An Extraterrestrial Connection
Do you believe humans have an extraterrestrial connection? I’m not considered “into UFOs,” but I have had more than a few UFO experiences, all of them with other witnesses. I haven’t yet written about our space brothers and sisters, and I am not personally aware of any specific beings, but I do know for sure they exist.
“Scientific Proof” to the Contrary
When I was sixteen, a lifelong friend of my parents came to town for a visit. He was a research scientist by profession, and the conversation turned to UFOs.
I was full of myself in my sixteen-year-old wisdom and announced with confidence. “You cannot, at your level of intelligence, say that there is no other life in all of the universe. That does not make even the remotest sense that we are alone here.”
He leapt from his chair, loomed over mine and declared he had been on in a research study, which proved there was no other life in the universe.
I said I was sorry, but I didn’t believe there wasn’t extraterrestrial life. Howard got louder with my dad interrupting and saving the day with a paraphrase from Shakespeare. “Howard. Me thinks thou doth protest too much!”
The conversation calmed down and so did Howard, but I’ve never forgotten it. I’ll still don’t know why he got so angry or why a teenager’s thoughts even triggered him on the subject. We don’t have to have proof to recognize something to be True. When we tune into our true Nature, we understand things ahead of scientific confirmation.
Nashville Bound
Five years later, a ex and I decided on a long weekend trip to Nashville, Tennessee. It was September, and the air was crisp and cool in the Blue Ridge mountains bordering Virginia and Tennessee. It was a New Moon and an inky darkness surrounded our car except when the car’s headlights revealed another rising peak in front of us.
Suddenly, I looked up and saw a craft! It was gigantic and as big as the mountain peak in front of us where it hovered. The craft was round with revolving lights in green, red and white around it’s edge. It was getting closer, and then it moved over the mountain peak directly in front of us, lit up and spinning in slow motion as it lowered as if to land.
My ex, who was driving had pulled over and stopped on the side of the road. It was as if we were in a trance. I turned slowly and looked at him.
He said, “Did you just see what I just saw.”
I said, “Yes.”
Missing Time
It was strange that I don’t remember either of us speaking of the UFO much again if ever. I do remember years later finally snapping out of the trance and realizing that THIS might have been why it took more than sixteen hours to GET to Nashville but only ten to get home. It was generally about a ten-hour trip.
There was all that missing time, but until those decades later, I never associated the five or six extra hours it took to drive to Nashville with the UFO experience, but now, I know it may have had everything to do with it.
There is so much more
Since that happened, I’ve seen more UFOS, all with other witnesses. Larry, my mother, my daughter, and my daughter’s stepmother all had riveting experiences with UFOs and/or with the inhabitants. These stories are for another day, but suffice it to say something is going on out there.
It’s easy to assume that those who are evolved enough to visit and possibly interact with us have some skill beyond ours. Otherwise, the travelers would not be able to enter our world.
Because any space brothers and sisters are like us humans in that they are also subject to the Duality Game of Dreams. Their intent may be loving, helpful, supportive, and full of offerings, tools, insights on inter-species cooperation, navigation, Love Consciousness, etc. In contrast, there might be those who appear hostile with evil intentions. Love is at the root of the solution for the latter.
Do you have an Extraterrestrial connection? I’ve shared a couple of my stories and the accompanying mystery that remains a part of it – six hours of missing time. I hear talk from people who are more into the subject than me, that our space brothers and sisters are well aware of what is going on Earth and what we are all facing. I hear, too, that the space siblings who count are rooting for us to be aware and wake up to who we Really are. They apparently have every confidence in us. I would like to believe that. We need all the help and support we can get.
Do you have similar experiences and thoughts? A message? Please leave them in the comments.
Love and Happy Halloween!