Eight Tips for Wisdom Seekers

eight tips for wisdom seekers

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Written by Kaye Sturgis

September 17, 2022


Eight tips for wisdom seekers was written years ago, but recently I was perusing them and musing whether they still stand the test of time in my heart and mind. Of course, being the evolutionary perfectionist I am, they needed tweaking, but you be the judge. Without further ado, then, hey ho, let’s dive in.

One — Divinity Identity/You are not your body or your mind.

You are living in an illusion of individual Consciousness, a spark of vibrational life that appears in a world of dreams via the intent of the Love Consciousness, or your pure, essentially rooted Divinity Identity. Your body-mind-individuality assembles within your Consciousness, which causes your senses to animate with your filtered human perspective, which, no matter how evolved you are, presents limitations when navigating life in perfect Balance and Understanding.

Two — Your thoughts and feelings are not you.

You entered the world of form with a mind containing two tools. One tool is your thoughts for navigating and making sense of this human dream. The other tool is your feelings, which, when you pay attention to their gifts, let you know how connected you are with your Source. Thoughts and feelings seem vitally important in deciphering all the sensory input you encounter in this world of form. The Truth is that when these two tools are in balance with each other, so is your connection with your Source of Being, i.e., Love Consciousness. So, you can see, they are tools, but they are not you. You are much greater than anything you could think or feel temporarily. Use the tools, and let go of identifying with them. They are not you. 

Three — You are not what you eat.

As stated above, you are not your body. However, the body is your Earthly vehicle, your temporary sacred temple of your indwelling Consciousness. Respecting this Reality is the best way to achieve optimum health and harmony. Edgar Cayce indicated that if you, for the most part, are mindful of maintaining harmonious “assimilation and elimination,” i.e., the digestive tract, the rest of your health has the best chance of being in harmony.

Ignore what you eat at your risk; sooner or later, you will most likely experience physical discomfort and suffering, physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s hard to remember Love Consciousness when your body temple is plugged up and in distress.

You are not what you eat, but pretending you are will give you the best outcome. Health and diet are an arena of life to plunge into childlike curiosity and explore what foods serve the Love that you are. Do the research. Learn what to eat to serve and optimize your body temple.

Four — You do not die.

One day, your body will fall away, much like taking your coat off, yet who you are will remain. You will almost immediately have a greater awareness than you ever had as the human you are now, and this new state quickly expands. It is because your body- mind no longer exist to contain a piece of all that you are.

Further, you will experience considerable freedom, one without end, and a lightness of being that is filled with joy, Love, and everything that is grander than your wildest imagination. You do not, can not, and will not die.

There is no such thing as Death of what and who we are, and it’s a beautiful thing. We do not have to be afraid to die because we don’t. Humanity, for the most part, remains, at best, wholly misinformed and, at worst, duped about this critical detail. Tens of thousands of us whose bodies died came back to life to tell the same Truth. We do not die.

Five — Pain is necessary in this world of form. It’s the suffering that is optional.

Physical, emotional, and mental pain is a guide, suggesting action: a possible call for help, a change in behavior, and/or your perspective. On some level, you are called to relax and get flexible.

The pain gets more intense when you try to resist or ignore these messages. Refusing to accept, see and acknowledge the pain you’re in is suppression, which causes dysfunction, stress, and suffering. The first step is to immediately pay attention to what is happening.

If it is a physical pain you are dealing with and it’s an emergency, get help, then relax and breathe into the pain. If the pain is emotional or mental, remember this. Somebody can’t trigger if you don’t have a trigger.

If you do get triggered, seek to make peace with the underlying trauma, a unique skill-set to help stop much of the suffering in your life. At first, healing trauma in your life might seem impossible because it can sometimes feel like there is so much of it. It helps to stay present and work through things as they show up. Loving yourself more in this way will release trauma, drama, and triggered events and decrease suffering.

Six — You create your Reality and are entirely responsible for your creations.

As a spiritual being, you are very powerful and create your Heart’s desires. Desires are Sourced out of the world of Love Consciousness and then interpreted in the world of form.

You have a birthright that includes your abilities to discern your surroundings, think and/or feel as you wish, and decide your direction based on your desires and internal Guidance. Since you are the Divine Self, you are sacred and are due respect, and so are all the other spiritual beings living in bodies of form just like you.

Seven — You are subject to the consequences of your actions. 

True in thought and deed, every decision has consequences, and no one is immune. For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. This Universal Law helps to maintain balance throughout the World Dream.

If you are fortunate, you wise up through trial and error, mostly involving the consequences of thoughts and actions. Practice makes perfect, but not always. You can do your very best and still have terrible consequences, and these things happen, but mostly if one is mindful, one can enjoy the fruits of one’s labor.

Eight — People will be who they are.

You can’t change others no matter how much you want them to change to suit your vision of the world. People tend to act in familiar ways, and only with desire, personal vision, and intent can they/you change.

Expecting others to change their behaviors or thoughts is a well-deformed outcome, especially if you are attached to the change(s) sought. And, what if the person does change? What other changes may come with the one you wanted? You cannot control others; they will continue to be who they are, as will you. 


The preceding tips can be vital guidelines for making your Earthly experience more fun, pleasurable, and harmonious. I hope you enjoyed these eight tips for wisdom seekers. See you next week. 

Usually, I enjoy writing in the third person plural, but today, I decided to leave the article written in the original second person singular. I was acutely aware of the missing “me” in “you,” i.e., “we.” We’re all in this together, this common humanity. No one is ever left out.

These eight tips for wisdom seekers belong to us all. I hope I didn’t come off as preaching to the choir as I wondered if I might and how you feel about it. 

Feel free to leave your comments. 

Love and Wisdom,


  1. Janina Madigan

    Kaye – thank you for the blog- it enlightened me –
    I am eager to pursue more information –
    Thank you for all your blogs – I look forward to each one- definitely going to print this!

    • Kaye Sturgis

      Thank you, Janina! Yes. All the blogs can be printed out now.

  2. Barbara Magro Berg

    Good review of all I know but sometimes forget!!! Thank you Kay!! Xoxo BABS

    • Kaye Sturgis

      Thanks, Barb!

  3. Kaye Sturgis

    Of course. Thank you.

  4. Richard A Dinges

    Thanks for sharing this good wisdom. I would like to share it with others.

    • Kaye Sturgis

      Hi Again, Dick. You can now print out the blog off the site. Yay! I don’t know why my prior reply went over your comment instead of under. We’ll see what this one does.

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