Questions Whose Answers Create a Future Worth Living

Questions Whose Answers Create a Future Worth Living

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Written by Kaye Sturgis

January 22, 2023


Last week’s blog, “How to Quit a Habit,” led me to contemplate questions whose answers create a future worth living. If you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely interested in elevated perspectives, too, and realize humanity needs all the Real help it can get.

Indigenous Prophecies

Many indigenous prophecies speak of how humanity has endured destructive phases in the past. They also seem to agree that we can’t expect to be rescued by aliens, angels, or anyone else.

No. The task for humanity this time is to step up to the plate and take responsibility for rescuing ourselves. It’s time to resolve our presumed traumas and shadows, i.e., evil or “live” spelled backward, take our power as Divine Beings and the Love Consciousness we are, and fulfill our Destiny.

I don’t know about you, but I am pulling out every tool in my toolbox, connecting with other like-minded peeps, and am leaning in this direction. I am also pouring my heart into encouraging you similarly if you resonate.

Questions for Healing Humanity

Tony Robbins elevated my perspective many, many years ago regarding a Biblical quote, “Ask and you will receive.” His thought was you don’t have to ask anyone in particular. No. You can ask the whole Universe, and IT will answer your question. I have been experimenting with this idea for decades since I heard him point at it, and he’s right. It works! All the answers to everything are at our fingertips and we don’t always have to go online for a lot of the important ones.

Here’s how it works. Create a question we want to be answered by our Source and follow it up with a deep intentional breath. On the exhale, we let the question go, get on with our day or fall asleep if it’s that time. Make a habit of asking great questions to the Universe, feeling them fulfilled, and observing what happens. We need to work smart on this stuff.

Use or adjust the following deep questions to your preferred musings. These are meant to get answers that open up our future into one worth having. Think of the possibilities. Imagination is the doorway to more than we can dream.

What would happen if our combined intent to send questions into our Source of Being to create a future worth living proved to help set a clear direction for restoring wholeness and integrity to human existence?

Question # 1

How would it be if humanity sought to pay more attention to balanced solutions to our mounting issues, starting with our personal lives and rippling out en masse?

Question # 2

How can we learn to trust ourselves as it gets increasingly more difficult to trust those who lead us? What happens when two or more make collective decisions with integrity or wholeness? Does the Light of their attention draw others to it?

Question # 3

When you turn a light switch on in a dark room, the darkness disappears when the Light hits it. Similarly, when we shine our Light on a shadow, the shadow goes poof. Isn’t it time for us all to release our trauma, turn on our Lights and illuminate our way through the tangle of issues that face us, one by one or all at once?

Question # 4

Could enough people sending an intention of a barrage of Love Boms to Russia and Ukraine and ALL our leaders worldwide be influential in de-escalating the war in Europe to the level where a solution can and will be found?

Question # 5

What does it take for a self-created out-of-balance society starting with me, to come into balance?

Question # 6

What will it take for each of us to recognize and realize who we really are en masse?

Question # 7

Can humanity exist without so much suffering? Can you and I? Yes. “Pain is necessary, but suffering is optional.” (Buddha) Darkness is necessary. Evil is optional. One teaches and may cause pain. The latter causes suffering. Discovering the distinction between the two is golden.


We are all One, so any answers received by one will benefit the Whole of Humanity; let’s get our questions in order so the answers move us toward a greater restored peace, prosperity, and True freedom.

The above are only a few questions whose answers may help bring a future worth living. I know countless others are waiting to be asked.

In Love and Trust,


  1. Kaye Sturgis

    Thank you. Yes, I’ll do it, Sheila.

  2. Sheila

    Thank you, Kaye – what a great post! Any chance you would be willing to put some of these potent thoughts together for a 5-6 minute offering for our next UOT/MEGA meeting on February 5th? I know they would inspire people, standing next to all of the challenges we must recognize and take practical steps to cope with…….. Just a thought – thanks for considering!

    • Mary Thomajan

      Your questions reveal the quality of your soul and heart. You are indeed an advanced. Being. Thank you from the bottom and top of my heart for being and voicing all that you are, that we all are. You mirror the best parts of humanity. God Bless.

  3. Su Terry

    “Feeling them fulfilled”…. Gregg Braden also speaks of this. That an important component of prayer is cultivating the feeling that the prayer has ALREADY been answered, and then giving thanks for the outcome. Even though, technically, it hasn’t happened yet.

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Then you can play-plan your week ahead and experiment with Universal flow dates and states. See how it works for you, and please, let us know your thoughts.

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