A Spontaneous Exorcism: Facing the Devil Makes the Devil Go Poof!

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Written by Kaye Sturgis

May 22, 2022

Life sometimes demands that we step out of our comfort zones and “face the devil.” Sometimes, it’s literal, and it came my way one beautiful summer’s day with a knock on the screen door. I looked up from my book to see one of my neighbors standing on the other side of the screen.

I closed the book, stood, and walked over to the door. The neighbor held a used Kleenex in her right hand and pulled on it with her left. Her eyes were puffy from crying, and she seemed profoundly upset and anxious. Maria (not her real name) introduced herself and said she heard I was an astrologer and wondered if I could help her with a problem.

Of course, I said I would do my best, invited her in, and once settled in with a cup of tea, and without further delay, she dove into her story. “For two months, I have heard voices telling me to kill my children. I’m terrified.” Her husband was taking her to a therapist, who naturally thought she had a mental/emotional imbalance and gave her medicine.

However, Maria insisted that she knew it to be a spiritual problem because she could see and hear “demons” in their house. She felt the demons were the ones putting the thoughts in her head. Maria said this was out of her doctor’s wheelhouse, but her husband and doctor wouldn’t listen, much less believe her. She didn’t know where else to turn.

I asked questions and listened closely to her answers. Thankfully, her children were away from home and staying elsewhere but were due to return. Thus, the reason for her current terror.

There was nothing else to do. I agreed immediately to assist Maria, even though I had never done an exorcism in my life before. I also felt I had to act right away. Seriously. We were talking about demons telling a mom to murder her kids! What!? The only thing that was clear to me then was that Love Consciousness and the like are more powerful than all else, including any demons hanging around with nothing better to do than stir up and suck off a family’s fear energy.

We walked over to her apartment, and I tried to keep it light along the way to help this mom relax — and prevent me from overthinking the task at hand. Once in her apartment, she showed me around. On the physical level, the house was spotlessly clean. I then “energetically cleaned” the space and ourselves with purifying sage. No one else was home. I reopened her front door because I heard that it’s a good thing to leave a door open in exorcisms for the life-taking spirits to be able to escape, and I wasn’t taking any chances!

Together, we sat on her sofa. I asked her to tell me where the demons were, and she said, “in the dining room.” I looked across the living room from the sofa where we sat into the dining room and called on them to show themselves to me. Surprisingly, the little monsters peaked around the archway that separated the two rooms, and I could see them, too, and said so. Maria was wholly relieved that someone else could see them, especially when I described their appearance accurately. We could both hear them whispering amongst themselves, too.

We lit a candle, held hands, and I started to pray out loud. I don’t remember what I said precisely because the whole thing was being spoken not from me but through me from what felt like a powerful Presence of what can only describe as Love. Maria pointed to the door, and the demons quickly vanished through it. She then shut the door. All in all, it was one amazing experience!!

Maria and I hugged and cried tears of relief, and for two years more, we continued living in the apartment complex without ever seeing or hearing another demon again. It was the last of Maria hearing voices, too. Her husband was happy. Her kids thrived, and the event became nothing more than a piece of a tapestry of all our lives.

I later embarked on a shamanic path that lasted to the present and learned to understand more about the intricacies of navigating this world of duality, inhabited by two basic kinds of spirits for us to interact with while in our human bodies. One type of being is of the Life-giving variety, and the other is life-taking spirit. They both appear in countless ways and fashions, helping us wake up to who we Really are. It is my experience that both dissolve into Love Consciousness upon our physical deaths.

So, here in the Life Game, sometimes we are asked or forced to face our shadows, fears, or little devils in our lives. We are Divine or Conscious Beings who are more powerful than we can imagine, and playing the game and our roles this way, full out, without fear, wakes us up to greater freedom than we can imagine. We can’t let the little devils (or the seeming big ones) get us down. We do have to work at it, but we are so much greater than we know and are up to the task.

What do you think? Post your comment or a shadow experience to share with the rest of us?

Love and Freedom in the Game of Life,


1 Comment

  1. Jillian

    Thank you so much for this …. Really helped

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