About Larry

Fractal Art and Website Design

My early design education consisted of architectural design, electro-mechanical design, printed circuit design, graphic design and illustration.

When the first IBM personal computer launched in 1981. I began playing and working with computers. In1994, when Kaye, a couple of friends, and I got together to work on a project, I discovered computer graphic design and began creating graphic art and have continued ever since.The aforementioned lead to the next phase of my learning.

The first website design of mine was launched in 1997 when Penguin Publishing in New York bought our game and book, The Angels Talk, and we thought a website to go with it would be a good idea. The next thing you know, I was creating sites for others. There were in-between jobs, too, i.e. creating the art for book covers, calendars, brochures, business cards and the like.

You Never Know What Can Happen…

Once a Tarot student of Kaye’s told me that she had a vision of a poster I’d done of an Angel and “saw it” hanging on the wall of a local health practitioner’s office. I didn’t want to be rude, but I thought she was really off. I communed with Angels and other dimensions of splendor, but I was no free-hand artist.

One day, while sitting at the computer, I accidentally pushed a random key. When I looked up, it was unmistakable. A couple of graphic lines had turned into a beautiful Angel, which even looked like it was radiating Light! I was so surprised. I recreated a number of renditions of the Angel to add dimension and color, along with alternative designs. People loved them and told others about them, A well-known healthcare practitioner picked up a framed angel and hung it in the entryway to her home and office! I fell in love with creating digitally designed art and have been doing it ever since.

Taking it on the Road…

In the middle of all of the above, I took a job with Tony Robbins. I was his Logistics Director on the road, overseeing every part of the operation of his one-day seminars, weekend intensives and annual two-week-long Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP certifications. It was working for Tony that I met my wife, Kaye Kaye and I were married under a rainbow on the beach in Maui, Hawaii in 1989. After residing in Virginia Beach, VA for 25 years, we both had nighttime dreams to move to Ecuador, we did, and have been here since 2016.

Countless hours, over my lifetime, have been spent learning and practicing several forms of energy healing. I imbue each of my images with healing energy with the intention that it brings healing and wholeness to those who bring the art in some way into their home. I would love to hear if and how my art affects you.

It’s my hope that my new gallery with fractal art, beginning with the images from our 2022 Astro-Plan-It Calendar will also inspire you to do more of what you love.
