Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me
In appreciation for all the comments received for last week’s blog, this week’s blog was a no-brainer. It’s to write Eight More Realizations my Near-Death Experiences Gave Me.
When I died of pneumonia at five years of age, just before Christmas, it was a life-changing event. Allowed to stay home for the holiday instead of staying in the hospital, I stopped breathing in the middle of the night and had the experience that would remain with me for a lifetime.
When I ran into my parent’s room in the morning and told them I had “died and went to heaven,” my Dad told me that was impossible, that I had a dream. I had no reason not to believe him.
My Dad’s misunderstanding about what happened didn’t stop the after-effects of the NDE from unfolding. However, I would be fifty-eight years old when I came out of the denial and discovered the one defining event of my life was not a nighttime dream but a true Near Death Experience.
Since then, I have been in an “integration period,” The pieces, thankfully, have finally dropped into place after decades of confusion and vision questing, seeking the answers that have finally come.
Last night, Larry said. “When we’re born, we’re given a good twist or two like a Rubik’s cube gets to jumble and confuse the hell out of us, and then we spend the rest of our lives trying to line ourselves up again.”
1. We Are Not Broken
If we can embrace the idea that the Universe is not broken, we are open to trusting that we can see the perfection and balance in all things. All we do is look for it. Hard to believe, but change is upon us, and the perspective I am sharing can attract the Light of a solution in any tight squeeze.
Difficult things happen, but they are perfect in their purpose, which we can sometimes see and sometimes not see for a while, and still, other times, not at all. My harshest experiences have all, without exception, blessed me with a greater capacity for Love and compassion – for all. It doesn’t mean I don’t have shadows to deal with or boundaries, but at some level, knowing everything is for Real, all right, intact and whole, not broken, makes life easier.
Even when life doesn’t make sense, everything that unfolds, large and small, is always perfect.
2. Most Things in Life Mean Nothing.
I laid on my bed listening to music when I was a young teen and rising above the music, I could hear my mother’s voice. She was anxious about the details of a party she was giving.
I heard the words from my Inner Voice, which always seemed correct, “Tell her this party means absolutely nothing in the big picture, and she needs to relax.”
Immediately, a contrary thought rose. “No way. There is no way I can say that to my mother. She will not understand, and I will get punished.” So I didn’t, but it was what it was.
Sorry, Mom. I imagine you “get me” now.
Almost everyone who has had an NDE knows that the Love we give is the only thing that matters about being here. Everything else is a necessary distraction and not to be judged.
3. Seeing the Divinity in Other People
From the time I can remember, I was always aware of the Divinity, or Love Core in others. It is automatic for me to tap into their unique Presence and Gifts. Seeing the Divinity within others has been a mixed blessing, and I’ll tell you why.
When you are aware of a person’s Divinity, you connect with their Core Essence. Everyone has or is Love Consciousness, but I discovered that just because I was aware didn’t mean they were.
I imagine you may have run into similar situations. You can see the Love, light, and gifts in people who cannot see their true value.
As a human, boundaries are crucial for a sane and healthy life. Not all personalities vibe together, however Divine they are. We can love people from afar and send them our Light.
In our quest to “master Love,” sometimes doing the loving thing doesn’t feel so good. Sometimes Love is tough Love or simply Loving Detachment
4. We ALL have a deep desire to Return to Divinity.
We all have, at the base of who we are, Love Consciousness. American naturalist Henry David Thoreau once said, “There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” The root is what separates us from our True Self. Most look “out there” at the branches of troubles, while the wise one turns within to resolve imbalances and shadows.
The “branches” matter so much less than fanning our desire to return to Our True Self because this drive is our greatest desire. This desire for the Love we are gives us everything we need to face what is in our path.
It is a great time to be alive because we humans are smack dab in the middle of returning to our Divine Self Realization. We can face everything that is in the way, whether mental, emotional, physical, or even life-threatening, although let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Still, there is no death, no matter what — we all are and will be okay. Really. Integrating this one Truth removes a LOT of fear from living life to the fullest.
5. We Can’t Mess It Up
No matter what we do, we can’t mess it up. What if whatever we do here on Earth is forgiven? Knowing all actions have consequences, you wouldn’t just do anything. Even though we don’t know what the consequences will always be, we use jurisprudence when we can just the same.
And with all that out the way, isn’t it great to feel the freedom that we can’t mess it up no matter what? Truth dissipates fear and anxiety that we are somehow not enough.
I love that at the end of our lives, from my experience and listening to hundreds of other NDErs, we seem to be treated like a human version of a rescue dog going to the best dog-loving home ever. We are not immediately taken to task for our human behaviors, thoughts, feelings, shortcomings, etc. It is understood that we were steering blind when in these body-minds.
6. We Are the Only Ones Who Judge Ourselves.
This topic is so important, and I am glad to remember it for this blog. It may sound “out there,” but bear with me and try it on. We are all One. There is no Other. Everything we see, hear, etc., is a mirror of our own inner nature. If you want to stop judging others, learn what it takes to stop judging yourself; judging others will naturally cease. We need to love ourselves genuinely and daily. When we love ourselves, we cannot help but express Love into the game of life and attract the same in every mirror we see “out there.”
7. There Is No Free Will. There Is No Not Free Will.
As crazy as it sounds, let me explain why this is a good thing to to consider.
I have several friends who have received their palm-leaf readings from India. Ancient astrologers wrote these individuals’ palm leaves three to five thousand years ago.
From their fingerprints alone to go on, the caretakers of this work located my friends’ palm leaf readings and read them via translators online. The palm reading included their birthdate, immediate family members’ names, relationships, significant past and future dates, health, death, and the cause of death. 100% accurate. What!? It’s a good case for no free will when your entire life was written and detailed on a palm leaf three to five thousand years ago!
But it seems like there is Free will at other times. We seem able to create many of our circumstances, but never all of them just how we want them. Certainly, we can choose our perspective about what shows up.
No Free Will can help us to relax and go with the flow of our lives. Free Will can help us participate in our direction, at the least, and our responses to things. Pondering both enriches our understanding of the Essence of life.
8. EVERYTHING is Made of Love
Once I discovered that living in harmony with the imprint of my NDE experience was and is an optimum way of being, my role here began to blossom. Before I discovered the truth of my childhood NDE experience, I was not very confident. I didn’t know HOW I understood what I do, and that something was missing.
I have always known that everything is made out of Love, and that Love is the solution that will bring balance to the world of humanity. (More coming in future blogs.)
This concludes eight more realizations my Near-Death Experiences gave me. I hope you found some value for yourself in these and can put one or more to use in your own realized heart. Thanks so much for your comments, and you know where to leave any new ones.
Love, Light, and Humor,