended, and her new adventure began. The grief poured through, but in it all, I knew she and everything would be all right.


4. The cards are powerful tools for navigating the human dream and expanding personal growth regarding relationships, livelihood, finances, health, and just about anything.

In my experience, most people ask for Tarot Readings, not for spiritual development or consciousness expansion but for insights into mundane matters. It is what it is. Like everything, we get out of it what we put into it.

Personal relationships are at the top of the list of inquiring minds wanting to know. We are One, but it sure doesn’t appear like it at times in this world of duality! The cards will show the energies afoot and how to bring them into balance. Tarot is a great conflict resolution tool!

Sometimes, a person hates their job and feels stuck. Cards can help. Financial issues? A Tarot lover can get to the bottom of scarcity and see how to climb out of holes, especially those self-made.

On the other hand, opportunities for prosperity show up for our pleasure. We see ways to heal our ailments and make new connections. How revealing playing Tarot can be, especially when consistent at asking self-reflective questions such as

“What do I need to improve my connections with others?”

“What steps can I take to do the work I love?

“If I make this change, how will it benefit me?


5. Tarot helps us to see things as they are and diminishes our attachments to outcomes.

Life doesn’t always give us what we want, but we can trust it will always give us what we need. Over time, the Tarot brings the earnest seeker to welcome the loss of expectation and the gain of fluidity and ease of acceptance for life as it is.

If we are mindful and pay attention to the Tarot’s reflective images, our eyes learn to see beneath what appears on the surface and our ears to hear the magic behind the mirror. With Tarot, we get what we get. It’s not the only path, but it works if we apply an earnest intent.


I’ve covered five powerful ways Tarot can help you in every aspect of your life. Reading and playing with Tarot cards allow us to access our intuition and inner wisdom and strengthen our connection to our True Selves. The images provide guidance and support during difficult times, helping us see things as they are.

What about you? Have you picked out a favorite Tarot Deck yet? Have you benefited from a reading? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you.

Love, Light, and Life,

1 Comment

  1. Jill

    Thank you so beautiful 💕

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