Eight Unexpected Treasures Blogging Has Given Me
Are you interested in blogging, too? I know. Here we go again with yet another question. When a reader followed by another client recently mentioned that they wanted to start a blog, and another reader and friend started her blog, it was all I needed to go ahead and write about eight unexpected treasures blogging have given me over the past year.
At first, I didn’t know what I was doing at all. I figured I could, at the least, write a blog a week and post it, if nothing else. I would begin to share – without stress –with whoever is attracted to the wisdom I’ve gleaned over a lifetime. My prayer was and is hoping it would also serve and assist readers in the quest to express our best.
Whether to expand the blog, monetize, be led to a particular focus, stop, or continue, I had to trust it would reveal itself to me over the year. There was enough pressure to put my heart on the line week after week for my first step. Fortunately, I can honestly say that as planned, without almost any stress, it has gone exceedingly well.
So, without further ado, here’s what I’ve learned so far.
1. Shockingly, blogging has been much easier than I thought.
Getting to it was the most challenging. And yet not stressful at all once I started. I was going for consistency. It generally took longer over the first few months, and a few blogs took up to twenty hours to write, but I was invested in and wanted to nail those special ones.
Mostly, I’ve kept it low-key, posting only on our website until any next steps were made evident. Some writers need to get down to business, but I needed to write mindfully more than anything, so I focused on that.
I also have 50% paralysis in my left hand and can only type with the index finger, so I make any number of mistakes and am slower than I would be otherwise. Don’t feel sorry for me, though, because my index finger has, over the years, memorized the key positions and their spacial relationships to each other, and I don’t have to look where to type. Pretty cool how the body will compensate when something doesn’t work.
2. Getting myself together to write what is important to me makes my heart sing.
Unconditional Love has been a powerful theme of interest all my life. This blog has had me digging deeper to tie this foundational Reality into navigating our daily human roles because Love is here with us, whatever we do, wherever we go. We are not apart from it.
3. To Accept My Limitations with Grace.
I am always slightly chagrined to find mistakes in a blog I thought was perfect. The Truth of it is it’s okay. I am satisfied with the best I can do. It’s a gift of my heart. For now, I can be okay with being a “good” writer, not a “great” writer, not yet, anyway.
4. Consistency is Key.
I’ve started a few blogs over the years but stopped after one, three, or eight because the time was not yet ripe. Readers love consistency. When we drop out, our readers drop out. I had to grow into it, I think. This time, I examined what would support consistency. Writing what I love seemed critical to the task.
5. Consistent Blogging Got the Energy Flowing in My Life.
It seems like “priming the pump” with blogging seemed to turn on the Light to wake a creative sleeping giant that resides within. It’s easier to manifest when our hearts are in the right place. Opportunities and support abound when you seek to give the very best of yourself.
6. I Feel More Connected to My Community of Friends.
I feel lucky and blessed to be a part of a circle of wonderfully creative friends who inspire and support me to continue the work (as I very much do theirs). It is so confirming to have our gifts and purpose appreciated by those we love and who love us.
7. Writing to publish is mindless and mindful all at once.
Writing to be published is mindless in that we pray to step aside and allow Who We Really Are will flow through us onto the screen into words that form the blog. Writing is contrarily a mindful process, and consistent blogging takes us deeper into tapping into our souls and expressing parts of ourselves that may not otherwise have surfaced.
8. Blogging has opened up to the service I was born to give.
With a few short weeks left in my year-long unconditional commitment and out of the blue, the direction for the next step has shown up. I am looking to see if the idea is “Coyote” (trickster energy) or one worth pursuing and that I can actually do. We’ll see what happens. I’ll let you know when I know. In the meantime, I’m going to keep blogging once a week. I hope you will consider a blog of your own.
The words written herein show eight unexpected treasures blogging have given me. They fell onto the page like a robust waterfall drops over a cliff. Not all are this easy and quick, but it feels great when it happens. How about you? Have you thought about trying your hand at blogging?
If so, following through gives excellent rewards! Try it. You may love it. I can’t imagine anyone having more resistance than me. If I overcame it, so can you. Maybe it’s something else for you. Whatever it is, I encourage you to express what makes your heart sing.
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Love and Write It Down. Make It Happen!