My Love Affair with Astrology

My Love Affair with Astrology


When it started.

My love affair with astrology started on my twenty-second birthday, I treated myself to my first horoscope interpretation by astrologer, Vicki Green, who was also my neighbor. The session with Vicki triggered a dramatic shift in my inner world, the second within three months.

Just before Vicki’s reading

My interest in astrology was piqued in July before my birthday. I housesat for a week or two during the summer at a beautiful riverfront colonial style home in Norfolk, Virginia. The house was immaculate, and everything, and I do mean everything was in its place, except for one item that was clearly “out of place” as if meant to get my attention.

Omens and messages for the soul.

It seemed that a book had been carefully placed on the highly-waxed-light- reflecting-without-a-single-speck-of-dust mahogany dining room table. It’s somewhat askew position got my attention. When something stands out like that, it can be considered an omen or message for Awareness expansion.

There is a River

In this case, when I read the title, There is a River: The Story of Edgar Cayce by Thomas Sugrue, the original biography of Edgar Cayce that explored Cayce’s life and work, my inner mystic was intensely intrigued. Once I started reading the book, I could not put it down.

I was appreciatively intrigued to everything written in the book, but several things stood out and one of them was astrology. This was a time the internet was not available to study astrology online as so many currently do. So, the stars were on my radar when my birthday rolled around October 1st. When my neighbor, Vicki, mentioned she was an astrologer, I treated myself to having her interpret my chart.

Having my chart done for the first time.

Sitting there across from Vicki and listening to her read my chart, I was mesmerized. I had not once in my life ever had anyone talked about “me” for any length of time, much less for three solid hours like she did. Vicki said for this first session, she would focus on my birth chart. As she spoke, I felt safe, nurtured and trusting, like I was being completely understood for the first time in my life by this astrologer I barely knew.

A life instruction book that keeps up with the times.

Finally! I found astrology to be a human life instruction book I could really use, one that would teach me how to navigate my life. I felt like I died and had gone to heaven again, so overjoyed at the experience was I. The introduction to my chart gave me the confidence from that point forward to follow my life as guided from within.

I have studied astrology ever since. Even after fifty years of paying deep attention to the study, I am still a student compared to what will come to Light around this simple yet cosmically profound subject.

Most of all, my Astrology chart interpretation pointed me to self-reflect on deeper aspects of my Being. These included profound gifts and traumatic patterns. Astrology prepared me for integrating non-dual existence and how to bring balance to life-navigation in my Earth Dream role as Kaye. 

Helping others with Astrology

I started offering astrology charts to others, for free, of course. Let’s say I was obsessed and would do anyone’s chart who would let me. I would study them for hours and then when the time came, I was ready to share what I could see in their charts.

When I took a job at the Heritage Store in Virginia Beach, the owner offered to send a letter out to his mail-order customers offering my charts for sale, and I could keep all the money and could build a list of clients. Within months, I had mail order clients from all over the United States!

The more charts I did, the more I learned, and the more I fell in love with astrology, and the more I was referred. My business as an astrologer, blossomed, and I always felt like I was doing what I was supposed to do, because it was so easy, and at all sort of fell in my lap.

There’s even more to love about astrology.

Through astrology we learn how connected we are to something much greater than most of us know. We learn that life unfolds in specific cycles and patterns; some support us while others cause us to stop, look and listen to learn to flow with our charts rather than resist our connection to the cosmos.

If we listen to the wisdom of the planets and stars, it teaches us to love and accept our humanness, while discovering who we are and how to feel connected to all that is. The planets and stars guide our best decisions in any given circumstance, and as we increase our listening skills of these subtle but powerful relationships in our lives, confidence grows.

Astrology can show us clarity to better understanding our human relationships, too, and how to get the most out of them. If we’re fortunate and can look at the charts of those we love, we can better understand their motivation, strengths and weaknesses, too.

Finishing up.

Each child is born with something to give. The chart can point to one’s avocation or career path as soon as birth. Having this information can help give a child stimuli, which lines the child up to do what they love from the very beginning. A world that does this will see a huge change in one generation. 

Here’s hoping you enjoyed my blog on my love affair with Astrology. If I missed something, and you love astrology, too, let me know in the Comments. Thank you.

Love and Gratitude for the Planets and Stars,

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus – What you need to know

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus – What you need to know

It was years ago, the early nineteen eighties. I went to the post office to mail a package. It took longer than I thought. I hurried to my car because I didn’t want to be late to pick up the kids. I searched for my keys, but couldn’t find them. I looked in the car, and there they were, right where I left them — in the ignition. The doors were locked.

I called a close friend to pick up the children while I walked to a nearby locksmith’s shop for help. Later, my friend, Patty, said, “It’s Mercury Retrograde. Locking your keys in the car is classic.” More than a few years of total obsession with astrology, and this was the first I heard anything about Mercury Retrograde.

Astrology is like that. No matter how much you know about it, it’s a piece of space dust compared to what is unknown. Since then, I locked the keys in my car two more times — during Mercury Retrograde. The planet rules all forms of transportation and communications.

Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that happens three or four times each year when Mercury appears to go backward for three to four weeks. It has to do with the refraction of space particles causing things to look a certain way through the telescope. This phenomenon with Mercury (and other planets, too, but they have a different story) is called Retrograde Motion.

A few days from now, on May 11th (2022), we will have Mercury Retrograde beginning in Gemini and ending in Taurus on June 2nd when it stations and moves ahead. Like its ruler, Mercury, Gemini rules transportation and communications, mercurial changes in plans and schedules. Taurus governs money and our values. The astrology here calls upon us to keep our sense of humor and be extra flexible.

Here’s what to remember going in.

On the surface, during Mercury Retrograde, communications may go awry, and plans may change unexpectedly throughout and even a few days after it is over. It is especially the case with Gemini involved. However, this doesn’t mean that we have to overreact but instead can have a few chuckles learning with Mercury.

There’s also another perspective when we see Mercury Retrograde does have a meaningful upside. We have problems with it (or anything) when we resist its deeper or clearer purpose in our lives.

Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time to plan, self-reflect, renew, redirect, review, redesign, etc. Just as it is natural to exhale and be out in the world, it’s equally important to inhale and step back from the world. I see Mercury Retrograde as a time to step back, turn within, relax and connect as much as possible under life’s circumstances.

When we pay attention to what comes up, we prepare to flow into our action steps a few days after the planet goes direct. When we use the Retrograde Motion in this way, success naturally ensues when the time is ripe.

On the mundane level, it helps to double-check our schedules throughout this period. Relax if changes occur. It serves wisdom to wait on making any critical decisions or communications – marriage proposals, asking for more money, quitting a job, etc. Making large purchases like technology devices, real estate or cars for instance are better suited for purchase a couple of weeks after Mercury Retrograde, if possible. (Sometimes, though, cars (or anything) can break down and need to be replaced smack dab in the middle of MR, and that’s just the way it is.) No judgments. Just awareness in doing the best we can. Finally, it helps us to practice gratitude, humility, and forgiveness in all our communications, especially during Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde can be a challenging time regardless of the sign it falls in, but during Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus, things may be even more chaotic than usual. If you’re feeling especially frazzled this time around, take a deep breath and remember that everything will eventually calm down. In the meantime, try to stay organized, plan ahead, and be patient with self and others. Hopefully, this Mercury Retrograde period will enlighten our awareness even more!

Comments? We love to hear them. Thank you!

Love, Hugs and Big Peace,

Kaye ❤

Image Credits – The NeMu @

In the Depths of Pluto’s Return to the U. S. Horoscope – What Does It Have to Do With You?

In the Depths of Pluto’s Return to the U. S. Horoscope – What Does It Have to Do With You?

I am not kidding to say Pluto’s Return to the United States Horoscope marks the most critical period in history when it comes to the evolution of humanity. This aspect shows us how connected we ultimately are with everything and everyone, for it affects not just the United States but everyone on the planet.

The Return also connects our past, present, and future via more than a few ancient prophecies that bring a similar message of human transformation. Here are a few worthwhile predictions you can check out.

Indigenous Visions, Prophecies, and Petroglyphs

Edgar Cayce
Book of Revelations
Apache Stalking Wolf via Tom Brown

In this blog, we will focus on the heart of the U.S. Pluto Return, but let’s get the astrological “logistics” out of the way first.

The United State’s July 4, 1776 birthdate had Pluto in its chart at 27° Capricorn 33′. When Pluto returned to this precise position this past February 21-23, 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine, a momentous first-hit event.

Pluto will waver back and forth around the Return degree, with another exact-to-the-minute retrograde impact on July 11-12, 2022, and a final precise hit on December 28-29, 2022. I am sad to say, but because the war started on the first hit, we may see an escalation when we are in the deepest parts of retrograde motion. We’ll see, but don’t worry. All will work out in the end.

Finally, on September 21 – October 31, 2023, Pluto retrogrades, stations, and moves direct in the same degree (27th) for six straight weeks before moving on for good. While it doesn’t quite get back to our little U.S. birth chart minute again, it’s so close that it is safe to assume we have another year and a half to let go of what goes.

At that point, I envision we will be like baby phoenixes, born out of the ashes of our past and ready for a new day. We can do this. We are up for it, and we came here for it.

Pluto, among other things, mirrors the intensely polarized stark dualities currently at play in our human realm, the good, the bad, and the ugly. As we move together into the depths of Pluto’s Return this year, we’re already aware of the veritable pit of hell realms it includes, such as mass corruption, destruction, catastrophes, war, evil, and death at one end of the spectrum. At the other end lies nothing short than the total transformation of humanity.

Our task is straightforward, to step up to the fact that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for because no one is coming to save us this time from the mess we’ve made. Instead, we can become Master Alchemists and deconstruct, distill, and dissolve Pluto’s so-called hell realms inside ourselves, our families, and our communities. If there are enough of us, the world-dream will follow our lead.

As we clear out “life-taking” influences and become more of who we are, we shine more like a diamond to light up the world-dream and move into Love, Light, and Life to guide our future into a healthy and balanced way of being.

Great, you may say, but where do I start? Here are some ideas to support your high road during Pluto’s Return.

  1. Relax! This one is pretty much always the first guideline for anything important. “No matter what we see, hear, or feel, you can take less than a minute to drop our shoulders, take a breath and relax our body. Sooner or later, our relaxed perspective will become automatic with practice.
  2. Suspend your beliefs altogether. There is a place inside us beyond thought, feeling and belief called intuition. Intuition communicates the connection to our authentic Self or Love Consciousness. If we’re unsure whether a thought, feeling, or belief that gets our attention is real or not, we can ask this connection to show us what we need (so that we can see it!), and it will occur. Remain open. Our answer will come, and our link to our authentic self will strengthen.
  3. Refrain from Polarization. We can find balance in most things rather than taking sides if we look for common ground. We can’t easily connect with people or truth if we are polarized or stuck to an egoic narrative and refuse to never listen to whatever we don’t like. How can we insist we know the truth of what’s happening around us when most don’t even know who we are yet? We can afford to be humble, which I define as flexible.
  4. Make a clear intention to Practice the Power of Love while being aware of those who still practice its opposite, the Love of Power. Pluto transits demand we choose one path or the other. To practice the Power of Love, we must learn more about what this means when it comes to nuts and bolts and how to implement Love into our decisions, creations, connections, etc. Any ideas? I have a few.
  5. Hold tight to letting go. This life is a dream, a game, a play, and we are playing these roles. Remain steadfast in understanding that nothing of any real value can ever be lost. There isn’t even any death, except for the physical end of the human role played. It’s all going to be okay. When we can see our true authentic selves, we’re no longer inclined to hold on so tight.

“Beneath the darkest veils lie the greatest treasure.” Lono Ho’ala

So, what do we get if we practice the above? We get Pluto’s treasures! That’s what. Pluto rules turning points, purification, regeneration, and transmutation into our crowning glory as human beings, the Great Awakening to the Love Consciousness we Really are.

Pluto in Capricorn has had us witnessing the fall of all that no longer serves us since 2008 (and even before). With Pluto moving into Aquarius, a new humanity will rise, one where we will be free to be Who We Really Are.

Any thoughts or tips on how to move through this time with grace? I love your comments. Thanks so much!

Love, Peace, and Transformation,