A MotherPeace Tarot Reading to Jump Start Your Spring: Part Two
This MotherPeace Tarot reading to jump-start your Spring: Part two has a very different vibe from last week’s Part One. I’ve looked forward to meditating on the intention that the reading will reveal an inspired entry into a new beginning. Let’s dive in.
Significator – Shaman of Discs
In Tarot, the Shamans have ‘mastered their element.’ The Shaman of Discs points to the Mastery of the Earth Plane and mirrors what is essential on the eve of Spring 2023. This makes so much sense, doesn’t it?
This Shaman beckons us to set an Equinox intention to apply our wisdom via practical creativity. Spring is an excellent time to write down the purest wisdom gems you’ve gleaned in your lifetime.
With this Significator, bringing your wisdom to life to serve humanity in a way you love is the ideal. There’s never been a better time to get started and dream big than right now.
Present – Priestess of Cups
The Priestess of Cups reflects our richness and depth of being and communicates our deepest heart’s desire when we listen carefully to our body’s wisdom. Cultivating our intuitive understanding expands our capacity for seeing true.
If we call out or bump into trauma in our deep on the way to inner Grace, it’s okay, and we’re okay. We can rest, breathe, relax, feel, and move forward when ready.
Integrator – Four of Cups
I always think of the Four of Cups image as possibly making a mountain out of a molehill. The person in the picture is crossing a little stream–inlet off the coast.
Contrary to an occasional fear that a tsunami could inundate her, she keeps moving. If we cultivate our wisdom and explore the rebirth of a new chapter of our lives, even when lesser thoughts and feelings arise, the best within us also unfolds.
Unconscious – Shaman of Swords
The Shaman of Swords points to healing our wounds – in Balance. How to tell when they come up is when we get “triggered” by something or someone.
Our job is to find out what feels stuck in the body, tune in, listen, accept, release, and heal. We can look forward to many releases and clearings this way over the next six months. The harvest will be worth the work!
The Past – Five of Wands
What’s passing in this reading is rage and anger. We’ve seen so much of it these past few years between those divided. How long will it be before we put our swords down and find the spirit of genuine cooperation to build our future?
This reading has us on a hilly ride, but all is well. My life here is filled daily with hummingbirds, and they always remind us to focus on the nectar in life to help us remember the joy that is everywhere if we’re looking for it.
Conscious Mind – Nine of Wands
This card and position tell us we’re on the right track and to keep going. The energy moves through us, lifting our vibration, sense of connection, and awareness of our Divinity. We understand we are unified with something greater than our individual body-minds, and remembering this more and more consistently is necessary to our well-being and the crystallization of our inner Self.
Near Future – Judgment
When I picked up my first MotherPeace deck, this became my favorite card, and I painted a giant poster of it, framed it, and hung it on my bedroom wall.
For me, it is a beautiful vision of the future. The White Light of Christ or Love Consciousness floats in the center of an Ankh over our World Dream and divides into a full spectrum of color, creating an apparent “more than one” manifestation. Like us, though, it is all part of the White Light or Oneness that Connects us all as one.
I also love that it is with the so-called Judgment Day of the Tarot when we find out there isn’t any Judgment. The idea aligns with what Near Death Experiencers who had “life reviews” have to say on the subject.
“We judge ourselves on how we treat others and make amends from the point of view of expanded vision to the extent necessary for the ultimate understanding of our lives just lived.”
Y/Our Perspective – Priestess of Discs
We’re holding a vision of the future in this card. The Priestess here seeks her dream to manifest while also grounded as she sits on a blanket on the Earth. Like her, we feel protective of those we love, especially our children, and creations that “grow corn or that we can carry in a wheelbarrow,” something of substance.
Visions are useless without the power to manifest them, and power without vision, well, we all know where that gets us. We also see the need for nurturing our wisdom gems as guided earlier in the reading. Our perspective matches the incoming guidance. Always a relief.
Love or Fear – Eight of Wands
We can only serve one master at a time. We’re asked to make it Love, not fear.
We want to move ahead and our passion for being, seeing and doing our best is afire.
As we look at Cupid’s arrows of passion flying through the air, we are reminded yet again to focus on finding the direction of our best dreams and desires and moving toward them.
Guidance Message – Death
Pluto is said to be the planetary ruler of this card of transformation and rebirth, and we can see signs of it all around us. Humanity is still steeping in the rippling effects of the United States Pluto Return, which hits exactly once again in August for the last time, and leaves the exact degree in the birth chart at the end of October.
The coming new year of 2024 signifies that, on some level felt by all, our collective shadows will have been faced. Like the phoenix, we rise out of the ashes, born anew, graced with the Eagle Vision of the Shaman in our Significator.
Pluto also tells us to do our research. There are so many wide varieties of perspectives about spirituality, healthcare, education, science, society, politics, etc., that it behooves us to look into our beliefs and those of the opposite to find a bridge for unity that can be shared.
Outcome – Justice
Justice took me the longest of all the cards to understand or “grok.” Years. We have arrived at a most critical new beginning this Spring. It may be the most important ever and certainly the most important to date.
Divine Justice reflects what brings Balance and how Grace is the ultimate prize within all karma. Grace itself means unmerited reward. Indeed, none of us are here without karma, trauma, issues, or some shadowy projections. What if we relax, expand, and free all that? And keep looking to that which will set us free?
This paragraph concludes this week’s MotherPeace Tarot Reading to jump-start your Spring: Part Two. I hope you found something worthwhile in it. Please consider forwarding it to those you sense could use it, or leave a comment to share your sentiments. Thank you.
Love and Wishing You with Spring in your Step,