In the Depths of Pluto’s Return to the U. S. Horoscope – What Does It Have to Do With You?
I am not kidding to say Pluto’s Return to the United States Horoscope marks the most critical period in history when it comes to the evolution of humanity. This aspect shows us how connected we ultimately are with everything and everyone, for it affects not just the United States but everyone on the planet.
The Return also connects our past, present, and future via more than a few ancient prophecies that bring a similar message of human transformation. Here are a few worthwhile predictions you can check out.
Indigenous Visions, Prophecies, and Petroglyphs
Edgar Cayce
Book of Revelations
Apache Stalking Wolf via Tom Brown
In this blog, we will focus on the heart of the U.S. Pluto Return, but let’s get the astrological “logistics” out of the way first.
The United State’s July 4, 1776 birthdate had Pluto in its chart at 27° Capricorn 33′. When Pluto returned to this precise position this past February 21-23, 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine, a momentous first-hit event.
Pluto will waver back and forth around the Return degree, with another exact-to-the-minute retrograde impact on July 11-12, 2022, and a final precise hit on December 28-29, 2022. I am sad to say, but because the war started on the first hit, we may see an escalation when we are in the deepest parts of retrograde motion. We’ll see, but don’t worry. All will work out in the end.
Finally, on September 21 – October 31, 2023, Pluto retrogrades, stations, and moves direct in the same degree (27th) for six straight weeks before moving on for good. While it doesn’t quite get back to our little U.S. birth chart minute again, it’s so close that it is safe to assume we have another year and a half to let go of what goes.
At that point, I envision we will be like baby phoenixes, born out of the ashes of our past and ready for a new day. We can do this. We are up for it, and we came here for it.
Pluto, among other things, mirrors the intensely polarized stark dualities currently at play in our human realm, the good, the bad, and the ugly. As we move together into the depths of Pluto’s Return this year, we’re already aware of the veritable pit of hell realms it includes, such as mass corruption, destruction, catastrophes, war, evil, and death at one end of the spectrum. At the other end lies nothing short than the total transformation of humanity.
Our task is straightforward, to step up to the fact that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for because no one is coming to save us this time from the mess we’ve made. Instead, we can become Master Alchemists and deconstruct, distill, and dissolve Pluto’s so-called hell realms inside ourselves, our families, and our communities. If there are enough of us, the world-dream will follow our lead.
As we clear out “life-taking” influences and become more of who we are, we shine more like a diamond to light up the world-dream and move into Love, Light, and Life to guide our future into a healthy and balanced way of being.
Great, you may say, but where do I start? Here are some ideas to support your high road during Pluto’s Return.
- Relax! This one is pretty much always the first guideline for anything important. “No matter what we see, hear, or feel, you can take less than a minute to drop our shoulders, take a breath and relax our body. Sooner or later, our relaxed perspective will become automatic with practice.
- Suspend your beliefs altogether. There is a place inside us beyond thought, feeling and belief called intuition. Intuition communicates the connection to our authentic Self or Love Consciousness. If we’re unsure whether a thought, feeling, or belief that gets our attention is real or not, we can ask this connection to show us what we need (so that we can see it!), and it will occur. Remain open. Our answer will come, and our link to our authentic self will strengthen.
- Refrain from Polarization. We can find balance in most things rather than taking sides if we look for common ground. We can’t easily connect with people or truth if we are polarized or stuck to an egoic narrative and refuse to never listen to whatever we don’t like. How can we insist we know the truth of what’s happening around us when most don’t even know who we are yet? We can afford to be humble, which I define as flexible.
- Make a clear intention to Practice the Power of Love while being aware of those who still practice its opposite, the Love of Power. Pluto transits demand we choose one path or the other. To practice the Power of Love, we must learn more about what this means when it comes to nuts and bolts and how to implement Love into our decisions, creations, connections, etc. Any ideas? I have a few.
- Hold tight to letting go. This life is a dream, a game, a play, and we are playing these roles. Remain steadfast in understanding that nothing of any real value can ever be lost. There isn’t even any death, except for the physical end of the human role played. It’s all going to be okay. When we can see our true authentic selves, we’re no longer inclined to hold on so tight.
“Beneath the darkest veils lie the greatest treasure.” Lono Ho’ala www.hunawisdom.com
So, what do we get if we practice the above? We get Pluto’s treasures! That’s what. Pluto rules turning points, purification, regeneration, and transmutation into our crowning glory as human beings, the Great Awakening to the Love Consciousness we Really are.
Pluto in Capricorn has had us witnessing the fall of all that no longer serves us since 2008 (and even before). With Pluto moving into Aquarius, a new humanity will rise, one where we will be free to be Who We Really Are.
Any thoughts or tips on how to move through this time with grace? I love your comments. Thanks so much!
Love, Peace, and Transformation,