
Created By Lisa Jaffe
Transferencia: Impressions of Cuenca, the subject of this week’s unique blog, is Spanish for transferring something from here to there or from one place to another. Another deeper meaning is the rechanneling of old desires and feelings of the past to a new and fresh perspective.
The latter called me to a fantastic art project, later named Transferencia. For me, it started about a year ago at a gathering of dear friends when Janda asked how I would like to do a few oil pastel rubbings in El Centro.
She added that she had something percolating within her creative heart and would soon be in touch about it. Janda Grove is a deeply respected working artist who paints in oils.
Instantly, my mind flashed back to college, where I majored in Fine Arts for a brief year. My roommate and I ventured outside the lines one weekend, headed to an old cemetery, and with sacred intent, created some lovely oil pastel “rubbings” of the headstones onto some paper.
Life took me in another direction after that year, but I always held onto a secret yearning to pick up art again one day. My grandfather was a regionally renowned artist in his day, and I felt art was “in my blood.”
Back at the present moment, I felt goosebumps at Janda’s offer and said, “Yes.” The opportunity to pick up where I left off 50 years ago and work under Janda’s mentorship was too much to pass up. And it only got better after that.
Women Helping Women
Eight of us met at Janda’s house a few weeks later to hear her vision for the rubbings. We would go into Cuenca’s Historical Center in pairs or threes and find three-dimensional reliefs. When we found a potential place, we would place our vellum paper on top of it and rub it over the item with oil pastels. The plaques, carved door designs, iron window protectors, tiles, and utility hole covers were all considered.
And, wouldn’t you know, a few of us ended up in Cuenca’s beautifully maintained cemetery, where Janda received permission to “rub” the graves of the “Illuminarios” or local historical luminaries. Whatever item we rubbed, once home with our pieces, we were left to our imaginations to finish. Once done and if the pieces were worthy, we would exhibit them in an art gallery.
Mujeres con Exito

Created by Kaye Sturgis
Our collective desire was to donate all of the proceeds to a stellar organization here in Cuenca named Mujeres con Exito. Mujeres con Exito is a boots-on-the-ground charity that helps domestically abused women, and their children get back on their feet.
MCE is incredible, supporting the women and children in their healing journey from when they first leave their violent households to when the women become successful and able to maintain independent living. The women are given living quarters and professional mental/emotional, medical, and legal advice in a tranquil and nurturing setting.
Later in the program, the women train in work and skills that help them become independent. Some educate themselves further and return to the shelter to help the new women in the program.
I could go on about the value of Mujeres con Exito, and I will stop here except to say that throughout our progress with Transferencia, MCE inspired us artists and non-artists to do our best. Our desire to help them was our number one guiding Light. If you are out of country, you can also donate to MCE at their website if you wish. Thank you for considering it.
Being Childlike on the Streets

Created By Tricia Farrell
To succeed, I tried to be childlike to the point where my heart could open to taking risks, trying new things, and using the rich colors of oil pastels to transfer historical designs to create something beautiful.
My personal experience “on the streets” was rich and rewarding on many levels. I worked with several friend-partners at different times: Janda, Linda, Tricia, Tracy Jo, etc. It was really fun. One of us would spot a piece and gently rub the oil pastels over the design, while the other would hold the vellum paper we used in place.
After finishing, the vellum would be rolled up and deposited in a container, and we would switch roles. Our slogan is “Women Helping Women,” and this project has been just that from beginning to end.
At first, the joy of discovering a treasure to transfer and maybe turn into a work of art worthy of helping Mujeres con Exito was initially followed by the fear of what to do with the work next.
Taking Responsibility
Artistic genes and a year in art school fifty years ago do not make an artist! I asked Janda so many questions about my direction, and it wasn’t long before she sweetly but firmly said, “Kaye, you will have to take a risk and do something at some point. If you don’t like it, throw it away and start over.”
I knew I didn’t have time to start anything over as I was also committed to writing a blog for a week for a year, as my steady readers know, but I got it. Like with the blog, I had to take responsibility for blossoming as an artist.
That was the day my dining room table became a semi-permanent display table where I could stop and contemplate several works at once, or one at a time, and ask, “What is the best next step here?”
One by one, the answers came. And that way, my rubbing transfers transformed into art, step by step, and I fulfilled a lifelong desire to revisit the world of creating art. Living in the beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cuenca, Ecuador enhanced my experience.
To conclude, our loving and communal efforts to apply Janda’s initial shared vision Transferencia: Impressions of Cuenca will be exhibited at IdiomArt in Cuenca throughout March. See gallery opening and exhibit details here. All proceeds will go to Mujeres con Exito, a non-profit charity organization.
Your comments are welcome.
Love in Creativity and Service,
I love this!