Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus – What you need to know

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Written by Kaye Sturgis

May 8, 2022

It was years ago, the early nineteen eighties. I went to the post office to mail a package. It took longer than I thought. I hurried to my car because I didn’t want to be late to pick up the kids. I searched for my keys, but couldn’t find them. I looked in the car, and there they were, right where I left them — in the ignition. The doors were locked.

I called a close friend to pick up the children while I walked to a nearby locksmith’s shop for help. Later, my friend, Patty, said, “It’s Mercury Retrograde. Locking your keys in the car is classic.” More than a few years of total obsession with astrology, and this was the first I heard anything about Mercury Retrograde.

Astrology is like that. No matter how much you know about it, it’s a piece of space dust compared to what is unknown. Since then, I locked the keys in my car two more times — during Mercury Retrograde. The planet rules all forms of transportation and communications.

Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that happens three or four times each year when Mercury appears to go backward for three to four weeks. It has to do with the refraction of space particles causing things to look a certain way through the telescope. This phenomenon with Mercury (and other planets, too, but they have a different story) is called Retrograde Motion.

A few days from now, on May 11th (2022), we will have Mercury Retrograde beginning in Gemini and ending in Taurus on June 2nd when it stations and moves ahead. Like its ruler, Mercury, Gemini rules transportation and communications, mercurial changes in plans and schedules. Taurus governs money and our values. The astrology here calls upon us to keep our sense of humor and be extra flexible.

Here’s what to remember going in.

On the surface, during Mercury Retrograde, communications may go awry, and plans may change unexpectedly throughout and even a few days after it is over. It is especially the case with Gemini involved. However, this doesn’t mean that we have to overreact but instead can have a few chuckles learning with Mercury.

There’s also another perspective when we see Mercury Retrograde does have a meaningful upside. We have problems with it (or anything) when we resist its deeper or clearer purpose in our lives.

Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time to plan, self-reflect, renew, redirect, review, redesign, etc. Just as it is natural to exhale and be out in the world, it’s equally important to inhale and step back from the world. I see Mercury Retrograde as a time to step back, turn within, relax and connect as much as possible under life’s circumstances.

When we pay attention to what comes up, we prepare to flow into our action steps a few days after the planet goes direct. When we use the Retrograde Motion in this way, success naturally ensues when the time is ripe.

On the mundane level, it helps to double-check our schedules throughout this period. Relax if changes occur. It serves wisdom to wait on making any critical decisions or communications – marriage proposals, asking for more money, quitting a job, etc. Making large purchases like technology devices, real estate or cars for instance are better suited for purchase a couple of weeks after Mercury Retrograde, if possible. (Sometimes, though, cars (or anything) can break down and need to be replaced smack dab in the middle of MR, and that’s just the way it is.) No judgments. Just awareness in doing the best we can. Finally, it helps us to practice gratitude, humility, and forgiveness in all our communications, especially during Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde can be a challenging time regardless of the sign it falls in, but during Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus, things may be even more chaotic than usual. If you’re feeling especially frazzled this time around, take a deep breath and remember that everything will eventually calm down. In the meantime, try to stay organized, plan ahead, and be patient with self and others. Hopefully, this Mercury Retrograde period will enlighten our awareness even more!

Comments? We love to hear them. Thank you!

Love, Hugs and Big Peace,

Kaye ❤

Image Credits – The NeMu @


  1. Barbara Magro Berg

    Thank you! My car lease end is coming up and we are shopping for an apartment lecteic vehicle so good to know we should wait until June! Love you Kay and your wisdom!

    • Kaye Sturgis

      Thank you, dear Babs. I’m adding my intentions for your success in your endeavors.

  2. Sahara Exodus

    Excellent article Kaye, thanks for sharing your personal stories and this great point of view. For us, it’s already started. Being reminded of Mercury Retrograde, makes one be more accepting, and an opening to smile about it 🙃 Gracias!

    • Kaye Sturgis

      Thank you, Sahara for taking time from your busy life and heart-centered projects to support ours. K

  3. Jill

    Thank you Kaye …. Really love this !

    • Kaye Sturgis

      Thank you, Jill!

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