A MotherPeace Tarot Reading to Jump Start Your Spring: Part Two  

A MotherPeace Tarot Reading to Jump Start Your Spring: Part Two  


A MotherPeace Tarot Reading to Jump Start Your Spring: Part Two

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This MotherPeace Tarot reading to jump-start your Spring: Part two has a very different vibe from last week’s Part One. I’ve looked forward to meditating on the intention that the reading will reveal an inspired entry into a new beginning. Let’s dive in.

Significator – Shaman of Discs

In Tarot, the Shamans have ‘mastered their element.’ The Shaman of Discs points to the Mastery of the Earth Plane and mirrors what is essential on the eve of Spring 2023. This makes so much sense, doesn’t it?

This Shaman beckons us to set an Equinox intention to apply our wisdom via practical creativity. Spring is an excellent time to write down the purest wisdom gems you’ve gleaned in your lifetime.

With this Significator, bringing your wisdom to life to serve humanity in a way you love is the ideal. There’s never been a better time to get started and dream big than right now.

Present – Priestess of Cups

The Priestess of Cups reflects our richness and depth of being and communicates our deepest heart’s desire when we listen carefully to our body’s wisdom. Cultivating our intuitive understanding expands our capacity for seeing true.

If we call out or bump into trauma in our deep on the way to inner Grace, it’s okay, and we’re okay. We can rest, breathe, relax, feel, and move forward when ready.

Integrator – Four of Cups

I always think of the Four of Cups image as possibly making a mountain out of a molehill. The person in the picture is crossing a little stream–inlet off the coast.

Contrary to an occasional fear that a tsunami could inundate her, she keeps moving. If we cultivate our wisdom and explore the rebirth of a new chapter of our lives, even when lesser thoughts and feelings arise, the best within us also unfolds.

Unconscious – Shaman of Swords

The Shaman of Swords points to healing our wounds – in Balance.   How to tell when they come up is when we get “triggered” by something or someone.

Our job is to find out what feels stuck in the body, tune in, listen, accept, release, and heal. We can look forward to many releases and clearings this way over the next six months. The harvest will be worth the work!

The Past – Five of Wands

What’s passing in this reading is rage and anger. We’ve seen so much of it these past few years between those divided. How long will it be before we put our swords down and find the spirit of genuine cooperation to build our future?

This reading has us on a hilly ride, but all is well. My life here is filled daily with hummingbirds, and they always remind us to focus on the nectar in life to help us remember the joy that is everywhere if we’re looking for it.

Conscious Mind – Nine of Wands

This card and position tell us we’re on the right track and to keep going. The energy moves through us, lifting our vibration, sense of connection, and awareness of our Divinity. We understand we are unified with something greater than our individual body-minds, and remembering this more and more consistently is necessary to our well-being and the crystallization of our inner Self.

Near Future – Judgment

When I picked up my first MotherPeace deck, this became my favorite card, and I painted a giant poster of it, framed it, and hung it on my bedroom wall.

For me, it is a beautiful vision of the future. The White Light of Christ or Love Consciousness floats in the center of an Ankh over our World Dream and divides into a full spectrum of color, creating an apparent “more than one” manifestation. Like us, though, it is all part of the White Light or Oneness that Connects us all as one.

I also love that it is with the so-called Judgment Day of the Tarot when we find out there isn’t any Judgment. The idea aligns with what Near Death Experiencers who had “life reviews” have to say on the subject.

“We judge ourselves on how we treat others and make amends from the point of view of expanded vision to the extent necessary for the ultimate understanding of our lives just lived.”

Y/Our Perspective – Priestess of Discs

We’re holding a vision of the future in this card. The Priestess here seeks her dream to manifest while also grounded as she sits on a blanket on the Earth. Like her, we feel protective of those we love, especially our children, and creations that “grow corn or that we can carry in a wheelbarrow,” something of substance.

Visions are useless without the power to manifest them, and power without vision, well, we all know where that gets us. We also see the need for nurturing our wisdom gems as guided earlier in the reading. Our perspective matches the incoming guidance. Always a relief.

Love or Fear – Eight of Wands

We can only serve one master at a time. We’re asked to make it Love, not fear.

We want to move ahead and our passion for being, seeing and doing our best is afire.

As we look at Cupid’s arrows of passion flying through the air, we are reminded yet again to focus on finding the direction of our best dreams and desires and moving toward them.

Guidance Message – Death

Pluto is said to be the planetary ruler of this card of transformation and rebirth, and we can see signs of it all around us. Humanity is still steeping in the rippling effects of the United States Pluto Return, which hits exactly once again in August for the last time, and leaves the exact degree in the birth chart at the end of October.

The coming new year of 2024 signifies that, on some level felt by all, our collective shadows will have been faced. Like the phoenix, we rise out of the ashes, born anew, graced with the Eagle Vision of the Shaman in our Significator.

Pluto also tells us to do our research. There are so many wide varieties of perspectives about spirituality, healthcare, education, science, society, politics, etc., that it behooves us to look into our beliefs and those of the opposite to find a bridge for unity that can be shared.

Outcome – Justice

Justice took me the longest of all the cards to understand or “grok.” Years. We have arrived at a most critical new beginning this Spring. It may be the most important ever and certainly the most important to date.

Divine Justice reflects what brings Balance and how Grace is the ultimate prize within all karma. Grace itself means unmerited reward. Indeed, none of us are here without karma, trauma, issues, or some shadowy projections. What if we relax, expand, and free all that? And keep looking to that which will set us free?


This paragraph concludes this week’s MotherPeace Tarot Reading to jump-start your Spring: Part Two. I hope you found something worthwhile in it. Please consider forwarding it to those you sense could use it, or leave a comment to share your sentiments. Thank you.

Love and Wishing You with Spring in your Step,

A Zen Tarot Reading for the End of Winter

A Zen Tarot Reading for the End of Winter


Over the years, when I observed New Year’s Resolutions fall by the wayside for most who make them, including me, I decided to look into it a little deeper. I gave myself a Zen Tarot Reading for the end of winter, just before the Solstice to see what it might reveal. (See reading below)

A Zen Tarot Reading for the End of Winter

Click on image to enlarge

The reading portrayed winter as our year’s end, and the upcoming spring best for new beginnings. From that time on, Larry and I began in earnest starting our New Year in the spring, and specifically on the second quarter Moon about a week after the Aries New Moon. It has really worked out well for us.

I thought you might like to try this approach this year, starting with a similar reading, and see for yourself how ending your old year, and beginning your New Year in harmony with spring’s new beginnings can make a difference.  This week’s reading is part one on reflecting over this past year, and letting go or “emptying our cup,” so that it may be filled with spring’s new beginnings.

Next week’s blog reading, Part Two, will offer pointers for beginning your natural New Year, which officially begins on the Equinox (March 20). (For further details and for planning, check out our Go With the Flow Astro-Plan-It Calendar here.)

Significator – Travelling

In February, the sap began to rise in the trees, and I’ve heard more than a few health practitioners say that our energy rises within our bodies around this time, too. When this energy rises, if it hits resistance in the liver, for example, triggers of anger can the result, a literal “red flag” to nurture y/our body temple.

This is why so many of us regularly plan liver and other organ cleanses in late winter, early spring, to help clear stale and stuck energies to make way for the creative influences to flow through us and into the world dream. I’m late on my cleanse this year, but starting one soon this coming week. I wonder if you do them, too.

Present – Exhaustion

We stand at the end of a year, many of us exhausted from the relentless stories of the latest news regarding the Shift of the Ages. Interestingly, the United States started it’s Pluto Return the very day Russia and Ukraine started warring, and life has got crazier across many dimensions of our lives every day since. All of this is a part of the alchemy of the times.

There’s still a shorter portion of the Return left to fulfill, but this month, Pluto will dip into Aquarius to give us a peak of what’s next. How perfect that this future snapshot shows up with Spring. In the meantime, the reading also guides us to take care of ourselves and our energy right now. It’s all connected.

Integrator – Compromise

While we have this opportunity to look over the past twelve months today, this card in this position would encourage us to value what is important to us, and to be authentically aligned with our best. It guides us to look over the past year and see where we said “yes,” but felt “no,” or where we may have repressed our wisest thoughts and deepest feelings for something less.

This is not to judge, but to see where we have compromised our values or heartfelt truth for something else. It’s a call to our authentic selves to come forward and create.

The Foundation – Unconscious Power – Courage

This card is so beautiful. Here we are in the midst of the Great Awakening at spring, and we can see ourselves as a flower radiating energy and light is popping up out of a crack in concrete. What a perfect image to reflect the Blossoming of our Selves through hardened repressed traumas that have been jolted awake these past few years.

As painful as it is, moving through this part as it shows up and learning to accept, integrate and love what is, will give us a freedom we’ve only dreamed of up until now. We’re just a stage of going into the darkness and Lighting it and ourselves up from within, and we’re all doing it en masse. It’s our role right now, to discover our inner safety, and to switch on and shine our Light.

The Past – Flowering

We began to flower this past year, to mature. We’ve had three years leading up to and being smack dab in the middle of Pluto’s birth, death and rebirth. It steamrolled into our lives, letting us know it was on the way with Covi and triggering our shadows all based in fear, like no other time in our memory.

This card tells us we have been up to the task given us and are using the experiences to grow in our wisdom and hearts. Something in us knows “Love” is the only solution, and we are about figuring that out and applying what we learn into our community.

Direction — Conscious Mind – Playfulness

We may be exhausted from our long year, but our focus is on playfulness, creative pursuits and climbing out of winter’s dark hibernation and into the Light of day. Finding a focus in movement and joyful endeavors help balance uncomfortable things that we can no longer ignore.

We know spring is on its way. And, with it, a renewed sense of Love, Light and Life.

Near Future – Going With The Flow

This card is one of my favorites! I found out quite by accident that if I looked for “a flow path,” it would reveal itself to me. It was at a Neptune’s Festival in Virginia Beach, and the Boardwalk was filled with a mass of wall-to-wall people. The place was jammin’.

We wondered how we would get the three blocks to a restaurant to meet friends. I looked at the crowd to find an opening and one appeared! We slipped into it, and darn if a whole path through the crowd didn’t open itself to us. We moved quickly through the path to our destination without stopping or bumping into one of the otherwise solid river of people.

There’s always a flow-path and if you seek it, it will show itself to you. Practice makes perfect. We can also trust that we are in the flow whether we can see it or not. Our Divinity/True Self always has our back, and is never out of Balance.

Y/Our Perspective – Politics

This is another mirror of the “Compromise” card described above. It guides us to put all politics aside and get Real with ourselves and each other. We are all looking to feel safe so we can fall into the Love Consciousness that we are.

Authenticity, communications and solutions that work to transcend our problems need to be our focus.

Hope or Fear – Suppression

There is overwhelming evidence that the suppression of our Light today is held in place by repressed traumatic emotional stress rooted in fear and terror. People worldwide are using plant medicines, somatic pain-release therapies, diet and health measures in new ways to dig into these to find relief.

We are incredible creative beings, but haven’t been able to shine due to things in the way, but the Great Awakening is revealing these old skins, beliefs, fears, etc., to us, so we can see them. Only then, do they dissolve and what’s left is our Love, Light and Life.

Guidance Message – Creativity

This card reflects our environment and also guidance from Loving Beings in other Dimensions who are also Divine, and are our brothers and sisters in the truest sense. This message says it plainly. Get creative.

It asks: “If you could contribute, give birth, or otherwise support the Divine Nature in yourself and others with something you truly find meaningful, what would that be?” Perhaps you could take your first step (or your thirtieth) this spring.”

Outcome – Integration

The card, Integration, unites the clarity of our direction with the power within our Heart. This is what happens when we see and let go of the traumatic events, suffering and pain that forced us to wake up to who we really are.

Yes, we’ve made choices and done things we’re not proud of. We’ve also had things seemingly done too us. We’ve judged ourselves and each other in all kinds of shadow dancing. But now, we’re facing all that, and with clarity, humility (flexibility of perspective) and the forgiveness of self and others we will find our way to wholeness once again, individually and together.


This turned out to be quite a full year we’re wrapping up here. It sure was for me when I consider all that unfolded. The reading didn’t mess around, but got beautifully to the point, or at least I thought so. I hope you were served by a Zen Tarot Reading for the end of winter. Inscribe your thoughts in the comments if you like. Thank you. See you next week.

Love at Winter’s Close,

Initiation into Tarot

Initiation into Tarot


The Tarot cards are one of the most amazing tools for turning and looking within because everyone “needs” a mirror, and the images on the cards can offer reflections of our inner construct and beyond.

Three Factors Merge

My “initiation” into Tarot started unexpectedly with the aligning of three factors, a gift of a science fiction trilogy in paperback, the birth of my second child, and a picture of a round MotherPeace Tarot Card.

The first came while I was pregnant. I was not a sci-fi fan but was gracious when Diana, a friend, gifted me a sci-fi trilogy to read “ for when I was home with the baby, nothing to do, and plenty of time on my hands to read.” From this one statement, you can tell Diana did not have children of her own. Boy, would she be surprised if and when she did! I put the books under my bedside table and promptly forgot about them.

Kelly was born on August 10. Delivered within a manageable four hours of labor, she could not wait long to get here. Our days filled with mother-daughter bonding and the usual adjustments. A couple of months later, Kelly was pronounced terminally ill with a liver issue, and I headed into therapy to learn how to cope with this new and devastating aspect of motherhood.

The third thing that happened was that the therapist showed me a copy of a round MotherPeace Tarot card, and I instantly connected to it. I owned the Rider Waite version from a few years ago, but for some reason, I never really resonated with those cards. That deck sat on a bookshelf, an attraction for dust mites.

One day soon after seeing the card, I remember Kelly was napping. I decided to check out at least what the Sci-Fi trilogy was about. After all, Diana knew me well and felt I would “love the reads.” It was the respectful thing to do to see at least what she had taken mindful time and joy to gift me. I peeked under my bedside table, and there they were as I left them, neatly stacked and tied with a big fat pink ribbon for me, the new “baby mama.”

Trilogy of Tarot by Pier’s Anthony

I untied the ribbon and saw the three books written by Piers Anthony, and all three had the word Tarot in their titles. That certainly piqued my interest, especially in lieu of my recent connection with the MotherPeace Tarot card. What a perfect synchronicity. Now, I understood why the friend gave me books I didn’t think I would like.

The trilogy wasn’t your average science fiction, but a journey of someone who journeyed home from a distant place by way of the path of the Major Arcana in the Tarot. As laid out and reflected in the trilogy, the protagonist is, in the beginning, offered three possible ways Home, each reflecting the “energetic imprint” of three different and specific Tarot decks.

Each Chapter was thusly named after one of the twenty-two Major Arcana in the deck. They started from the beginning and flowed through to the end. The card images can be seen as an allegory of our journey as we are born into a dual world and our evolution along the way, where we finally merge back into the Oneness from whence we began.

In this way, the character sets out on his journey, as does the Fool of the Tarot, the first card, image, and leg of the adventure. He stops and experiences the perspective and experience of each Major Arcana along the way until he finally reaches Home with the World card.

What if . . .?

I felt strangely compelled to model after the character of the books and take a journey via the Major Arcana of the MotherPeace Tarot deck. It seemed like a worthwhile and much-needed diversion from the stress of daily life.

Diana was right. Hers was the perfect gift for me when my daughter was born and diagnosed, and it taught me how to turn within in earnest and begin to learn how to become a Peaceful Mother and so much more of who I really am. I called it Initiation into Tarot, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to give it a shot.

Here’s how I proceeded:

Beginning at the beginning of the Tarot with the Fool card, I spent as much time learning about it and applying its value to my life and perspective. I stayed with the Fool, reading about it, looking at the images, trying to dream about it, and watching Fool’s Way of Being and how it was also apparent, if I looked for it, in my and others’ lives. The Fool mirrors our Divine Consciousness: childlike, innocent, trusting, intuitive, impulsive, adventuresome, pure spirit.

When I finally felt I understood the heart of the card through and through, I would go to the next step and card in my journey, in this case, the Magician, and repeat the same thing. Journey, reflect, repeat.

It took me six months to journey through the twenty-two Major Arcana, and I had many parallel adventures along the way. When I finished, I could seriously read any card from any deck, anytime, anywhere, right side up, upside down and all around, and also be pretty accurate. Shocking, really, but true. Most important, though, was that in embodying and integrating MotherPeace, Kelly benefited in countless ways.

I integrated into my body, mind, and soul the archetypes presented in the Major Arcana, similar in context to Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. Due to having done this through the direct experience of seeking to master and understand the Heart and Soul of the Tarot/Life, I ended up doing just that.

What About You?

If you are interested, take your time in purchasing a Tarot deck you feel attracted to explore in the way described above (there are over 4,000 decks), and begin your odyssey to get to know yourself. Doing so will bring greater understanding to your life. Remember that the Fool, who mirrors our Divine Nature, must accompany all the other cards and images. We can never again forget who we are.

I’ve facilitated many others through the Initiation into Tarot, and all who attended came out of those courses being able to read Tarot expertly, comfortably, and accurately. You can absorb this into your daily routine without much effort.


An Initiation into Tarot can help you find more outstanding balance within. And it’s plain to see that the colors, actions, and images on the cards act as little mirrors of our souls and life to teach us to look deeper into who we really are in a balanced approach. They help us, when studied this way, accept all parts of ourselves and detach from what doesn’t serve us and never has.

If you’re interested in an Initiation into Tarot course, please email or say so in the comments. I’m not planning it, but I would consider it if there’s a demand. Thank you.

In Gratitude and Increasing Love,

Celebrating Thirty Years of Appreciation

Celebrating Thirty Years of Appreciation

Dear Family of Friends and Clients,

How are you these days? I envision that this message finds you healthy, prosperous, and centered. And if not, here is an earnest intention that you recover quickly. Below is my 30th annual offers.

Gratitude and Discounts

Fall and Winter Holidays are just around the corner. I’m celebrating thirty years of gratitude for your support of my services with my annual offer of steep-discounted Horoscopes for you and your beloveds.

I always wish I could give so much more, and for free, too, but this is what I can do. If you’re a bottom-line person and want the details on the special offers only, scroll down until you reach them. If you like a little more story, keep reading to stay in the loop.

What I Realized

Lately, I have given a lot of thought to the years I spent in deep and intimate conversation with clients via Tarot and Astrology, and most of all, a Loving Spirit. What I realized is we all want the same things.

We want to solve our problems and fulfill our goals and ideals, whatever these may be. Most of us could use more money, more time, improved health and work we truly love and enjoy. We yearn for balanced relationships.

Less suffering and discomfort, greater pleasure and comfort, are high on our lists of wants. And most all deep within, we all desire to connect with Who We Really Are.

Alignment with Your Heart’s Desire

As I was musing, I could see how the readings and charts helped people align to their heart’s desires – from the inside out and that these tools have helped me, too, in similar fashion. So cool! The specific question comes to mind. “So what do we need to do to align with the fulfillment of our dreams?”


Everything is not always happiness and light, though. Right now, as we approach 2023 many of us are required to DEAL with massive uncertainty. This kind of stuff can bring up fears we didn’t know we had. It’s okay, though. What is required – is to allow it all to unfold without fear.

We can also Trust that the Universe as a Whole is never broken or out of balance and while we don’t always get what we want, we always do get what we need. And, it’s always a loving thing. Humanity is transforming. Your chart can help you seek the role you love and is natural to you.

Notice to Long Term Recipients

We have recently changed how we do mailings. For those who haven’t been receiving Thursday’s Week-At-A-Glance and Sunday’s Blog, this will begin unless you unsubscribe (below), which will remove you from receiving further emails from me in regards to my services. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Email – ks@gridoflight.com or call me – 757-214-9157 to read your chart for 2023 and peek into answers to your most burning questions. It would be an honor and pleasure for me to serve you again in this way. Most of all, it will give you a fresh perspective on what’s next for you in 2023.

Blessed Holidays to You and Your Loved Ones, and Wishing You a Transformational New Year,
Kaye Sturgis

Discount Details Below


Receive 33 1/3% off on all Astrology Appointments.

(Regular Price: $150. Holiday Offer Price $100! Save $50!)
(Includes Natal Charts/Updates/Progressed/Relationship Charts, etc.)

Pay Now and Save! Get the Savings, and then make your appointment in January, February, or March.

Anyone referred by you gets a 33 1/3% discount, too.

Gift Certificates are also discounted at 33 1/3%!

Purchase your appointment/gift certificates before December 1, 2022, and receive a free Tarot Reading with your Astrology Chart appointment.
Your Choice: Zen, MotherPeace, or the Angel Tarot.

To take full advantage of these holiday savings detailed above, call at (757-214-9157) or email me (Kaye), now for appointments, gift certificates, etc. Payments may be made by check, credit card, or by PayPal online at account ks@sageelderwisdom.com

Offer (Absolutely) Expires December 24. Thank you.

Contact Information:
Email: ks@gridoflight.com
Kaye Sturgis
U.S. — 757-214-9157
Website: www.KayeandLarry.com

Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde

Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde


Inspiration guided me to offer a Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde in this week’s blog. It’s a good time for contemplation while flowing with this planetary retrograde motion. It began this past Friday, September 9th, and ends on October 2nd. After that, it usually takes a few days to normalize (whatever that means!) as Mercury moves out of its shadow.

It will retrograde backward through the signs Libra and then Virgo, which call us to seek balance, harmony, discernment, and practicality when looking in the “mirrors” of our lives. If we see a warped reflection, we know we’re in the funhouse instead of on a steady path.

We’ll use Osho’s Zen Tarot Deck created by Deva Padma for this reading. Each image in these cards is intended to pierce the questioner’s mind with an eye-popping awareness that can galvanize increased inner freedom.

Here’s the question for our purposes. 

What will help us to discern balance in the “mirrors” of our lives over these next three weeks?   

The Reading

Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde

Click to expand

The Significator – The Master

Any perceived mastery over others (or us) is short-lived. There are countless distractions in this life, and this is one. Recognizing the parasitic life-taking nature of this kind of so-called power in all its forms is essential for healing and understanding our Real Power, which is within us. Sometimes, we have to see who we are not, to see who we are. This powerful significator shows up in our cards to let us know that it is time for us to master superpowerful perspectives and discernment. 

Where We Are Right Now – Courage

We’re like the flower in the card right now, and while we may seem surrounded by a harsh, grey world of stone-like egoic tendencies, the Love, Light, and Life of who we are shines through the cracking façade of the ego’s crumbling false reality. It takes courage to be vulnerable and let our Light shine against all odds, but when we do, the world around us lights up, too.

What to Integrate for the Best Possible Outcome – Harmony 

The woman’s forehead and heart connect by healing energy in the card, stimulating a worthy vision for her more profound harmony and balanced discernment. The immense power it takes to support her worthwhile endeavor reflects our unfolding. This card shows the path to take that serves the best interest of the outcome of the reading question

Cohesion between our conscious navigating mind and our connecting subconscious mind creates cohesiveness, which is the key to an inner alignment and harmonious manifestation in our world dream. 

The Foundation and Unseen – Ordinariness 

This card indicates our general subconscious health in the matter. We understand how to flow in a relaxed state and be Present in our extraordinary life in even the most ordinary experiences. When others bring drama to our door, we can stay calm and help them relax; our appreciation for the everyday opportunity increases our steadfast compassion. 

Recent Past – Existence 

We came into human existence and, up until now, are still here! We know that we are a microcosm and the macrocosm in our True Existence. And so we share All That Is and the Love Consciousness from which we are all made. 

The Conscious Navigating Mind – Participation 

Participation mirrors the state of our navigating mind that we are not alone in our existence but are cooperative players with others. This positional image balances with the relaxed and flowing subconscious mind of the Ordinariness card.

We are aligning in a spirit of cooperative participation, which supports the Integration position (above) for our best outcome. We are ready to become active participants and to be of service to All That Is. 

Near Future (This next week to a month.) – Slowing Down 

How perfect a Near Future image for this reading! Our cards suggest we slow down, become more mindful these next three weeks, and harvest thoughts that navigate any rough seas ahead with mental/emotional stillness. The images suggest we spend time gathering and directing our ideas in ways already discussed in the reading. Sometimes, we think too much, but now we must take time for mindful critical thinking about how we might best move ahead after Mercury goes Direct. 

Our Perspective of Our Selves – Suppression 

Here, we see we are holding back our Light in some way. It helps to ask the question and seriously contemplate. “How can I release my trauma and shine my Light?” It’s time to let go of holding on to life-taking influences and feel the freedom we came here to experience. It’s hard to be of service to others when there are places we are suppressing Love for ourselves. Suppression (of what is Real) is a temporary state, and we are called to wake up from it. This means seeing that all the life-taking energy and influences we feel has to be let go. 

Hope or Fear – Compromise 

This position points out two sides of the same coin. The fear is we may have to keep compromising what’s important to us, and the hope is that we won’t. Hope and fear are a duality that disappears under the Light of Reality. The True Self does not hope or fear. It understands and has compassion for these states of stuck energy. 

Environment or Guidance – Success 

Larry and I are both White Metal Tigers in our Chinese Horoscopes, so the idea of riding one like in the image appeals to us. Some see this position in the cards as Guidance from Angels or other Beings of Service. If we look at it this way, we’re each guided that this is a time of celebration and success for our endeavors, to keep going, and to celebrate our feline virtues. Purr! Meow! Roar! 

Outcome – We Are the World 

How wonderful that this Mercury Retrograde marks a step toward global Unity and Oneness. As the egoic lies about who we are collapse, a grassroots effort rooted in Love is rising to heal our humanity. We can do this! We can dissolve the dualities that have become full of tension and instead find what Really unites us.


This beautiful Major Arcana outcome to our reading portrays the ideal relaxing of opposites, where peace, balance, harmony, creativity, wholeness, and universal law guides us for a change. Imagine that. We master alchemists and lovers of ourselves, and humanity are “doing the doing.” This reading shows our beautiful like-mindedness that brings renewal. It’s already started. Keep putting one foot in front in front of the other. 

Wrapping It Up 

I hope you liked this Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde today’s reading, and please share it with those you feel will be uplifted or helped in their healing journey. Add your comments if you like. No pressure.

Love, Light, and Laughter in Zen,

Five Powerful Ways Tarot Can Help You in Life

Five Powerful Ways Tarot Can Help You in Life


This week’s blog shares five powerful ways Tarot can help you in every aspect of life. Whether on an Awakening Path or seeking guidance on relationships, work, finances, or health, the Tarot offers solutions and clarity that empower you to love yourself and others more.


1. Reading the Tarot is a form of alchemical art that presents a deeper understanding of life.

Each deck guides its readers on an individual Awakening journey that reflects the tradition of the Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot, with the added spice of the deck’s designer. We get to choose a deck that attracts us most. Whatever the choice, once we settle into “play,” the images begin to speak to our curiosity.

The more we connect with the pictures, the deeper the insights. I’ve spent forty-three years adding dimension to my path with heart via the Tarot. After reading more people than I can count, I feel blessed to continue with this sacred tool for human navigation.


2. Tarot strengthens our connection with intuition and inner wisdom.

The more we play with the Tarot and notice how the cards reflect our everyday life and vice-versa, the more we trust our intuitive processes. What once appeared like magic when watching someone else read cards evolves into an acknowledgment that this is not magic but rather a wisdom path that’s easy and fun as it penetrates the soul.

The Divine Fool image at the very root of the Tarot promotes a childlike attitude of love, innocence, curiosity, and freedom that is the thread that holds the path intact until the path is no longer needed.


3. Tarot card images provide guidance and support during difficult times.

Arriving in adulthood from a difficult childhood, emotionally mature coping skills were not in my wheelhouse. When things got tough, I usually took off, but running was not an option when my baby girl was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Out of desperation, I dove into therapy and the MotherPeace Tarot Cards to turn within for answers. I asked the cards questions such as,

“What is the gift within this (devastating) experience?”

“What do I need to focus on the most when we go to the hospital this time?”

“How can I be the best mother to my sick child?”

And so it went. Kelly was twenty-three years old. Her health was going downhill fast. One night, I felt ready to ask the question I had suppressed for almost as long as she had been alive.

“What is Kelly’s future?”

The Zen card image I pulled was Adventure; the image (shown at the top of this blog) strangely comforted me and confirmed what I already knew but too attached to see. Kelly was leaving, and it was going to be okay. There is no death, only further life until we arrive Home and dissolve once again into pure Love Consciousness. The next evening, Kelly’s human life ended, and her new adventure began. The grief poured through, but in it all, I knew she and everything would be all right.


4. The cards are powerful tools for navigating the human dream and expanding personal growth regarding relationships, livelihood, finances, health, and just about anything.

In my experience, most people ask for Tarot Readings, not for spiritual development or consciousness expansion but for insights into mundane matters. It is what it is. Like everything, we get out of it what we put into it.

Personal relationships are at the top of the list of inquiring minds wanting to know. We are One, but it sure doesn’t appear like it at times in this world of duality! The cards will show the energies afoot and how to bring them into balance. Tarot is a great conflict resolution tool!

Sometimes, a person hates their job and feels stuck. Cards can help. Financial issues? A Tarot lover can get to the bottom of scarcity and see how to climb out of holes, especially those self-made.

On the other hand, opportunities for prosperity show up for our pleasure. We see ways to heal our ailments and make new connections. How revealing playing Tarot can be, especially when consistent at asking self-reflective questions such as

“What do I need to improve my connections with others?”

“What steps can I take to do the work I love?

“If I make this change, how will it benefit me?


5. Tarot helps us to see things as they are and diminishes our attachments to outcomes.

Life doesn’t always give us what we want, but we can trust it will always give us what we need. Over time, the Tarot brings the earnest seeker to welcome the loss of expectation and the gain of fluidity and ease of acceptance for life as it is.

If we are mindful and pay attention to the Tarot’s reflective images, our eyes learn to see beneath what appears on the surface and our ears to hear the magic behind the mirror. With Tarot, we get what we get. It’s not the only path, but it works if we apply an earnest intent.


I’ve covered five powerful ways Tarot can help you in every aspect of your life. Reading and playing with Tarot cards allow us to access our intuition and inner wisdom and strengthen our connection to our True Selves. The images provide guidance and support during difficult times, helping us see things as they are.

What about you? Have you picked out a favorite Tarot Deck yet? Have you benefited from a reading? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you.

Love, Light, and Life,