Inspiration guided me to offer a Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde in this week’s blog. It’s a good time for contemplation while flowing with this planetary retrograde motion. It began this past Friday, September 9th, and ends on October 2nd. After that, it usually takes a few days to normalize (whatever that means!) as Mercury moves out of its shadow.
It will retrograde backward through the signs Libra and then Virgo, which call us to seek balance, harmony, discernment, and practicality when looking in the “mirrors” of our lives. If we see a warped reflection, we know we’re in the funhouse instead of on a steady path.
We’ll use Osho’s Zen Tarot Deck created by Deva Padma for this reading. Each image in these cards is intended to pierce the questioner’s mind with an eye-popping awareness that can galvanize increased inner freedom.
Here’s the question for our purposes.
What will help us to discern balance in the “mirrors” of our lives over these next three weeks?
The Reading
The Significator – The Master
Any perceived mastery over others (or us) is short-lived. There are countless distractions in this life, and this is one. Recognizing the parasitic life-taking nature of this kind of so-called power in all its forms is essential for healing and understanding our Real Power, which is within us. Sometimes, we have to see who we are not, to see who we are. This powerful significator shows up in our cards to let us know that it is time for us to master superpowerful perspectives and discernment.
Where We Are Right Now – Courage
We’re like the flower in the card right now, and while we may seem surrounded by a harsh, grey world of stone-like egoic tendencies, the Love, Light, and Life of who we are shines through the cracking façade of the ego’s crumbling false reality. It takes courage to be vulnerable and let our Light shine against all odds, but when we do, the world around us lights up, too.
What to Integrate for the Best Possible Outcome – Harmony
The woman’s forehead and heart connect by healing energy in the card, stimulating a worthy vision for her more profound harmony and balanced discernment. The immense power it takes to support her worthwhile endeavor reflects our unfolding. This card shows the path to take that serves the best interest of the outcome of the reading question
Cohesion between our conscious navigating mind and our connecting subconscious mind creates cohesiveness, which is the key to an inner alignment and harmonious manifestation in our world dream.
The Foundation and Unseen – Ordinariness
This card indicates our general subconscious health in the matter. We understand how to flow in a relaxed state and be Present in our extraordinary life in even the most ordinary experiences. When others bring drama to our door, we can stay calm and help them relax; our appreciation for the everyday opportunity increases our steadfast compassion.
Recent Past – Existence
We came into human existence and, up until now, are still here! We know that we are a microcosm and the macrocosm in our True Existence. And so we share All That Is and the Love Consciousness from which we are all made.
The Conscious Navigating Mind – Participation
Participation mirrors the state of our navigating mind that we are not alone in our existence but are cooperative players with others. This positional image balances with the relaxed and flowing subconscious mind of the Ordinariness card.
We are aligning in a spirit of cooperative participation, which supports the Integration position (above) for our best outcome. We are ready to become active participants and to be of service to All That Is.
Near Future (This next week to a month.) – Slowing Down
How perfect a Near Future image for this reading! Our cards suggest we slow down, become more mindful these next three weeks, and harvest thoughts that navigate any rough seas ahead with mental/emotional stillness. The images suggest we spend time gathering and directing our ideas in ways already discussed in the reading. Sometimes, we think too much, but now we must take time for mindful critical thinking about how we might best move ahead after Mercury goes Direct.
Our Perspective of Our Selves – Suppression
Here, we see we are holding back our Light in some way. It helps to ask the question and seriously contemplate. “How can I release my trauma and shine my Light?” It’s time to let go of holding on to life-taking influences and feel the freedom we came here to experience. It’s hard to be of service to others when there are places we are suppressing Love for ourselves. Suppression (of what is Real) is a temporary state, and we are called to wake up from it. This means seeing that all the life-taking energy and influences we feel has to be let go.
Hope or Fear – Compromise
This position points out two sides of the same coin. The fear is we may have to keep compromising what’s important to us, and the hope is that we won’t. Hope and fear are a duality that disappears under the Light of Reality. The True Self does not hope or fear. It understands and has compassion for these states of stuck energy.
Environment or Guidance – Success
Larry and I are both White Metal Tigers in our Chinese Horoscopes, so the idea of riding one like in the image appeals to us. Some see this position in the cards as Guidance from Angels or other Beings of Service. If we look at it this way, we’re each guided that this is a time of celebration and success for our endeavors, to keep going, and to celebrate our feline virtues. Purr! Meow! Roar!
Outcome – We Are the World
How wonderful that this Mercury Retrograde marks a step toward global Unity and Oneness. As the egoic lies about who we are collapse, a grassroots effort rooted in Love is rising to heal our humanity. We can do this! We can dissolve the dualities that have become full of tension and instead find what Really unites us.
This beautiful Major Arcana outcome to our reading portrays the ideal relaxing of opposites, where peace, balance, harmony, creativity, wholeness, and universal law guides us for a change. Imagine that. We master alchemists and lovers of ourselves, and humanity are “doing the doing.” This reading shows our beautiful like-mindedness that brings renewal. It’s already started. Keep putting one foot in front in front of the other.
Wrapping It Up
I hope you liked this Zen Tarot Reading for Mercury Retrograde today’s reading, and please share it with those you feel will be uplifted or helped in their healing journey. Add your comments if you like. No pressure.
Love, Light, and Laughter in Zen,

WOW! I never heard of combing both tarot and astrology! Nice reading!
Wow! I love this. Thank you Kaye. Ps I am a water tiger… sooo cool!