A New Moon in Gemini Tarot Reading for You – Experimenting in the Dreamtime
“Spirit is the Life.
Mind is the Builder.
Physical is the Result.”
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce, the renowned 20th Century seer, was well known for his concept quoted above. It means that Love Consciousness (Who We Are) is the life or material that the human mind, a creature of duality, uses to create or destroy life. It is out of the mind’s intention that, sooner or later, a physical result appears.
Tomorrow’s New Moon in Gemini at 7:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time and Mercury Retrograde Stationing Direct on Thursday spotlight our mental capacity and offer a unique pairing that allows us to apply Cayce’s concept for our minds to build something of value.
I decided to offer a MotherPeace Tarot reading as a mirror of support to this end. I invite you to join me to see if we can consciously use the mind to create or manifest a physical result individually and collectively.
Here’s the question: What can I/we intend on this New Moon, etc., that aligns the mind to re-cognize, and re-member the Love that we are, and from that Core Essence of our Pure Selves, build and manifest results in the human dream?
*The image for the reading below is at the top of the blog.
Below is the reading:
The Significator –
(What the reading is about.) Eight of Swords — I had to laugh with this image symbolizing us batting our heads against a wall – and the message to have a laugh, relax more and enjoy life’s magic.
The number eight represents effective change and transformation. The swords in Tarot represent our thoughts, those we think will free us, but here we still are, struggling to overcome limitations. The crows tell us to look at the magic in life and get a higher perspective and maybe a few giggles along the way.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used in creating them.” Albert Einstein
Where We Are Right Now –
The Magician – Synchronistically, this card is ruled by Mercury and Gemini, so it’s yet another match for the current energies. We have all the resources and passion required to embark with a new intention. We are ready.
The Integrator for the Best Possible Outcome –
High Priestess – Along the same lines, this image provokes a deep connection between polarities; male and female, earth and sky, inner wisdom and outer vision, etc. Awareness that there is a balance point between all dualities where our connection to our True Selves meets. This card and position remind us to keep this in mind for the best Outcome and results.
The Foundation and the Unseen –
Judgment — This card is one of my favorites. Among other things, it points to the ultimate judgment being that there isn’t any. Can you imagine? Setting our attention on an intention of Self-Love, Grace, and Compassion is a healing balm to the other part of our mind, our inner subconscious existence. It is where we must consciously face whatever pesky shadows are there to get to and settle into the Love that is us at its root. The “mind as builder” foundation is the core of a conscious emergence into the world with a mindset of Unconditional Love for ourselves and others. Additionally, we let go and dissolve those mind patterns, which no longer serve our intention. In doing this inner work, we will see results grow in and all around us.
The Recent Past –
Ten of Discs – This represents the birth of a new creation into this World of Form. This blog is an example. I am “doing the doing” of it as best I can, and as the image in the card shows, there is a lot of support. Maybe each of you feels the same in your own experience, etc. Write your experience in the comments if you’ve recently given birth to something you want to share.
The Roof of the Reading –
Priestess of Swords – We are aware of walking a path in the wisdom of our life experiences. Our minds are clear, and we can put one foot in front of the next and stay the course. Even though our outer world may seem barren and gray and without a solution, we are driven from within to persevere until our creative vision begins to take root, the results of which will turn our environment into an oasis.
The Near Future –
this next Week – Six of Discs – I want to keep this one simple. We can all use bodywork for stress reduction and healing. Let’s make room for a massage or other relaxing spa treatment, chiropractic adjustment, etc., at least once during this cycle. Imagine the bodywork is not only serving y/our best, but that is contributing to y/our intention.
Our Perspective of Ourselves –
Devil – Ugh. I know. But here it is, so we’re called to face the music. This card represents a denial of who we really are. The devil shows up via attachments, limiting self-judgments and fears we entertain as “Real,” but are not. These self-destruction patterns can manifest in substance, mental and emotional addictions, fanaticism, sticky issues, and other toxic mindsets. In the lower right-hand corner of the card, we see what we’re going for here. The figure gets it. She Wakes Up to what has kept her in bondage and breaks free – with a sword, i.e., for us, a mirror – whereupon we use our creative mind to free ourselves from the illusionary fear-thoughts that were only here to wake us up in the first place. It is a necessary step, and we’re taking it.
Hope or Fear –
Son of Cups – While we hope for peace and tranquility in our lives, the only way to get it is to pay attention to that which brings its fulfillment.
Environment –
Ten of Cups – We are aware of how much there is to be grateful for in our lives. We can rest assured we are not alone, although it may seem like it sometimes. A lot of help given to us is unseen. We are never alone and can always connect with those of like-mind around us, where we can feel the Love en masse amongst us on the human plane.
Outcome –
Wheel of Fortune – (Thirty days.) We’ve ended up where we started with a card representing Change. Where we were somewhat stuck in thought patterns no longer working for us vis a vie our Significator, we have made a demonstrable inner shift. Now we can see significant dynamic and positive changes and results in our Human-Dream-World Outcome. It’s curious how the Wheel of Fortune card image points to the stars for how, what, and where specific changes are showing up. The Wheel of Fortune is the only image in the deck with a detailed astrological implication and how synchronistic it should show up as our Outcome for this quest, and a fortunate one at that!
“The Wheel of Fortune indicates a time when something lifts us out of our accustomed life and drops us somewhere new. It can feel like a twist of fate because this card is about astrological influence and cyclic shifts.” – MotherPeace Tarot Guidebook
I hope you enjoyed the reading and would love to hear your contributions, insights, and results now and as we move through June and the entire New Moon in Gemini Cycle and Mercury Stationing Direct.
Please share this post with anyone you feel might benefit. Thank you.
Love and a Happy New Moon!