Love Consciousness: Everything is Here to Wake Us Up
Over the last couple of years, several specific dreams led to my writing you today. You are my family, dear friends, clients, and readers. My whole life’s work has arrived to serve you with the wisdom I’ve gleaned over a lifetime since my childhood Near Death Experience (NDE).
In the NDE, I experienced a profound and in-depth all-consuming trust, inclusion, security, freedom, and total relaxation in an ocean of Unconditional Love. I am not afraid of death because there isn’t any. We’re misinformed about that.
Death is only the appearance of the end of a temporary role we played in a body-mind. I became aware that this Unconditional Love “Consciousness” is the Truth about where it’s really at for us humans. In fact, I am not the first or not the last to say it.
Who we are is made out of Love.
After the event, I wanted to apply my NDE experience to my daily human life, i.e., Heaven on Earth, but many obstacles appeared. I finally began to see patterns of these in my thirties. With the help of Astrology and Tarot, along with other excellent teaching mirrors and masters, I eventually realized that the obstacles – and their solutions — were in me.
Love Consciousness itself drove the motivation to disentangle these obstacles. Love is everywhere, and you can see you are this Truth if you look for it earnestly. It often moves through personal relationships to help us see ourselves, warts and all. While we are One in Love Consciousness, this human world is a duality.
Relationships of all types appear for us to reflect upon ourselves. Due to this, we often confuse our relationships for the True Love in which we Really are seeking to unite. Painful mirrors guide us to let go of what’s in the way of Love (who you are), and loving mirrors guide us to connect with the Love we are. Here’s how one of my favorite awakened ones, the anonymous Jed McKenna puts it in Jedvaita: The Way the World Unfolds http://jedmckenna.com/
It seems like everyone in the spiritual marketplace will tell you to be loving and tolerant and compassionate, to be on the side of the light and the angels, to be a bright, shiny, radiant person, and that’s why humanity is unable to find the only thing that can never be lost; we’re hopelessly afraid of the dark. Darkness is not the destination, but it’s a big part of the journey — the deconstruction of the false self — and you won’t get anywhere by pretending it’s not.
Don’t you love a sane influencer? I do.
Years ago, during my first plant medicine journey here in Ecuador, an unexpected vision of the future knocked me off-center. It was hard to imagine at the time. When I regained my composure, I asked the Universe-at-Large what could help balance the devastating threat to our existence. The answer was crystal clear,
“Love is the only solution.”
I can’t tell you how many hours more I pondered how Love could solve the immense challenges we would soon face together as humans worldwide.
We all remember in the early spring of 2020 when covini-martini appeared on the scene, making our populace drunk with fear. I had a riveting nighttime dream during March that my next step was to “get out there” and communicate my gift to whoever was attracted to it. I have always paid attention to my dreams.
I woke. Great! No pressure! After taking what seems to be a million steps in life to arrive at whopping 70 years of age, where I planned to relax more, my dream was crystal clear in its guidance. I was not done!
We all can trust we get things the way we need them, even if it doesn’t seem so at the time. In retrospect, the guidance for me to be of service to you this way late in life announced itself in a nighttime dream because I would have talked myself out of it had it been suggested another way.
The dream helped me to get out of my way, surrender to the idea presented and see what happened. Mostly, I asked countless questions in meditation and waited patiently for the answers to show up, as they are likely to do. And I wrote everything down.
So, here I am, and if you’re reading this first entry on Medium, I am in mindful, dedicated service to you with the best that I AM. I want to show how everything is here to wake us up to the Love we are at our essence of being, and offer pointers on what stands in the way of the Love We Are.
We’ll explore and discover how to be, see and do Love within and all around us to create a balanced humanity, etc. It sounds wild, I know, but there is a deep relaxation in its Truth.
I don’t have all the answers or any. All the important ones are inside you. I can only share the ones inside me. Are we like-minded? You’ll be the judge. I will continue sharing my best with you and see what unfolds next.
What I do understand is that inside these body-minds we are all diamonds in the rough being tumbled and polished by the Love We Are at the core of all this to shine right this very minute. Can we take the heat? Absolutely. We can handle this!
Thank you so much for showing up. I appreciate you more than you can know. We are all connected, corpuscles in the body of existence.
In Peace and Love Consciousness,
Kaye Sturgis ❤