A Zen Tarot Reading for the End of Winter

A Zen Tarot Reading for the End of Winter


Over the years, when I observed New Year’s Resolutions fall by the wayside for most who make them, including me, I decided to look into it a little deeper. I gave myself a Zen Tarot Reading for the end of winter, just before the Solstice to see what it might reveal. (See reading below)

A Zen Tarot Reading for the End of Winter

Click on image to enlarge

The reading portrayed winter as our year’s end, and the upcoming spring best for new beginnings. From that time on, Larry and I began in earnest starting our New Year in the spring, and specifically on the second quarter Moon about a week after the Aries New Moon. It has really worked out well for us.

I thought you might like to try this approach this year, starting with a similar reading, and see for yourself how ending your old year, and beginning your New Year in harmony with spring’s new beginnings can make a difference.  This week’s reading is part one on reflecting over this past year, and letting go or “emptying our cup,” so that it may be filled with spring’s new beginnings.

Next week’s blog reading, Part Two, will offer pointers for beginning your natural New Year, which officially begins on the Equinox (March 20). (For further details and for planning, check out our Go With the Flow Astro-Plan-It Calendar here.)

Significator – Travelling

In February, the sap began to rise in the trees, and I’ve heard more than a few health practitioners say that our energy rises within our bodies around this time, too. When this energy rises, if it hits resistance in the liver, for example, triggers of anger can the result, a literal “red flag” to nurture y/our body temple.

This is why so many of us regularly plan liver and other organ cleanses in late winter, early spring, to help clear stale and stuck energies to make way for the creative influences to flow through us and into the world dream. I’m late on my cleanse this year, but starting one soon this coming week. I wonder if you do them, too.

Present – Exhaustion

We stand at the end of a year, many of us exhausted from the relentless stories of the latest news regarding the Shift of the Ages. Interestingly, the United States started it’s Pluto Return the very day Russia and Ukraine started warring, and life has got crazier across many dimensions of our lives every day since. All of this is a part of the alchemy of the times.

There’s still a shorter portion of the Return left to fulfill, but this month, Pluto will dip into Aquarius to give us a peak of what’s next. How perfect that this future snapshot shows up with Spring. In the meantime, the reading also guides us to take care of ourselves and our energy right now. It’s all connected.

Integrator – Compromise

While we have this opportunity to look over the past twelve months today, this card in this position would encourage us to value what is important to us, and to be authentically aligned with our best. It guides us to look over the past year and see where we said “yes,” but felt “no,” or where we may have repressed our wisest thoughts and deepest feelings for something less.

This is not to judge, but to see where we have compromised our values or heartfelt truth for something else. It’s a call to our authentic selves to come forward and create.

The Foundation – Unconscious Power – Courage

This card is so beautiful. Here we are in the midst of the Great Awakening at spring, and we can see ourselves as a flower radiating energy and light is popping up out of a crack in concrete. What a perfect image to reflect the Blossoming of our Selves through hardened repressed traumas that have been jolted awake these past few years.

As painful as it is, moving through this part as it shows up and learning to accept, integrate and love what is, will give us a freedom we’ve only dreamed of up until now. We’re just a stage of going into the darkness and Lighting it and ourselves up from within, and we’re all doing it en masse. It’s our role right now, to discover our inner safety, and to switch on and shine our Light.

The Past – Flowering

We began to flower this past year, to mature. We’ve had three years leading up to and being smack dab in the middle of Pluto’s birth, death and rebirth. It steamrolled into our lives, letting us know it was on the way with Covi and triggering our shadows all based in fear, like no other time in our memory.

This card tells us we have been up to the task given us and are using the experiences to grow in our wisdom and hearts. Something in us knows “Love” is the only solution, and we are about figuring that out and applying what we learn into our community.

Direction — Conscious Mind – Playfulness

We may be exhausted from our long year, but our focus is on playfulness, creative pursuits and climbing out of winter’s dark hibernation and into the Light of day. Finding a focus in movement and joyful endeavors help balance uncomfortable things that we can no longer ignore.

We know spring is on its way. And, with it, a renewed sense of Love, Light and Life.

Near Future – Going With The Flow

This card is one of my favorites! I found out quite by accident that if I looked for “a flow path,” it would reveal itself to me. It was at a Neptune’s Festival in Virginia Beach, and the Boardwalk was filled with a mass of wall-to-wall people. The place was jammin’.

We wondered how we would get the three blocks to a restaurant to meet friends. I looked at the crowd to find an opening and one appeared! We slipped into it, and darn if a whole path through the crowd didn’t open itself to us. We moved quickly through the path to our destination without stopping or bumping into one of the otherwise solid river of people.

There’s always a flow-path and if you seek it, it will show itself to you. Practice makes perfect. We can also trust that we are in the flow whether we can see it or not. Our Divinity/True Self always has our back, and is never out of Balance.

Y/Our Perspective – Politics

This is another mirror of the “Compromise” card described above. It guides us to put all politics aside and get Real with ourselves and each other. We are all looking to feel safe so we can fall into the Love Consciousness that we are.

Authenticity, communications and solutions that work to transcend our problems need to be our focus.

Hope or Fear – Suppression

There is overwhelming evidence that the suppression of our Light today is held in place by repressed traumatic emotional stress rooted in fear and terror. People worldwide are using plant medicines, somatic pain-release therapies, diet and health measures in new ways to dig into these to find relief.

We are incredible creative beings, but haven’t been able to shine due to things in the way, but the Great Awakening is revealing these old skins, beliefs, fears, etc., to us, so we can see them. Only then, do they dissolve and what’s left is our Love, Light and Life.

Guidance Message – Creativity

This card reflects our environment and also guidance from Loving Beings in other Dimensions who are also Divine, and are our brothers and sisters in the truest sense. This message says it plainly. Get creative.

It asks: “If you could contribute, give birth, or otherwise support the Divine Nature in yourself and others with something you truly find meaningful, what would that be?” Perhaps you could take your first step (or your thirtieth) this spring.”

Outcome – Integration

The card, Integration, unites the clarity of our direction with the power within our Heart. This is what happens when we see and let go of the traumatic events, suffering and pain that forced us to wake up to who we really are.

Yes, we’ve made choices and done things we’re not proud of. We’ve also had things seemingly done too us. We’ve judged ourselves and each other in all kinds of shadow dancing. But now, we’re facing all that, and with clarity, humility (flexibility of perspective) and the forgiveness of self and others we will find our way to wholeness once again, individually and together.


This turned out to be quite a full year we’re wrapping up here. It sure was for me when I consider all that unfolded. The reading didn’t mess around, but got beautifully to the point, or at least I thought so. I hope you were served by a Zen Tarot Reading for the end of winter. Inscribe your thoughts in the comments if you like. Thank you. See you next week.

Love at Winter’s Close,

Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me

Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me


In appreciation for all the comments received for last week’s blog, this week’s blog was a no-brainer. It’s to write Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me.

When I died of pneumonia at five years of age, just before Christmas, it was a life-changing event. Allowed to stay home for the holiday instead of staying in the hospital, I stopped breathing in the middle of the night and had the experience that would remain with me for a lifetime.

When I ran into my parent’s room in the morning and told them I had “died and went to heaven,” my Dad told me that was impossible, that I had a dream. I had no reason not to believe him.

My Dad’s misunderstanding about what happened didn’t stop the after-effects of the NDE from unfolding. However, I would be fifty-eight years old when I came out of the denial and discovered the one defining event of my life was not a nighttime dream but a true Near Death Experience.

Since then, I have been in an “integration period,” The pieces, thankfully, have finally dropped into place after decades of confusion and vision questing, seeking the answers that have finally come.

Last night, Larry said. “When we’re born, we’re given a good twist or two like a Rubik’s cube gets to jumble and confuse the hell out of us, and then we spend the rest of our lives trying to line ourselves up again.”

1. We Are Not Broken

If we can embrace the idea that the Universe is not broken, we are open to trusting that we can see the perfection and balance in all things. All we do is look for it. Hard to believe, but change is upon us, and the perspective I am sharing can attract the Light of a solution in any tight squeeze.

Difficult things happen, but they are perfect in their purpose, which we can sometimes see and sometimes not see for a while, and still, other times, not at all. My harshest experiences have all, without exception, blessed me with a greater capacity for Love and compassion – for all. It doesn’t mean I don’t have shadows to deal with or boundaries, but at some level, knowing everything is for Real, all right, intact and whole, not broken, makes life easier.

Even when life doesn’t make sense, everything that unfolds, large and small, is always perfect.

2. Most Things in Life Mean Nothing.

I laid on my bed listening to music when I was a young teen and rising above the music, I could hear my mother’s voice. She was anxious about the details of a party she was giving.

I heard the words from my Inner Voice, which always seemed correct, “Tell her this party means absolutely nothing in the big picture, and she needs to relax.”

Immediately, a contrary thought rose. “No way. There is no way I can say that to my mother. She will not understand, and I will get punished.” So I didn’t, but it was what it was.

Sorry, Mom. I imagine you “get me” now.

Almost everyone who has had an NDE knows that the Love we give is the only thing that matters about being here. Everything else is a necessary distraction and not to be judged.

3. Seeing the Divinity in Other People

From the time I can remember, I was always aware of the Divinity, or Love Core in others. It is automatic for me to tap into their unique Presence and Gifts. Seeing the Divinity within others has been a mixed blessing, and I’ll tell you why.

When you are aware of a person’s Divinity, you connect with their Core Essence. Everyone has or is Love Consciousness, but I discovered that just because I was aware didn’t mean they were.

I imagine you may have run into similar situations. You can see the Love, light, and gifts in people who cannot see their true value.

As a human, boundaries are crucial for a sane and healthy life. Not all personalities vibe together, however Divine they are. We can love people from afar and send them our Light.

In our quest to “master Love,” sometimes doing the loving thing doesn’t feel so good. Sometimes Love is tough Love or simply Loving Detachment

4. We ALL have a deep desire to Return to Divinity.

We all have, at the base of who we are, Love Consciousness. American naturalist Henry David Thoreau once said, “There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” The root is what separates us from our True Self. Most look “out there” at the branches of troubles, while the wise one turns within to resolve imbalances and shadows.

The “branches” matter so much less than fanning our desire to return to Our True Self because this drive is our greatest desire. This desire for the Love we are gives us everything we need to face what is in our path.

It is a great time to be alive because we humans are smack dab in the middle of returning to our Divine Self Realization. We can face everything that is in the way, whether mental, emotional, physical, or even life-threatening, although let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Still, there is no death, no matter what — we all are and will be okay. Really. Integrating this one Truth removes a LOT of fear from living life to the fullest.

5. We Can’t Mess It Up

No matter what we do, we can’t mess it up. What if whatever we do here on Earth is forgiven? Knowing all actions have consequences, you wouldn’t just do anything. Even though we don’t know what the consequences will always be, we use jurisprudence when we can just the same.

And with all that out the way, isn’t it great to feel the freedom that we can’t mess it up no matter what? Truth dissipates fear and anxiety that we are somehow not enough.

I love that at the end of our lives, from my experience and listening to hundreds of other NDErs, we seem to be treated like a human version of a rescue dog going to the best dog-loving home ever. We are not immediately taken to task for our human behaviors, thoughts, feelings, shortcomings, etc. It is understood that we were steering blind when in these body-minds.

6. We Are the Only Ones Who Judge Ourselves.

This topic is so important, and I am glad to remember it for this blog. It may sound “out there,” but bear with me and try it on. We are all One. There is no Other. Everything we see, hear, etc., is a mirror of our own inner nature. If you want to stop judging others, learn what it takes to stop judging yourself; judging others will naturally cease. We need to love ourselves genuinely and daily. When we love ourselves, we cannot help but express Love into the game of life and attract the same in every mirror we see “out there.”

7. There Is No Free Will. There Is No Not Free Will.

As crazy as it sounds, let me explain why this is a good thing to to consider.

I have several friends who have received their palm-leaf readings from India. Ancient astrologers wrote these individuals’ palm leaves three to five thousand years ago.

From their fingerprints alone to go on, the caretakers of this work located my friends’ palm leaf readings and read them via translators online. The palm reading included their birthdate, immediate family members’ names, relationships, significant past and future dates, health, death, and the cause of death. 100% accurate. What!? It’s a good case for no free will when your entire life was  written and detailed on a palm leaf  three to five thousand years ago!

But it seems like there is Free will at other times. We seem able to create many of our circumstances, but never all of them just how we want them. Certainly, we can choose our perspective about what shows up.

No Free Will can help us to relax and go with the flow of our lives. Free Will can help us participate in our direction, at the least, and our responses to things. Pondering both enriches our understanding of the Essence of life.

8. EVERYTHING is Made of Love

Once I discovered that living in harmony with the imprint of my NDE experience was and is an optimum way of being, my role here began to blossom. Before I discovered the truth of my childhood NDE experience, I was not very confident. I didn’t know HOW I understood what I do, and that something was missing.

I have always known that everything is made out of Love, and that Love is the solution that will bring balance to the world of humanity. (More coming in future blogs.)


This concludes eight more realizations my Near-Death Experiences gave me. I hope you found some value for yourself in these and can put one or more to use in your own realized heart. Thanks so much for your comments, and you know where to leave any new ones.

Love, Light, and Humor,

Eight Realizations My Near-Death Experiences Gave Me

Eight Realizations My Near-Death Experiences Gave Me


Before I get to the eight realizations my Near-Death Experiences gave me, let me start here. For most of my life, life and death appeared quite the opposite of what we’re taught. Here’s why I thought so.

When I died for a brief while at five years of age, I felt pure bliss, unconditional love, and acceptance. I’ve never felt so alive.

It was undeniably the most astonishing part of my life, and nothing since has even come close except when I re-access that time. When I found myself back in this body and human life, there was no comparison to where I had just been.

Living in a human role on Earth appears as an enigmatic world game full of complex complementary and contrary dualities where we never know for certain what will happen when we make our next move or choice. Most of us are flying blind and don’t often want to stop to look at that. (We will discuss this in a future blog.)

If we are to have peace of mind, it is critical to learn to relax in the face of such incomprehensibility. Relaxation, when done as a practice whenever possible, attracts all we need. There are additional inquiries that can release what’s in the way of our freedom, but relaxation is a good start.

Here are eight realizations having an NDE gave me. I figure they are also your realizations because we all ultimately come from and return to the same place. Try them on to catch any wisdom pearls that will help you relax into your authenticity even more.

1. Life does not end when our bodies do.

Who we are does not die. Knowing this, we can relax more and enjoy our lives here. It is hard to understand because the body’s death can be so messy. Depending on our identification and attachment to the bodies we wear, not to mention those of our loved ones, help determine our suffering around death. But there is no death.

2. There are many Dimensions in the World of Form.

Ours is only one. Maybe because my NDE opened me to the all-encompassing realm of Love Consciousness, I have felt comfortable with lesser non-physical realms. I have traveled in these multiple times by myself and in groups. Some overlay the physical dimensions of our lives.

I’ve had multiple experiences with Angels, UFOs, Healing Spirit Journeys, Meditation, Dreams, etc. These dimensions and beings play a role just like us. They are part of the Game of Life, making life much more interesting than it would be otherwise. I could tell you stories . . . and given time, I will if there is continuing interest. Can you imagine how adventuresome life could be without fear holding you back?

3. There are Universal Laws in Play!

This understanding came later, but some Laws govern the Universe and All There Is in it. The way to recognize a Universal Law is that it works reliably and flawlessly when understood and practiced.

It made sense to look into these and to learn to navigate by them. There are Universal Laws at work in the macrocosm of astrophysics, down to the microcosm of human behavior and life.

A couple of my favorites came from NDEr, Ray Johnston, who was shot by a drive-by shooter coming out of a play on Broadway. In his NDE he discovered the Universal Laws that “No one dies. No one gets hurt. We get to keep the benefits of our life just lived.” You may not experience the truth of this one just yet.

Another favorite I’ve mentioned before is called Makia by the ancient Hawaiians of the Mo’o Clan. “What you give your attention to comes to life.” Please don’t believe me, but try these Universal laws on for yourself and see how they shift your awareness and line you up with who you are.

4. Keep A Wide-Open Mind

To Love ourselves and others without judgment requires an open mind. Finding loving, balanced solutions to the stress upon us from so many directions also begs an open mind.

In the end of our journey here on Earth, the mind drops, but in the meantime, we can use our mind to dig into itself and resolve whatever is the way. I have a very open mind as do most near-deathers I know. It makes for easy living when not so attached to how things go or are.

5. We hold the capacity within to remember who we are, where we came from, and what we are doing here.

We’re misinformed somehow but make no mistake. There is a Power more significant than the issues that face us today; that is, the Power is Love.

How can Love save us? The answer is for us to discover and uncover in our Awakening. And as it comes, we can share our gleanings with all the other corpuscles in the body of the Divine.

We can trust we’re all supposed to be here now, or we wouldn’t be, and we are all playing a part. What’s your part? Do you know yet? If not, relax to let it come.

6. Suffering is Optional

In this dual world of complementary and contrary dualities, we are going to experience pain, but we don’t have to suffer, and finding the distinctions between the two is a worthwhile effort.

Suffering is sticky much like rubber cement. Suffering clings to us via unprocessed trauma, victim stories, and feeling sorry for ourselves by refusing to face Reality as it is.

The latter is not harsh. Suffering is harsh. Having the courage to relax enough to peer deeply into our suffering releases it and exposes our deepest treasure, power, and freedom, Love Consciousness. Who knew.

Pain hurts but is not sticky. Pain can be tragically deep at times, but the more we love ourselves enough to relax and accept its presence, the more it magically releases its teachings that guide us to our inner promised land.

7. Don’t take human life too seriously. Seriously!

A sense of humor is mandatory for a life with meaning, not to mention a general all-around lightness of being. There is a Buddhist story of three laughing monks who laughed their way from village to village, cheering everyone up with their continuous laughter. It came to pass that one of the monks died.

The villagers knew they would not be laughing now. They attended the burning of the body as was the custom. The vibe was solemn as fitting a funeral. Everyone was watching the two remaining laughing monks, but they weren’t laughing on this day. They were bent over the dead monk’s body, presumingly saying good-bye to their dear friend.

Finally, they stepped back. Suddenly, fireworks exploded out of the dead monk’s torso. Red, green, and blue balls of fire shot up into the sky. The two remaining monks shrieked with peals of laughter at their friend’s final wishes, and soon, all were following suit.

8. Bottom Line: I am a Divine Being, and You are a Divine Being.

We are all Divine Beings. Master Teachers all know this about themselves; if they are Really a Master Teacher, they know it is true of everyone around them. I love Nisargadatta because he only teaches a student for eight days and then kicks you out.

He would say it only takes eight days to “get it.” Now, that’s an empowering teacher in my mind! He wanted us to know how simple it is to be childlike without preconceived notions of ourselves of any kind. A child just IS. Pure. Open. Spontaneous. Present. Loving. Accepting. Real. All of that and none of that.


I hope you enjoyed the eight realizations my near-death experiences gave me. Truthfully, I realized while writing them that there are so many more realizations, insights, and revelations my NDE gave me. Perhaps this blog will become a series. More importantly, it lights me up to know you may have gotten something of value out of these, too. Please leave any comments or questions you have below.

Love, Light, and Life to your Beautiful Divine Self,

Discerning What is Real from What is Not

Discerning What is Real from What is Not


The inspiration for this week’s blog, Discerning What is Real from What is Not, came years ago. It happened when the time came to move on from a group I was in that was inspired by Ancient Hawaiian wisdom. I had spent a few years of my life diving deep into that treasure, and I had mixed feelings about leaving. My teacher and I met to say goodbye.

We wished each other well, and, as a parting wisdom pearl, he reminded me that wherever my future work might take me, to be sure to base it in Reality. I have been nearly obsessed with Essential Truth since I can remember, so his suggestion worked for me, and here I am sharing it with you. As usual, keep what works and toss the rest.


Reality with a capital “R” points to pure authenticity, presence, or how things are instead of how they are thought, felt, or believed. The perceiving reality we’ve come to trust, know and believe in is frequently misinformation at best and filled with assumptions, underlying traumas, distortions of all shapes and sizes, and more. It’s much like looking in a mirror through a dense fog. You can see – barely.

So, there’s a bigger Reality that reflects the way things Really are and the smaller reality, which is a trickster. There’s a significant difference between the two. Here, I’m making a stab at writing how to show just that. I don’t know if there’s a more vital tool to be had. 

How to discern what is Real from what is not can be consciously learned if one is curious, flexible, and grateful for a new perspective that might work better in navigating this stuff than the old.

I have attempted to balance the Freedom of Love Consciousness and Joy that blessed me in my childhood Near Death Experience (NDE) with my life in this world that very often appeared contrary.

In recent years, this drawing and quartering between the two realities finally began to collapse as I practiced seeing through the eyes of Reality instead of assumption.

Parasites! Oh My!

I discovered what was in the way were parasitic attachments implanted into my body/mind via my ancestors, genetics, parents, environment, time and space, etc. Before you think I’ve gone off the deep end, give me another minute. I first read about the parasite in Don Miquel Ruiz’s excellent book on the subject back in the day before most talked about such things. Beyond fear is the name of the book. In it, I first read about the parasite that plagues humans and instantly recognized the Reality of its message.

These so-called parasites are often referred to as egoic tendencies, shadows, malu, wetiko, and demons as life-taking energetic influences. Seeing them as such makes them easier to understand. They often show up as thoughts and feelings that appear genuine but are not. These life-taking energies can grab us or whisper painful dispatches of fear, all of which are distractions from our True or Real Value or Worthiness. When we listen to them, we give them our power. Refuse to fear them.

They push their dysfunctional narratives to no good end and try to get us to attach to their always life-taking point of view, which is never Real. No matter what the trigger, it is always connected to pain. You can be sure the parasite communicates its presence when you feel triggered by physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual pain. What is it telling you? Don’t be afraid of it. It’s okay to stop, look and listen. When you see it clearly, it will dissolve and disappear.

When you have no buttons to push.  

When you no longer have internal “buttons,” there is nothing to push. To get rid of these triggering parasites, we must learn to see them for what they are, and when we do, they will dissolve to a necessary extent. Poof!

If it has to be believed. 

At some point and one by one, a few teachers of enlightenment began to appear on my life path. And each suggested belief and attachment are only needed for those things that are not True or Real. If it has to be believed, look elsewhere for the Truth.

True and Reality are Recognized within our Hearts as being so. We don’t have to believe in this balanced life-serving energy. It just is IF we learn to filter this way. It is simple. The internationally renowned organic spa, Rancho la Puerta in Baja, California, puts the following on a card and places it on a table in every guestroom. “Every choice is for life or death. What will be yours?”

Beliefs can be burdensome, whether small to large. Here are a couple of examples.

I went to three nurseries looking for a “High Geranium”. The first two said they didn’t carry them, but thankfully, the third nursery asked me to describe the plant. It turns out that I was asking for a Hydrangea, not a High Geranium! I formed this belief as a child when I misunderstood my grandmother say my favorite flower’s name. Human life is full of misunderstandings and assumptions.

Beliefs from Trauma

Some people have a series of bad relationships and grow to believe they can’t have a successful one. Beliefs that form out of traumatic life-taking experiences affect every layer of our lives, and sometimes, what’s worse, we forget they even happen, and we find ourselves in pain we didn’t know was there. Thus, we find ourselves acting in ways we don’t understand, dazed and confused.

As we ferret out the beliefs and suspend them one by one, we become intensely flexible superhumans filled with the inner freedom that comes from accepting things as they are. In this state, we are no longer attached or susceptible to the toxic energy once generated by the life sucker.

Expanded Awareness lends to Unconditional Love and Forgiveness, Non-Attachment, and Compassion. When we drop the weight of the morality of belief, we Realize that there is no good/bad/right/wrong in the essential essence of life. We are Love, Light, and Life and can relax.

An experiment:

Here’s a little experiment. As you progress through the week, pay attention to what you believe about yourself, your life, your behavior, those around you, your finances, your health, etc. Okay. Now, what if you didn’t have to change any of those beliefs? All you need to do is let them go.

One at a time or all at once, for an hour here and there, an hour a day, or continuously let those beliefs go. Relax without them. Let them go. Do it enough, and two things will emerge, your superpowers and the joy of a childlike and free existence. What’s Real will remain. You will still be You. You will also be Free to be You.

It is true freedom to know and understand what is Real rather than relying on the stagnant energy of belief. You can Trust what is Real to shine through and are empowered to ferret out the toxic stuff that isn’t Real. We do not need an intercessor between ourselves and what is Real. Together, this will help us humans fulfill the roles we came here to play without fear.


Sometimes, I have an idea for a blog, such as discerning what is Real from what is not. While something like this sounds like a great subject, it is relatively new for me to put into words. I know others can do it better, and I also know that I am compelled to share everything I have come to know and understand in life that may help others along the way. So here you have it. I encourage you to do the same.

See you next week. Leave a comment if you wish.

Mucho Love to the Releasing of Beliefs, especially the toxic ones!

Eight Tips for Wisdom Seekers

Eight Tips for Wisdom Seekers


Eight tips for wisdom seekers was written years ago, but recently I was perusing them and musing whether they still stand the test of time in my heart and mind. Of course, being the evolutionary perfectionist I am, they needed tweaking, but you be the judge. Without further ado, then, hey ho, let’s dive in.

One — Divinity Identity/You are not your body or your mind.

You are living in an illusion of individual Consciousness, a spark of vibrational life that appears in a world of dreams via the intent of the Love Consciousness, or your pure, essentially rooted Divinity Identity. Your body-mind-individuality assembles within your Consciousness, which causes your senses to animate with your filtered human perspective, which, no matter how evolved you are, presents limitations when navigating life in perfect Balance and Understanding.

Two — Your thoughts and feelings are not you.

You entered the world of form with a mind containing two tools. One tool is your thoughts for navigating and making sense of this human dream. The other tool is your feelings, which, when you pay attention to their gifts, let you know how connected you are with your Source. Thoughts and feelings seem vitally important in deciphering all the sensory input you encounter in this world of form. The Truth is that when these two tools are in balance with each other, so is your connection with your Source of Being, i.e., Love Consciousness. So, you can see, they are tools, but they are not you. You are much greater than anything you could think or feel temporarily. Use the tools, and let go of identifying with them. They are not you. 

Three — You are not what you eat.

As stated above, you are not your body. However, the body is your Earthly vehicle, your temporary sacred temple of your indwelling Consciousness. Respecting this Reality is the best way to achieve optimum health and harmony. Edgar Cayce indicated that if you, for the most part, are mindful of maintaining harmonious “assimilation and elimination,” i.e., the digestive tract, the rest of your health has the best chance of being in harmony.

Ignore what you eat at your risk; sooner or later, you will most likely experience physical discomfort and suffering, physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s hard to remember Love Consciousness when your body temple is plugged up and in distress.

You are not what you eat, but pretending you are will give you the best outcome. Health and diet are an arena of life to plunge into childlike curiosity and explore what foods serve the Love that you are. Do the research. Learn what to eat to serve and optimize your body temple.

Four — You do not die.

One day, your body will fall away, much like taking your coat off, yet who you are will remain. You will almost immediately have a greater awareness than you ever had as the human you are now, and this new state quickly expands. It is because your body- mind no longer exist to contain a piece of all that you are.

Further, you will experience considerable freedom, one without end, and a lightness of being that is filled with joy, Love, and everything that is grander than your wildest imagination. You do not, can not, and will not die.

There is no such thing as Death of what and who we are, and it’s a beautiful thing. We do not have to be afraid to die because we don’t. Humanity, for the most part, remains, at best, wholly misinformed and, at worst, duped about this critical detail. Tens of thousands of us whose bodies died came back to life to tell the same Truth. We do not die.

Five — Pain is necessary in this world of form. It’s the suffering that is optional.

Physical, emotional, and mental pain is a guide, suggesting action: a possible call for help, a change in behavior, and/or your perspective. On some level, you are called to relax and get flexible.

The pain gets more intense when you try to resist or ignore these messages. Refusing to accept, see and acknowledge the pain you’re in is suppression, which causes dysfunction, stress, and suffering. The first step is to immediately pay attention to what is happening.

If it is a physical pain you are dealing with and it’s an emergency, get help, then relax and breathe into the pain. If the pain is emotional or mental, remember this. Somebody can’t trigger if you don’t have a trigger.

If you do get triggered, seek to make peace with the underlying trauma, a unique skill-set to help stop much of the suffering in your life. At first, healing trauma in your life might seem impossible because it can sometimes feel like there is so much of it. It helps to stay present and work through things as they show up. Loving yourself more in this way will release trauma, drama, and triggered events and decrease suffering.

Six — You create your Reality and are entirely responsible for your creations.

As a spiritual being, you are very powerful and create your Heart’s desires. Desires are Sourced out of the world of Love Consciousness and then interpreted in the world of form.

You have a birthright that includes your abilities to discern your surroundings, think and/or feel as you wish, and decide your direction based on your desires and internal Guidance. Since you are the Divine Self, you are sacred and are due respect, and so are all the other spiritual beings living in bodies of form just like you.

Seven — You are subject to the consequences of your actions. 

True in thought and deed, every decision has consequences, and no one is immune. For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. This Universal Law helps to maintain balance throughout the World Dream.

If you are fortunate, you wise up through trial and error, mostly involving the consequences of thoughts and actions. Practice makes perfect, but not always. You can do your very best and still have terrible consequences, and these things happen, but mostly if one is mindful, one can enjoy the fruits of one’s labor.

Eight — People will be who they are.

You can’t change others no matter how much you want them to change to suit your vision of the world. People tend to act in familiar ways, and only with desire, personal vision, and intent can they/you change.

Expecting others to change their behaviors or thoughts is a well-deformed outcome, especially if you are attached to the change(s) sought. And, what if the person does change? What other changes may come with the one you wanted? You cannot control others; they will continue to be who they are, as will you. 


The preceding tips can be vital guidelines for making your Earthly experience more fun, pleasurable, and harmonious. I hope you enjoyed these eight tips for wisdom seekers. See you next week. 

Usually, I enjoy writing in the third person plural, but today, I decided to leave the article written in the original second person singular. I was acutely aware of the missing “me” in “you,” i.e., “we.” We’re all in this together, this common humanity. No one is ever left out.

These eight tips for wisdom seekers belong to us all. I hope I didn’t come off as preaching to the choir as I wondered if I might and how you feel about it. 

Feel free to leave your comments. 

Love and Wisdom,

Kelly and The Angels Talk

Kelly and The Angels Talk


Today’s offering is unique in that it is a copy of a chapter I wrote for the game and companion book, The Angels Talk (Penguin). It was published twenty-five years ago and is no longer in print.

Here’s how I ended up writing about my daughter, Kelly and The Angels Talk for you today.

What Happened?

Settling into blogging has gotten easier and I enjoy writing, however this week, after a few hours I realized it didn’t seem to be coalescing. I stopped at once rather than fret, and meditated.

Upon asking Love Consciousness in thought and heart what to write, the answer immediately popped in. “Republish the chapter you wrote for Kelly and The Angels Talk as this week’s blog!” I wondered if I could. It was so out of left field, but then I remembered if Kelly had remained here with us, she would turn 40 this Tuesday, August 10th.

August 10th

Kelly LOVED her birthdays, and some kind of way she is still with us. When we came to Ecuador, we looked at a number of places to live and finally fell in love with where we are now. The cross street to our street is Diez de Agosto, and in English, 10th of August! Ecuadorians give important dates street names here, but for us, it was Kelly continuing to bring attention to her birthday. So the notion of sharing the chapter about her isn’t really a stretch.

I’ve deleted my Near Death Experience at the beginning of the chapter and  you can read about that here if you like. Note that today’s blog is a full book chapter, so grab a cup of whatever you love before you settle into it.

Kelly and the Angels Talk

Dreaming my Baby and What Was to Come

Two weeks before Kelly’s birth, I dreamed I went to a bright, clean, and animal shelter to pick up my baby. She appeared as a cute little baby lamb, with a satiny-pink bow around her neck. As I took her in my arms to cuddle her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, the owner of the store, who happened to be a Being of Light, appeared and spoke:

“This baby is ill, and will require a lot of attention. Wouldn’t you like to choose a healthier one? You don’t have to choose the sick one.” “No.” I replied, “This is the one for me.” In the dream, my heart was already with her, and I knew I could give her the unconditional love she needed to help her through whatever she might face. I felt at peace with my decision.

Whoever had spoken indicated again that I had a choice, but wished me well either way. I awakened, somewhat alarmed and wondering if my baby would be healthy. At the time, the remaining denial of my intuitive gifts kept me from taking the dream too seriously, but even then, I sensed that the Being in the dream might be an Angel. The Angels were already on the scene, helping us both with what was to come.

The Dream Manifests

After an unusually short labor followed by a simple birth — as these things go — I was deeply relieved when Kelly received a perfect 10 on the Apgar, a test which measures the health of a newborn. Yet, a month later, I looked at her sweet little Dresden doll-like face in the sunlight and noticed her skin had a dull yellow hue, as did the whites of her eyes.

In that split second, I awakened to the fact that my dream was, indeed, true. I called Kelly’s pediatrician immediately. After many tests and days of waiting, the diagnosis was given. Kelly had a rare genetic disease called “alpha-1 anti-tripsin deficiency” — a protein deficiency that can cause progressive cirrhosis of the liver in children.

Eventually her liver would fail, I was told, and she would need a liver transplant, or she would die. She was given two years to reach this critical juncture. I felt my world rapidly coming apart. Mind-models and belief systems regarding how I thought life should be crashed down around me.

The significance of having a deathly ill child to care for, whom I loved more than my own life, ripped open my heart, and coupled with the pain and the utter inability to cope with all the rising fears, I began therapy with a therapist open to metaphysical understanding. I knew I needed help, for clearly, I lacked the skills for dealing with the deep level of pain I felt at the time.


While learning to deal with this crisis, like many parents of ill children, I dove into research, investigating and applying alternative healing methods to help heal my daughter. At the time, the doctors knew of no medical intervention that could help, save a transplant, so we were thankfully, free to look for alternatives.

While certain applications like nightly castor oil packs, chiropractic care, radionics and stellar nutrition seemed to help significantly, there were no guarantees. I also learned one of life’s greatest lessons, to “let go and let God,” for ultimately, I could not control whether she lived or died.

Finding purposeful meaning in the experience

It was during this time that I decided, no matter what the outcome, I would stay present and find purposeful meaning in the experience, and allow the experience to enrich our lives. Furthermore, the children’s hospital was full of mothers like me, who were struggling with their children’s serious challenges. I could share what helped us with those I met, and more and more, they shared what helped their families with me. I suppose this was our way of having a support group without calling it that.

This intention to take the high road, and to be of service to a higher purpose, helped me deal with my daughter’s needs and kept me from drowning in a sea of despair. I also took my cues from Kelly, who lived totally in the moment — without a care in the world.

After devastating news about her latest test, I walked outside where she giggled, chortled and laughed with glee as her Dad swung her on the little wooden box swing in the back yard. She was that way throughout her life, living every moment to the fullest, a true force of Nature the whole way through it. How many of us can say the same?


Adding to the stress of the situation, Kelly’s father and I divorced, and it soon became a financial necessity for her to live with him – in Florida, where he moved for new work — six hundred miles away! Even though Kelly and I communicated daily by phone, and visited each other as often as possible, it was extremely difficult to accept the physical distance between us. I longed to be near her, but the circumstances seemed insurmountable.

Things weren’t’ looking good

By then, even though Kelly had survived ten years longer than predicted, by September of 1994, her health was noticeably deteriorating, and we knew time was running out. She had been on a liver transplant list for eight months, but there was no news of a donor. One night, while we were talking on the phone, she said, out of the blue,

“Mom. I can feel my energy getting weaker and don’t think I can live much longer.”

We talked about “20/20”, a show we both watched a couple of nights before. The news program produced a segment with a little girl, who was also very sick, who asked the Angels to help her get ready for her transition into the World of Spirit. Kelly and I discussed at length her own feelings and fears, along with the possibility of asking the Angels to assist with letting go of the fears.

I had some fears of my own. Even though I “knew” that our Spirit lives on, the mere thought of living without her in my Earthly life left my blood running cold. I did not want my child to die!  It is heart-wrenching for any parent to entertain those kinds of thoughts.

The Angels Talk

That night, I reached out to Angels who might help Kelly, with an intensity and power I didn’t know I possessed. I fell asleep praying, somehow knowing that one way or another, our lives were about to change radically.

Early the next morning, I awakened with a vision. In my mind’s eye, I saw a message board people could use to communicate with Angels. A family was sitting around the board, laughing and playing and having fun. I “knew” immediately that this board was something I wanted to create for Kelly. I shared the scene with my husband, Larry, who immediately agreed to help me.

After the vision of the board, I naturally began thinking about Angels more often, recalling other encounters I’d had with the Angelic Kingdom. Although my experiences were noteworthy, I humbly realized I was entering into the creation of The Angels Talk with very little knowledge on the subject of Angels.

In fact, the only material I had ever read on the topic was our friends’ Thomas Keller and Deborah Taylor’s book, Angels: The Lifting of the Veil.  The book opened my eyes to a new and refreshing approach to the Angelic Kingdom. Previously, I’d considered Angels to be light-hearted heavenly ethereal Beings who existed in another dimension; sometimes they touched our lives, but mostly not.

Despite my personal experiences, I never really considered that one could communicate with these Beings purposefully, until that very moment. Later in the morning of my vision, I was compelled to call Deborah and Thomas. Caught up in the excitement of doing something positive for Kelly, I blurted out an invitation to join us in creating the Angels message board. They agreed, and in September we met to lay out a plan.

The rubber meets the road.

One month into designing The Angels Talk, Kelly came to me with an innocent question which took the wind right out of my sails, “Mom, do you think this Angels’ board is really going to work?”  My heart quickened,

“What do you mean?” She repeated her question.

“Do you really think the Angels are going to come through this board and talk with me, help me?”

In that moment, I realized that despite a lifetime focus on self-growth and spiritual studies, I still had doubts. There was no way the board was going to work without the Angels help. What if they didn’t want it to work? Or what if my vision was just a figment of an overactive imagination? What had I gotten us into?

I had no choice but to move forward, compelled to find the truth. More than anything, I wanted the Angels to talk with us, to teach us and open our hearts and minds, and help my daughter — no matter what her future.

And there was more . . .

To add further emotional pressure to our experience, in November, my mother, a great source of emotional support, underwent surgery to remove her gall bladder. During her recovery, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The doctors said she had a month to get her affairs in order.

On top of it all, my grandmother was getting ready to cross over, too. I remember sobbing at the news that the women in my family would all soon be gone, while Larry held me in his arms. I cried for my grandmother, my mother, my daughter, myself, and my entire family who had been through so much emotional upheaval.

Just a year and a half before, my beloved brother, Griff, and sister-in-law, Julie, lost their five-year old son in a tragic accident. In their deepest moment of grief, they offered Kelly their son’s liver, but for medical reasons, my nephew’s organ could not be used.

Although heartbreaking at the deepest of levels, Griff and Julie’s gift of love was extraordinary and the family was filled with unspeakable gratitude at their offer. As a result of the tragedy, my family had become closer and more unconditionally loving and supportive of one another. We were just beginning to peep over the edge of grief, when both Kelly and my mother began to decline rapidly.

Silver Linings

Still, there were three redeeming graces during those dark winter months. The first was my beloved husband, whose unwavering un-conditional love and support was truly a godsend. The second was my then 23-year old son, Rick, (whose story will come later) who came to live with us for four months, bringing laughter and joy into our home. Last, but not least, were the Angels.

We completed our prototype message board and it worked better than any expectations I held. As the Angels taught me to communicate with them in an intimate way, I became stronger and more self-confident in approaching the future with balance and grace. Not only did the board actually work, the Angels continually comforted and assisted me with signs and omens and miracles of love, light and joy throughout that heavy-hearted winter.

As for Kelly, the Angels spelled out that she would receive a new organ by April of the following year– and she would live!  For Kelly, there was never any doubt. She had complete and total faith that the Angels spoke the truth. Honestly, I had some doubts because I knew we were deeply attached to the answer we wanted to hear, and was aware that emotional attachments can sometimes distort how we perceive the Angels’ subtle communications.

In February, Kelly took a turn for the worse, and was forced to remain on oxygen twenty-four hours a day. Thinking he might never see her again, Rick traveled to Florida to visit her one month later. One night while he was gone, and after we talked with the kids, Larry and I decided to spend a quiet night together and retire early. Around midnight, we were awakened by my brother pounding on our bedroom window, screaming for us to wake up. (We had not heard the phone three rooms away.) We ran to the front door.

The Liver Transplant

“The doctors have a liver for Kelly!  She and her dad are on their way to the airport!  She wants to talk with you before they board the plane.” Seconds later, I was on the phone talking with Kelly. She felt afraid, but excited. After listening and trying to assuage her fears, we called on the Angels to ease her path and promised that Larry and I would soon be with her. Her dad and step-mother, Renee, were flying with her on a private plane to Cincinnati, and we would meet them there.

During the fourteen-hour drive from Virginia Beach to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, I was in a state of shock. It was the longest fourteen hours of my life. I prayed constantly, remembering all the years of waiting for this very moment. At times, tears spontaneously rolled — sometimes poured — down my cheeks. As we arrived at the edge of the city, I saw a light out of the corner of my eye.  I turned and saw a large orb of white light on the back seat of the car, behind the driver’s side!  I was filled with hope and love.

When it faded, I turned my attention to the road ahead and noticed something else. At first, I thought it was a large silvery cloud, but when it suddenly moved rapidly in the direction of the hospital, I noticed it had “wings”.  The Angels were showing us the exit to take to the hospital!

Kelly came through the surgery like a trooper, with great courage and spunk.  At one point while talking with the hospital chaplain, another Angelic experience occurred. Larry and I were telling him how we’d thought she might not live long enough to receive her transplant. After all, she had been on the transplant list for fourteen months.

The chaplain spoke: “You just never know about these things. Perhaps this is a miracle.”

No sooner had he spoken than the water in the sink beside us gushed loudly out of the faucet, full force! The three of us stared, open-mouthed.

“See?” the minister said.

Another time, Larry and I were outside her hospital room. The entire length of the room was floor to ceiling glass panels, so we could see everything going on in the room. Kelly lay on the bed with seventeen tubes connected to her body. A dozen doctors surrounded her.

As we both watched the scene unfold in her room, we both became aware of Light Beings filling the room, standing behind and in-between the doctors around Kelly’s bed. We said at the same time,

“Is it my imagination, or is her room full of Angels?”

Touched with tears of gratitude, any doubts about her recovery vanished.

It was time to leave

We were not able to stay in Cincinnati for the full length of Kelly’s recovery. We had to return to work. However, her father was able to stay the entire seven-weeks as she recuperated, and we all felt blessed that at least one parent could be with her.

Just before she was to fly home, she called to tell me of another Angel encounter. When she was leaving the hospital, she and her dad looked up and saw three clouds in the distinct shape of giant Angels in the sky. She felt truly comforted by the experience. Kelly recovered well, and we went to Florida for a lengthy visit shortly to help with her recovery after she returned to Florida..

As for me, I had come full circle. I traveled a very difficult path during those first twelve years of Kelly’s life. True to the intention I set when Kelly first became ill, I found a deeper meaning, a gift in the experience — a renewed sense of connection with the Angels and the One-Who-Created-Us-All. I knew that the time had come to share this gift with others, but how?  At once, it occurred to me:  I was already doing it!  I was co-creating The Angels Talk.

I began to notice specific shifts in my outlook on life; I felt happier and more at peace than ever before. Angelic encounters were taking place on a daily basis, and it had become impossible not to believe in the magical and sacred world of these incredible Light Beings. By spring, another miracle occurred. My mother was sent home from the nursing home to recuperate, told by her doctors that she could possibly live many more years after all. Our lives had become a constant flow of miracles. And the Angels were correct. Kelly did receive her transplant in April of 1994 when she was twelve.

The attribute of Truth

One day, the Angels gave the four of us specific attributes or qualities for each one of us to embrace and embody in order to complete the project, and, as we learned, to discover the nature of our True Selves, that we, too, are Divine. When I first saw them spell out “T-R-U-T-H” as my personal attribute, I felt a deep gratification because it had been my mission since early on to recapture the loving Truth I experienced in my childhood NDE.

I knew for sure there was a Realty of Truth beyond anything I’ve seen or heard since in this earthly life. Still, I was compelled to search for how to find it here, on Earth. Over the years, I read literally thousands of books, burning the midnight oil, pouring through the gamut of spiritual philosophy, cultures and religions, but each seemed to limit what I knew about God and the Nature of Reality.

The Angels promised to help us build a bridge between the two Worlds as we integrated our attributes, and this was heartening. Whenever the Angels would give us a progress report, and it would be my turn, they would repeat each time that “the most important Truth, the one that pervades all of life, is that we are all connected, we are all One” and to “Look to abide in this ideal Truth from which all else flows.” Still, in my mind, there were missing puzzle pieces. Fortunately, I did “get” from the Angels that this ultimate Truth and the Love was touching the place in my spiritual heart that I knew was in all of us and everywhere around us, too.

When The Angels Talk was finally published and our author’s tour was over, the burning desire to deepen my awareness of Truth continued.   Somehow I knew that if humans are not able to recognize and realize the ultimate Truth that we are all One, we could perish. I felt about Truth as the Great Invocation said: “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.” I was compelled to align with Truth at a deeper level.

The years passed

Over the years, I began to notice subtle but powerful changes in my perspective. I was thinking clearly more often than not, and I was more balanced emotionally and deeply-rooted in gratitude. I began to take better care of my body. Spiritual and material abundance poured into our lives. Kelly came back to Virginia to live with us. My relationships with others seemed easier and more rewarding than ever before, and those that were unhealthy began to fall away.

It is life’s greatest revelation and grace to wake up to know and understand that in Truth, there is only One-Who-Creates-All-That-Is. I found it makes perfect sense that there can be nothing outside of All-That-Is, therefore we are ALL made out of what we call God, Source, Divinity, Silence, the Supreme Self, or the One-Who-Creates the World of Form. WE ARE ALL ONE. No belief is required.

The Truth as I see it is we are individual Spiritual Beings in the World of Form with gifts and talents we came here to share while waking up to the one essential Truth.  Once we fully Realize this, we can walk in balance with all that is here on Earth. This simple beautiful truth was precisely what the Angels were pointing to the whole time.

Kelly’s transition

The continuing insights and realizations helped Larry and me immensely in assisting Kelly to cross the Great Divide when she was called Home, March 9, 2006. When I walked into the hospital where she lay dying twenty-three years after she was born and twelve years after The Angels Talk began, I felt a cold dread move through me. Later that same night –after hospital rules against spending the night in the Intensive Care Unit sent us to our hotel room — I turned to Larry, my body shaking, and said

“I just don’t know how I’m going to do this. It is so hard.

He put his hands on my shoulders, looked me squarely in the eyes and said in a gentle tone,

“The way you are going to do it, honey, is to remember the Truth of who you Really are, and who she Really is. Kelly is a Divine Spiritual Being, and it is this to whom we will be in service. That dying body you see on that bed is not who our daughter really is. It is time to step up to the plate and live what we know.” His words helped me step into a higher intention where I could be of greater service to my precious daughter, a Divine Being, who came to Earth to love and be loved.

And with that, we helped our girl prepare in earnest for her transition. She rallied for days, and we talked about this life and the next. Larry and I worked our healing magic on her, supporting and comforting her in any way we could while her fiancé, Josh, lovingly brought her anything her heart desired to ease her condition.  Together, we three loved her and eased her path Home – she said so.  And, of course, the Angels were also helping at every turn – just as they had since well before her birth.

A few hours after Kelly transitioned, our phone rang. It was 3:33 AM. Thomas was calling, our friend and partner during the Angels Talk project. He said he had just been awakened by Kelly and she told him she’d crossed over. Was it true? He wanted to know. At this point, since she passed over a very few hours before, I had shared her death with only the closest of family members, so I knew her visit to him was real.

It was not surprising that Kelly would let Thomas know; she loved Thomas. He counseled her many times as a minister, and she had wanted to see him one more time, but she was in Florida and Thomas lived in Virginia Beach.

As I sat, pondering his message, in shock at the reality that she was no longer here — or so it seemed —  I suddenly felt  her presence as strong as ever, hugging me, her “spirit arms” going right through my body! I heard her tell me that she felt wonderful, that I was going to love it when it was my turn. I could also see that the dark room was lit up, and knew it was her soul’s Light.  It was a beautiful, comforting and uplifting experience, and a confirmation that she hadn’t really gone anywhere at all. She had just left her body behind.

Chapter Ending

Not a day passes that I don’t wish Kelly was still here with us, and living full-out on Planet Earth as she did so completely. I am comforted by the fact that we’ve had many amazing visits with each other in dreams, and I know she stands with the rest of my ancestors as a guiding light in my life. More than once, she has spoken to me from the other side, and has proven her spiritual existence to me repeatedly, as our loved ones on the Other Side enjoy doing — if we ask.

Looking back, I can see that learning to communicate with Angels, and by following their guidance to integrate my attribute, the ability to consciously connect with the Truth of who I really am, and to live my life more authentically was birthed. Through this miraculous gift, I also realized success in accomplishing what I originally intended: to help my daughter. Not only did we both learn how to communicate with the Angels, I am personally convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Angels played an integral part in giving my child many more years of life here on Earth!

Co-creating The Angels Talk opened another door for me to share my heart with you, to be in service to y/our Divine Self. My humble prayer is that in doing so, this message may resonate with your spiritual heart, and that you, too, will learn how to talk with Angels, receive your attribute and remember that who you are is a beautiful, Divine, Spiritual Being, who has come here to share your gifts and talents with all of us. We are One.


Happy 40th Birthday Kelly! I’m keeping your promise, girl, to remember why I’m here. Dear Readers, I hope you got something worthwhile out of Kelly and The Angels Talk. See you next week with a regular blog.

Thank you for your comments, and never any pressure.

There is no death. There is only Love Consciousness.

