We can all agree that 2022 has kept us ever-mindful from beginning to end. Because we could use a little extra holiday cheer this year, this week’s blog is a Tarot reading for your holidays. I hope you get something of merit out of it, and it will bring a smile and joy to your heart.
We’ll use MotherPeace Cards created by Vicki Noble and Karen Vogel for this reading.
The Inquiry
Please, show me something I will personally treasure out of this shared Tarot reading.
Share your answer in the comments. No pressure!
The Significator – Two Cups
What a perfect beginning. It looks like we’re seeking a balance between opposites, which is always a good sign for how we will handle things as we advance. There are a lot of opposing forces right now in our world dream.
Where We Are Today – Four Discs
This image shows we feel it is beneficial to withdraw from the world dream to nurture and comfort our inner selves regularly, including today.
When we get quiet and seek the center of our being, we avoid the “stickies,” or things that can snag us on the periphery of life, on the news, in traffic, during the hustle and bustle of holidays, and dealing with people.
What to Integrate for the Best Possible Outcome – The Chariot
The Chariot and Charioteer is a powerful image because the figure’s will and heart’s desire line up with Universal Will. Wetiko or the shadows have been slayed, and the path to one’s heart’s desire is wide open as the Chariot moves ahead to the sweet spot of fulfillment. What is your Heart’s Desire? Don’t stress and strain; allow yourself to align with what you already know, and watch the rest drop away.
The Foundation and Unseen – Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune tells us that astrological aspects are afoot that can explain our feelings. The trick is to remain at the center of the great spinning wheel of storms that rage about us to avoid getting caught up in the melee. If we don’t, we will entertain more of the usual suspects, i.e., trauma, drama, fear, and anxiety. Put the breaks on, breathe in the present moment and return within for a peaceful heart.
I see this card as super favorable due to its connection with the Four Discs in our present moment. It looks like we are in good inner shape to weather extreme storms altogether. We’ve done the work.
Recent Past – Four Wands
The four wands show family and community gathering together and enjoying good times. This image is of mature but childlike human beings playing and being together in a spirit of mutual loving kindness and love. In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, this energy made its recent annual appearance in our lives to remind us of how important each other is in the mirror weaving of the tapestry of life. Even though the image is passing, gratitude is our permanent go-to for feeling better and redirecting our energy.
The Conscious Navigating Mind – Shaman of Swords
The Shaman of Swords is an image of mastery and confidence in expressing our authentic voice. The mind is clear, the heart is open, and the two synchronize into a beautiful message. False notions and perspectives collapse against the light of this card’s Truth and Wisdom. Don’t be shy. Speak your truth. We all need to listen to one another’s possible solutions for bringing ourselves full circle.
Near Future (This next week to a month from now.) – Three of Cups
Snakes bite the palm chakra centers of a figure in the card showing the healing power in the otherwise playful scene. This imagery of playing with music, taking a dip, or engaging in the fun of all sorts point to warm zones for us even as the days shorten in the U.S. Here in Ecuador, all days and nights are twelve hours due to our living on the Equator. Here, we can set time by the Sun’s light, day in and day out.
Our Perspective of Our Selves – The Sun
We continue to see, feel, give and get the theme of sun and fun in this reading.! We know it and shine our light into the dream of our human community of hearts. The Sun is the card of Divine Self-Love where the Light has burned away all that isn’t Real. And, we are the Divine Love left in the image to shine this Love, Light and Life throughout the Universe.
Hope or Fear – Nine of Cups
These are two different sides of the same coin. That which we hope will be and are afraid won’t be is the same. But here, there is no fear. Not in this reading this time for you and me. No. This reading somehow consolidates all our work on and in ourselves and shows us how far we’ve come and how much power we’ve gained to set humanity on a course worth traveling, starting with us right here, right now. Can you feel the energy of these particular cards in this specific order encouraging, supporting, and loving you and your best interests as you know them to be?
Guidance from Those Who Love Us – The World
The World card points to this time as if we’ve undertaken a plant medicine ceremony to transform our worldview. We have come to understand that we are multidimensional expressions of Love Consciousness. We’re surrounded in the fullness of a cycle predicted eons ago by many peoples, and it promises that this is the dance of life as we ever reach for the stars and new beginnings based on all we’ve learned this go round, individually and together.
Outcome – The Fool
And here we have a new start for our efforts. The World card above is the Fool coming full circle with all its traveling companions, lessons, blessings, and shadows. I love the Fool, and so happy to see it show up as our outcome.
The promise of rebirth is perfect for bringing what we need into our lives. All we need do, Maharaj Nisargadatta said, is practice being Childlike. The Fool is nothing if not childlike! It is that part of ourselves that greets the world fresh, innocent, full of curiosity and inspiration to strike out to 2023.
Wrapping It Up
This reading reminds us of what helps us maintain our sanity and clear direction and lays out a simple focus for nothing short of a personal and, ultimately, global transformation.
I hope you enjoyed a reading for the holidays. Let us know in the comments. Please share it with those who will be uplifted or helped in their healing journey.
Love, Light, and MotherPeace,
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