Eight Realizations My Near-Death Experiences Gave Me
Before I get to the eight realizations my Near-Death Experiences gave me, let me start here. For most of my life, life and death appeared quite the opposite of what we’re taught. Here’s why I thought so.
When I died for a brief while at five years of age, I felt pure bliss, unconditional love, and acceptance. I’ve never felt so alive.
It was undeniably the most astonishing part of my life, and nothing since has even come close except when I re-access that time. When I found myself back in this body and human life, there was no comparison to where I had just been.
Living in a human role on Earth appears as an enigmatic world game full of complex complementary and contrary dualities where we never know for certain what will happen when we make our next move or choice. Most of us are flying blind and don’t often want to stop to look at that. (We will discuss this in a future blog.)
If we are to have peace of mind, it is critical to learn to relax in the face of such incomprehensibility. Relaxation, when done as a practice whenever possible, attracts all we need. There are additional inquiries that can release what’s in the way of our freedom, but relaxation is a good start.
Here are eight realizations having an NDE gave me. I figure they are also your realizations because we all ultimately come from and return to the same place. Try them on to catch any wisdom pearls that will help you relax into your authenticity even more.
1. Life does not end when our bodies do.
Who we are does not die. Knowing this, we can relax more and enjoy our lives here. It is hard to understand because the body’s death can be so messy. Depending on our identification and attachment to the bodies we wear, not to mention those of our loved ones, help determine our suffering around death. But there is no death.
2. There are many Dimensions in the World of Form.
Ours is only one. Maybe because my NDE opened me to the all-encompassing realm of Love Consciousness, I have felt comfortable with lesser non-physical realms. I have traveled in these multiple times by myself and in groups. Some overlay the physical dimensions of our lives.
I’ve had multiple experiences with Angels, UFOs, Healing Spirit Journeys, Meditation, Dreams, etc. These dimensions and beings play a role just like us. They are part of the Game of Life, making life much more interesting than it would be otherwise. I could tell you stories . . . and given time, I will if there is continuing interest. Can you imagine how adventuresome life could be without fear holding you back?
3. There are Universal Laws in Play!
This understanding came later, but some Laws govern the Universe and All There Is in it. The way to recognize a Universal Law is that it works reliably and flawlessly when understood and practiced.
It made sense to look into these and to learn to navigate by them. There are Universal Laws at work in the macrocosm of astrophysics, down to the microcosm of human behavior and life.
A couple of my favorites came from NDEr, Ray Johnston, who was shot by a drive-by shooter coming out of a play on Broadway. In his NDE he discovered the Universal Laws that “No one dies. No one gets hurt. We get to keep the benefits of our life just lived.” You may not experience the truth of this one just yet.
Another favorite I’ve mentioned before is called Makia by the ancient Hawaiians of the Mo’o Clan. “What you give your attention to comes to life.” Please don’t believe me, but try these Universal laws on for yourself and see how they shift your awareness and line you up with who you are.
4. Keep A Wide-Open Mind
To Love ourselves and others without judgment requires an open mind. Finding loving, balanced solutions to the stress upon us from so many directions also begs an open mind.
In the end of our journey here on Earth, the mind drops, but in the meantime, we can use our mind to dig into itself and resolve whatever is the way. I have a very open mind as do most near-deathers I know. It makes for easy living when not so attached to how things go or are.
5. We hold the capacity within to remember who we are, where we came from, and what we are doing here.
We’re misinformed somehow but make no mistake. There is a Power more significant than the issues that face us today; that is, the Power is Love.
How can Love save us? The answer is for us to discover and uncover in our Awakening. And as it comes, we can share our gleanings with all the other corpuscles in the body of the Divine.
We can trust we’re all supposed to be here now, or we wouldn’t be, and we are all playing a part. What’s your part? Do you know yet? If not, relax to let it come.
6. Suffering is Optional
In this dual world of complementary and contrary dualities, we are going to experience pain, but we don’t have to suffer, and finding the distinctions between the two is a worthwhile effort.
Suffering is sticky much like rubber cement. Suffering clings to us via unprocessed trauma, victim stories, and feeling sorry for ourselves by refusing to face Reality as it is.
The latter is not harsh. Suffering is harsh. Having the courage to relax enough to peer deeply into our suffering releases it and exposes our deepest treasure, power, and freedom, Love Consciousness. Who knew.
Pain hurts but is not sticky. Pain can be tragically deep at times, but the more we love ourselves enough to relax and accept its presence, the more it magically releases its teachings that guide us to our inner promised land.
7. Don’t take human life too seriously. Seriously!
A sense of humor is mandatory for a life with meaning, not to mention a general all-around lightness of being. There is a Buddhist story of three laughing monks who laughed their way from village to village, cheering everyone up with their continuous laughter. It came to pass that one of the monks died.
The villagers knew they would not be laughing now. They attended the burning of the body as was the custom. The vibe was solemn as fitting a funeral. Everyone was watching the two remaining laughing monks, but they weren’t laughing on this day. They were bent over the dead monk’s body, presumingly saying good-bye to their dear friend.
Finally, they stepped back. Suddenly, fireworks exploded out of the dead monk’s torso. Red, green, and blue balls of fire shot up into the sky. The two remaining monks shrieked with peals of laughter at their friend’s final wishes, and soon, all were following suit.
8. Bottom Line: I am a Divine Being, and You are a Divine Being.
We are all Divine Beings. Master Teachers all know this about themselves; if they are Really a Master Teacher, they know it is true of everyone around them. I love Nisargadatta because he only teaches a student for eight days and then kicks you out.
He would say it only takes eight days to “get it.” Now, that’s an empowering teacher in my mind! He wanted us to know how simple it is to be childlike without preconceived notions of ourselves of any kind. A child just IS. Pure. Open. Spontaneous. Present. Loving. Accepting. Real. All of that and none of that.
I hope you enjoyed the eight realizations my near-death experiences gave me. Truthfully, I realized while writing them that there are so many more realizations, insights, and revelations my NDE gave me. Perhaps this blog will become a series. More importantly, it lights me up to know you may have gotten something of value out of these, too. Please leave any comments or questions you have below.
Love, Light, and Life to your Beautiful Divine Self,