How to Quit a Habit

How to Quit a Habit


This week’s blog is about how to quit a habit via a story. It worked for me, and I envision it can work for you, too.

You may know the father of holistic medicine, Edgar Cayce, recommended moderation in all things for people as a general guideline for general health and well-being. He also said moderation was not an easy task for most. If my own life and those I’ve known are examples, I agree with Edgar.

A bicycling, fully employed ninety-six-year-old once told me that being consistent with his diet and health was the most challenging but critical task he had ever had. The hardest thing I ever had to stop was a cigarette addiction. I know. Gross. But don’t judge. I felt ashamed enough of my unhealthy behavior for a hundred people. I was in denial of my slow suicide, and I went out of my way to hide my addiction or thought I did.

Mark Twain Said It Best.

Like most smokers, including master writer Mark Twain, “It is easy to quit smoking. Why I’ve done it a thousand times.”

My father smoked like a chimney was one, but he was never successful. He smoked– unfiltered Lucky Strikes back in the day. As a child, I was attracted to the name. When you think about it, who doesn’t want to have endless lucky strikes at a whim? Those sly tobacco companies knew how to name a brand.

His choices didn’t stop me from seeking ways to help myself quit. For years, ceasing the habit didn’t “take” with me either. Hypnosis or chewing Nicorette gum didn’t work for me. Neither did the tape that programmed me to stop smoking for life nor the training that tried to instill fear of smoking with all sorts of scary threats if I didn’t quit.

Finally, it wasn’t the dozens of well-meaning but judgmental lectures from healthcare practitioners and friends that helped either. Countless times, I tried quitting by myself and with buddies, and once even in a group.

Examining the Mindset and Other Hurdles

I didn’t give up. One-by-one, I sorted through the hurdles. One was that all of my family members and many of my inner circle of friends smoked cigarettes. It was an impromptu social event to do it together.

Another was the suppressed and repressed anger that started appearing when I quit. I was always so calm and peaceful when I smoked.

Never wearing clothing more than once, brushing my teeth each time I had a cigarette, driving with the car window down, refusing to smoke in my house, but only outside, and thinking I was keeping the odor, my shame, and habit/addiction a secret. I seriously needed a wake-up call to the out-of-balance situation.

Later, after quitting, I occasionally mentioned to a friend or co-worker that I had been a smoker and had stopped. And invariably, they would always say, “I knew you were a smoker.” We don’t hide anything even when we think we do.  

Life mightily assists us on our wisdom path when we are open to it. I feel like a different person than the one in my old story because I am. I could not dare to share these things once upon a time. It feels like freedom to do so, to tell the truth as best as I can, shadows and all.

It is also doubly worth sharing my obsessiveness, addiction, and process of disentangling from life-taking influences and patterns I’ve worked through with you, dear reader. Human life can be tricky at times for any of us, and I would love this sharing to assist your process of letting go of old patterns and behaviors, even in the smallest of ways. 

The Wake-Up Call I Picked Up

What finally tripped the switch was one thing. My father had an aneurysm and ended up in the hospital. They put him on oxygen; afterward was caught smoking five times! He could have blown himself and his room up, maybe hurt others, but he could not stop smoking. Finally, they kicked him out of the hospital for it. And that was a big deal for our family.

That was what did it for me. I could not imagine being at the end of life with all it entails and having to quit a lifelong habit such as smoking cigarettes. I decided right then and there that I would “quit until I quit, and quit I would. There had to be a way, and I would find it.

You can’t solve a problem on the same level which created it.

                                                                                       Albert Einstein

Another approach was necessary. For decades, I’ve been a fan with some success at asking Love Consciousness a question and letting the answer find its way back to me. It’s a unique variation of “ask, and you will receive.” I was starting at square one, so I asked. “What do I need first?”

A few nights later, I was sitting in my backyard (smoking a cigarette and enjoying the fireflies) and heard the answer in my head. “Mind is the Builder.” To begin with, “Ask yourself how you can want to quit smoking cigarettes more than you want to continue smoking.” Once the answer to this first question shows up, you will find your way to success.

I needed to build my desire to quit more than continue smoking. What a sound answer it turned out to be. This helped me learn “Everything is an inside job.” Once we get clear and focused inside, the outside takes care of itself.

A Quit Date

Ninety days in the future became my target date to become a nonsmoker. My most successful attempts to quit smoking for the most extended lengths were planned rather than “cold turkey,” which was always short-lived. We each have what works for us best. 


In the meantime, I pondered, “How can I want to become a nonsmoker rather than continue smoking — without health issues?” Soon, I began to feel ready and to look forward to being a nonsmoker. I asked other questions, too.

“What didn’t help when I quit before.” “What helped when I quit before?” “What hurdles will there be?” “How shall I handle the anger and other negative emotions that I stuffed along the way with the addiction?” What can I do to make this effort successful? I trusted the answers would show up, and they did.

Visualizing in advance was recommended. I envisioned people asking me if I wanted a smoke in stressful situations. I would answer in each, “No, thank you. I’m a nonsmoker.” I decided to use Nicotine patches, reducing them in potency over three months, to help with the physical withdrawal, a rubber band to snap against my wrist to pattern-interrupt cravings (ouch!), and long walks on the beach when the anger would boil up.

Realizing that certainly, after about a million cravings – the end of craving is the end of craving – just like the end of suffering is no more suffering. I visualized getting through the temporary onslaught of difficulty I saw coming and fulfilling my quest. If I had any resistance, I would remind myself to “just quit until you love being a nonsmoker. Then decide if you want to start again.”

Becoming a Nonsmoker

The day came. It was in the summer sometime in 1996 when, after thirty years of being addicted to cigarettes, I finally had my last one. The first three days and into three weeks were rough, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I took long walks on the beach. I dreamed my father offered me a cigarette, and I accepted. I was so happy to wake up and realize it was a dream and I had not put the stuff in my body.

Around six months out, I realized I genuinely loved being a nonsmoker, and all cravings for nicotine and cigarettes finally dissolved. Where once my whole life revolved around replenishing nicotine in my body, it is no longer of any consequence whatsoever. I am free of it.

I am also not bothered by other people smoking; I have no judgment about it or people who smoke. Many people have a much easier time quitting than I did, but I was able, with the help of questioning the One-Who-Knows-the-Answers-to-All-Questions, listening to the answers, and applying them.


In this little blog named, How to Quit a Habit, you have now read a strategy that worked to change one habit, in this case, smoking cigarettes, to becoming a nonsmoker. It inspires you to find your best path to successfully transforming dreary old life-taking habits into renewal and freedom from them.

Here’s a question for you. Is there something you would like to drop, change or add to your life? If so, maybe consider asking some questions to get your mindset moving in the right direction and other questions whose answers support your success. So simple, yet very powerful.

Thank you for your comments.

Love and Gratitude,

Three Milestones on the Path to Personal Awakening

Three Milestones on the Path to Personal Awakening


To start 2023, I offer you a blog about three milestones on the path to personal awakening we reach that came to mind recently. Ideas for blogs are always plentiful. It’s the execution of them in a way that makes sense, is semantically precise, and also hopefully serves your best that’s the tricky part. I invite you to add your comments.

We’ll approach each milestone one at a time to explore the hallmarks of that part of the journey, i.e., what there is to glean and what is better left behind as we proceed.

Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fortitude at any given moment may determine our pace, or maybe the speed is already pre-determined. We can’t know for sure. What we do know is that seemingly losing ground and then gathering our best strength to keep moving forward helps crystalize our advancement to the new milestone we’ve reached.

With each milestone, true inner freedom increases.

The First Milestone  — Sleepwalking in Our Conditioning

At the first milestone, we appear to be at the mercy of the world around us. Our parents and immediate environment teach us about our world. We are deeply “conditioned” with these “teachings” and often traumatized in ways we know and don’t know. These traumas express via life-taking feelings, beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and actions, all rooted in the sense of separation from our Source of Being.

While traversing the first milestone, we often feel like life is happening to us, it is the way it is, and we are powerless to do anything about it. In our confused plight, we turn around and blame others for all our problems. In this unevolved victim state of perspective, we suffer greatly and project our pain onto others. We are sleepwalking and deeply misinformed about life and ourselves at Milestone One.

Each milestone holds a treasure

“. . .just like the lotus, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.” — Unknown

As time marches on, we may be blessed to perceive or to have it pointed out to us that we are engaged in repeated patterns of suffering. We may become sick and tired of old and painful habits, tendencies, and practices that seem to stick to us no matter what we do. We slowly, or occasionally in a flash, eventually realize how we remain the one common denominator in all our suffering. And blaming ourselves is no better than blaming others.

At this point, the pain drives us to find a way to get humble, i.e., flexible in perspective and seek a new perspective to stop the suffering. Here we begin to wake up, but to what, we’re not exactly sure. We do know that we want to forge a new path in life rather than succumb to being controlled by the past or others in ways that are no longer useful at best and life-sucking at worst.

The Second Milestone – Self Discovery

When we reach the second milestone, our newfound flexibility in perspective initiates a new blueprint for further greater self-reflection. Corresponding shifts in our thoughts, feelings, and actions soon begin to occur. The thoughts and feelings of manifesting greater freedom engender a sense of personal power, power to act in alignment with our authentic Selves.

We are the ones, at long last, who get to decide who we will be, what we will do, and how we will live. We arrive at the second milepost ready to become who we are, not what others want us to be.

We dive into self-help and spiritual growth. We affirm “new and improved” personal, communal, and global beliefs that promise to transcend suffering and deliver the new life we are creating. Vision boards adorn our walls as we imagine the creation of the life we desire fulfilled.

We travel. We start companies. We live in ashrams. We dream of futures. We exercise. We raise families. We become Astrologers. Health Care Providers. Accountants. Visual Artists. We skydive. Become master musicians. Teach kids. Politically polarize, Argue over whose values are best, and billions of other things. We feel alive.

At this point in our path, we are determined to recondition ourselves in the image of our desires and, in doing so, embrace a brand new paradigm. And it works — to an extent. We are making our own choices and living up to our potential as human beings. Life seems better than it did before. And yet, there is more in store for us, too.

Here we go again.

It’s not forever before we discover that not every desire that comes to our hearts and minds gets fulfilled. Plus, we see “blind spots” that continue to cause us suffering, albeit less than before. Still, the worst pain is the pain we don’t know we have, and humanity is overflowing with suppressed trauma. We discover we traded victimization, blame, and judging others for empowerment. In our deepening humility and compassion for ourselves and others, it dawns on us that there is another milepost ahead.

Our wisdom deepens. We realize that maybe we don’t have free will as we thought, but we still show up to the play, relax and accept our roles, gifts, etc., as they unfold. We remember to laugh. See what happens. Let go of what goes. The third milestone can be seen from here.

The Third Milestone – Heaven on Earth

As we narrow our gap on the third milestone, our perspective elevates to seeing life through the Heart of Love. Comparisons and judgments no longer exist. We live purely in the present moment, and everything around us is seen with fresh childlike/Christlike eyes.

The tapestry of life is seen with crystal clarity when past the third milestone. Finally, we see with crystal clear vision that we do not have a broken universe, nor are we or others broken as once believed. We feel safe, whole, loved, and trusting as this third milestone of our awakening path of perspective dawns and lights up Reality. Our entire vision fills up with the living dream of Heaven-on-Earth.

At the third milestone, we see our True Identity. We are creative, cooperative, flexible, focused, loving, and balanced. We are all part of the One True Absolute Self. Evil still exists in our world dream but is merely a shadow of its former self, no pun intended. 


Today, we explored three milestones on the path to personal awakening. The first seemed to portend a victim consciousness, full of suffering and unconsciousness and seemingly conditioned by external forces.

The second milestone on the path was reached when we made a stand and claimed our ability to create our reality with intention. We learned everything about the subject and applied what we learned with due diligence. Our experience broadened, but we saw that our direction was still lacking in the ultimate fulfillment we sought.

We began to let go of everything we once thought we knew and, finally, saw the light of surrender. The third milestone immerses us in the beauty of Love Consciousness, where we are content to let things unfold as they will, without stress, judgment, or attempts of control, i.e., life as it was meant to be.

Write your comments below. We would love to hear them. Thanks.

With love and service to the Divine in us All,




A reader and friend here in Cuenca asked me if I would write something up on “Half-Birthdays.” Honestly, I never heard of such a thing, but that doesn’t mean much. There’s a whole lot I don’t know. Always curious, I said I would look into it. Now that I have researched and developed a perspective, I’m sharing my findings with you.

While I could find no official information or studies on Half-Birthdays per se, I decided to ask, what if these did mean something? What would it look like? The answer is that each planet or luminary does have a Full Cycle in which intentions set at the beginning of the cycle are illuminated, set straight, and clarified.

Most of us are familiar with the example of setting New Moon intentions, which will also attract Full Moon illumination of these. In this blog, we look at your sign’s likely birthday intentions and the Light of these, which reflect to you on your “half-birthday, six months later, midway through your Solar Return.

To find your exact half-birthday, click here. Put the day in your calendar to remind yourself when it comes around in 2023. Expect the midpoint of your year to last a month forward from the exact half-birthday.

Let’s play. Scroll below for your and your loved ones’ half-birthday signs to see through your open portal of personal Illumination. See how this works for you. I’m curious to see if there’s anything worthy here.

Aries, your Half-Birthday is Libra

Aries spontaneously sets a birthday intention that activates the movement of energy into greater personal awareness of I AM-ness.

With your half-birthday in Libra, it will behoove you to slow down enough to see and drop any impulses of self-sabotage while gaining momentum on what is lighting up your life.

Taurus, your Half-Birthday is Scorpio

Taurus patiently sets your birthday course in the present moment and maintains mindfulness with every footfall along the way.

When your half-birthday rolls around, you may be encouraged to new heights by introducing Scorpio passion into realizing your objective.

Gemini, your Half-Birthday is Sagittarius

Do you find it best on your Solar Return to hold on to a maypole of intent around which ribbons and dimensions of thoughts can shift, change and rearrange into something valuable?

If so, you may be onto something when you arrive at your half-birthday in Sagittarius. This half-birthday lights up your vision and opens up new channels to elevate your intentions.

Cancer, your Half-Birthday is Capricorn

Your heart is always in your sweet birthday intentions, no matter the specifics. You always want the best support for yourself and those you love.

Look for your Capricorn half-birthday to bring a reality check to help you stay focused on what’s important. Any sticky feelings that get in the way of your well-being will surface for release.

Leo, your Half-Birthday is Aquarius

Leo is more than ready to shine its birthday intentions to give Light to all who are within its orb.

Your half-birthday in Aquarius will not only open up your creative intentions. It will also show you the finer distinctions of leading via example in your heart-centered connections with others.

Virgo, your Half-Birthday is Pisces

I can imagine you writing down at least one list of plans for your year. Doesn’t it feel good to check each thing off, too?

Here comes Pisces to remind you to relax, scale back and reassess what you can really get done and still get some fun and child-like flow time into your plans.

Libra, your Half-Birthday is Aries

While our intentions for the year ahead may include the Sun, the Moon, and the stars, only a few may be worth your time.

Our half-birthday in Aries snaps us out of our minds and into life here in the Earth Dream. It shows us how to get back to essential ideas and the time we have to explore them.

Scorpio, your Half-Birthday is Taurus

Internal alchemy will always be underlying any Scorpio desire, whether realized or not. You are always transmuting poisons.

Thank goodness for your Taurus half-birthday, which grounds, tempers, and connects your powerful emotional energy into practical awareness, integration, and service.

Sagittarius, your Half-Birthday is Gemini

You start your year with the big picture where details aren’t so necessary at first. The view looks grand from the beginning.

By the time your half-birthday in Gemini reveals all the other ideas, you will be fully ready to implement the rest of your vision. They’ll show up by the dozen for you to implement.

Capricorn, your Half-Birthday is Cancer

What mountain summit are you climbing from your birthday forward this year, Capricorn? Your clear direction, a sense of purpose, and focus enable you to reach the peak.

That your quest fulfills itself is assured. But will you enjoy the ascent? Your half-birthday in Cancer will help you stop, relax, and feel more balanced. Listen, and you can “have it all.”

Aquarius, your Half-Birthday is Leo

Your intention is naturally cause-related. The Aquarius energy that sees a collective effort to elevate ourselves is worth pursuing.

Setting an intention to uplift and unify humanity, and its best arrives at your Leo half-birthday ready to celebrate the leadership qualities you see in and all around you. Your community comes together and works together to fulfill its aim.

Pisces, your Half-Birthday is Virgo

You may or may not have an intention, dear Pisces, for going with the flow is your preferred mode of moving forward, and well, it should be. Someone needs to be an example of accepting things as they are.

But your Virgo’s half-birthday will snap you out of any confusion about what to do and where to go from here. You’ll take note of detailed bits of information to integrate into your intuitive vision for success.


Who is to say whether something has merit or not? While half-birthdays aren’t a “thing,” they coincide with the revelatory cycle of your Solar Return and year. It will be interesting to see if we remember our half-birthday and apply our attention to redirecting our year in ways that support our well-being and best interests.

Comments? Leave them below. Thank you.

Love and Illumination,


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A Tarot Reading for Your Holidays

A Tarot Reading for Your Holidays


We can all agree that 2022 has kept us ever-mindful from beginning to end. Because we could use a little extra holiday cheer this year, this week’s blog is a Tarot reading for your holidays. I hope you get something of merit out of it, and it will bring a smile and joy to your heart.

We’ll use MotherPeace Cards created by Vicki Noble and Karen Vogel for this reading.

The Inquiry

Please, show me something I will personally treasure out of this shared Tarot reading.

Share your answer in the comments. No pressure!

Tarot Reading for December 11, 2022 (Click on Image to Expand)(Click on image to expand)

The Significator – Two Cups 

What a perfect beginning. It looks like we’re seeking a balance between opposites, which is always a good sign for how we will handle things as we advance. There are a lot of opposing forces right now in our world dream.

Where We Are Today – Four Discs 

This image shows we feel it is beneficial to withdraw from the world dream to nurture and comfort our inner selves regularly, including today.

When we get quiet and seek the center of our being, we avoid the “stickies,” or things that can snag us on the periphery of life, on the news, in traffic, during the hustle and bustle of holidays, and dealing with people.

What to Integrate for the Best Possible Outcome – The Chariot 

The Chariot and Charioteer is a powerful image because the figure’s will and heart’s desire line up with Universal Will. Wetiko or the shadows have been slayed, and the path to one’s heart’s desire is wide open as the Chariot moves ahead to the sweet spot of fulfillment. What is your Heart’s Desire? Don’t stress and strain; allow yourself to align with what you already know, and watch the rest drop away.

The Foundation and Unseen – Wheel of Fortune 

The Wheel of Fortune tells us that astrological aspects are afoot that can explain our feelings. The trick is to remain at the center of the great spinning wheel of storms that rage about us to avoid getting caught up in the melee. If we don’t, we will entertain more of the usual suspects, i.e., trauma, drama, fear, and anxiety. Put the breaks on, breathe in the present moment and return within for a peaceful heart.

I see this card as super favorable due to its connection with the Four Discs in our present moment. It looks like we are in good inner shape to weather extreme storms altogether. We’ve done the work.

Recent Past – Four Wands 

The four wands show family and community gathering together and enjoying good times. This image is of mature but childlike human beings playing and being together in a spirit of mutual loving kindness and love. In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, this energy made its recent annual appearance in our lives to remind us of how important each other is in the mirror weaving of the tapestry of life. Even though the image is passing, gratitude is our permanent go-to for feeling better and redirecting our energy.

The Conscious Navigating Mind – Shaman of Swords 

The Shaman of Swords is an image of mastery and confidence in expressing our authentic voice. The mind is clear, the heart is open, and the two synchronize into a beautiful message. False notions and perspectives collapse against the light of this card’s Truth and Wisdom. Don’t be shy. Speak your truth. We all need to listen to one another’s possible solutions for bringing ourselves full circle.

Near Future (This next week to a month from now.) – Three of Cups 

Snakes bite the palm chakra centers of a figure in the card showing the healing power in the otherwise playful scene. This imagery of playing with music, taking a dip, or engaging in the fun of all sorts point to warm zones for us even as the days shorten in the U.S. Here in Ecuador, all days and nights are twelve hours due to our living on the Equator. Here, we can set time by the Sun’s light, day in and day out.

Our Perspective of Our Selves – The Sun 

We continue to see, feel, give and get the theme of sun and fun in this reading.! We know it and shine our light into the dream of our human community of hearts. The Sun is the card of Divine Self-Love where the Light has burned away all that isn’t Real. And, we are the Divine Love left in the image to shine this Love, Light and Life throughout the Universe.

Hope or Fear – Nine of Cups 

These are two different sides of the same coin. That which we hope will be and are afraid won’t be is the same. But here, there is no fear. Not in this reading this time for you and me. No. This reading somehow consolidates all our work on and in ourselves and shows us how far we’ve come and how much power we’ve gained to set humanity on a course worth traveling, starting with us right here, right now. Can you feel the energy of these particular cards in this specific order encouraging, supporting, and loving you and your best interests as you know them to be?

Guidance from Those Who Love Us – The World 

The World card points to this time as if we’ve undertaken a plant medicine ceremony to transform our worldview. We have come to understand that we are multidimensional expressions of Love Consciousness. We’re surrounded in the fullness of a cycle predicted eons ago by many peoples, and it promises that this is the dance of life as we ever reach for the stars and new beginnings based on all we’ve learned this go round, individually and together.

Outcome – The Fool

And here we have a new start for our efforts. The World card above is the Fool coming full circle with all its traveling companions, lessons, blessings, and shadows. I love the Fool, and so happy to see it show up as our outcome.

The promise of rebirth is perfect for bringing what we need into our lives. All we need do, Maharaj Nisargadatta said, is practice being Childlike. The Fool is nothing if not childlike! It is that part of ourselves that greets the world fresh, innocent, full of curiosity and inspiration to strike out to 2023.

Wrapping It Up 

This reading reminds us of what helps us maintain our sanity and clear direction and lays out a simple focus for nothing short of a personal and, ultimately, global transformation. 

I hope you enjoyed a reading for the holidays. Let us know in the comments. Please share it with those who will be uplifted or helped in their healing journey.

Love, Light, and MotherPeace,

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